So, modded or unmodded for first play through? This no equip burden type of mod seems handy

so, modded or unmodded for first play through? This no equip burden type of mod seems handy

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Might as well install a no damage mod while you're at it you fucking pussy

Being weighed down sometimes helps.

>using any gameplay mods on first playthrough
Not even once. Graphics mods are usually okay though as long as it's just a slight enhancement.

Don't Blind Me is an absolute necessity for me.

Use dinput mod instead of the mod you're talking about. You can tweak it to do the same thing and more.

Infinite sprinting stamina and no burder are essentials in my opinion, it's not really fun having to backtrack and wait for stamina it's just tedious.

There are some visual mods too I can list if you want.

There is another one that's better but does the same thing I think.

Yeah, this one
The Don't Blind me one removes effects which isn't cool in my opinion. This one just makes them HD.

You can also just turn HDR off if you don't want the effects, you need HDR on for ENB though.


I'll give that one a try.

>no equip burden
What are you talking about, DD didn't have equip burden.

>using gameplay mod for first play
Way to go retard. Enough with appearance and outfits mods

This. Without a carry limit, you can just carry infinite curatives and be invincible.

I think inventory weight burden. Items that are equipped still count as inventory weight, so equip burden literally exist

Not him but I have that mod but I rarely ever use potions. You die in one hit on hard mode until you level up, then you never die at all. It just makes the "pick everything up" OCD chill out since you aren't fucked over by it.

Real problem is how heavy potions were. Its goddamn vidya, no need to apply 0.5kg (easy reference ) per potion

The real problem is limiting how much crap you can carry. Equip burden like in Souls games makes sense, punishing you for picking up random crap you won't even bother selling is stupid game mechanics and only a few games do it. And this is why modding exists.

eh, the item limit never mattered too much, since you could carry the things you needed, pick up things you wanted, and get back to an inn to store your shit without any trouble
I mean, if someone is honestly that bothered by the carry weight, they could just make a tall, thick arisen and pawn to make sure they can carry everything

Completionists like to pick up everything.

I made it a point to gather one of every weapon and armor set
never did I think the carry limit prevented this
besides, with augments and hired pawns, you can get damn near all the shit you want before needing to drop it off in storage

>never did I think the carry limit prevented this
because you wasted time stuffing everything into the bank instead of just carrying it. which is fucking annoying.

>choice between carrying five armor sets on hand, or putting it in storage so you aren't weighed down by something you're not even using
Yea, of fucking course I'm gonna put it in storage
What even is your argument here?


The argument is that mods remove the annoyances. Do you have the attention span of a goldfish?

Jesus Christ, I'd love to see you crybaby faggots try a game like Ultima.

way too many shreks desu

There is no annoyance with the system. You're just lazy and feel like carrying everything, even if you're not using it. There's no reason to do that.

Why would I play a shitty game?

Yes, there is. That's why those mods were made(even for the console versions) and thousands of people download them.

The only difference between you and I in this case is that you wasted time according to The Developer Wishes putting aside their wishes are retarded. Most RPGs don't have the limit because they realize it's a fucking dumb mechanic.

If anything the game needs mods to make it harder. The main game offers no challenge. The alternate exp table mod is necessary if you don't want the main game to be baby-tier easy. It still won't be difficult by any means but it helps.

Other then adding into free back in, run vanilla

>Yes, there is.
No, there's not. There's only softcock faggots who can't handle it when a game places a limitation of some kind on them. Who the fuck is going to carry SO MUCH stuff on them at all times that the burden limit would even be an issue?
The only instance I can think of is extended Death farming sessions where the entire party will be carrying shitloads of Blast Arrows.

>Le remove item weight from the game meme.

Better idea: Get your fucking hoarder problem in check and accept the fact that you need to make some choices what to keep and throw away in life.

This "it's not fun or convinent therefore it shouldn't be in the game" logic is the biggest reason modern game design is fucking awful.

>wasted time
>shitting on Ultima
Yea ok, I guess this has just been you baiting hard, then. Nice job.

The only man in this thread who understand.

Do you think anyone wants to take you seriously after that reddit-tier abomination you started off with?

First, that would be broken as fuck. Then you'd realize it takes you hours to find anything you want in your inventory, and you'll use your storage anyways.

>Crying this much about carry weight
I played through this game 3 different times and I've never had an issue with weight other than the one quest where you need to carry a bunch of heavy tablets out of the Watergod's Altar.

Just unload all the shit you pick up onto your pawns and bank it next time you're in town.

I don't understand these people who want to have 17 different weapons and armor sets in their pouch at all times. They're not gonna be using them all, so what's the fucking pointt? Just put that shit in storage and take it out when you actually plan on doing shit with it.

>inventory management is a skill
get a load of this autist

It's okay to be wrong.

Better idea. Install a mod like a normal person.

>It's okay to be wrong.
And that's why I'm okay with you.

>Ever considering the use of the "NO GAME-BREAKING" mod

What a fucking faggot

>Just unload all the shit you pick up onto your pawns and bank it next time you're in town.
Or install the mod and just play the game never worrying about loot at all.

Part of DD's challenge is inventory management and preparation. If you just wanna climb up on monsters and beat them up, go play Shadow of the Colossus.

No, fuck you.
You're the kind of a guy who ruins STALKER games for people who come into threads asking about them. They go in unmodded because "m-muh vanilla, have to play it unmodded to appreciate m-m-muh vanilla game"

Then they play the game that could be a 9 or 10 out of 10, but it's a 7/10 because they play the suboptimal version, and when they'll play it with the mods afterwards, it's never gonna be a 10/10 because the magic of playing a game for the first time is gone

>tfw level 15, strider
Did I fuck up? I want a good assassin and didn't know how it worked.

>shitty game
Try several amazing games (with a few bad apples). Ultima is one of the greatest RPG franchises in the industry and you discounting them out of hand means that you're either retarded or baiting. Regardless, you've completely invalidated your opinion.

Even if it's maintenance to go back and forth to put all your loot in your chest, optimal maintenance is a skill, yes.

strider is the best class

Limited carrying capacity is the only thing that balances things like healing while the game is paused, blast arrows, and periapts. If you have infinite carry weight you can carry enough periapts and blast arrows to trivialize anything that isn't physical immune without having to consider saving it for something harder you might encounter before your next trip back to town.

Best mod. Best song.

Yeah maybe I'll just install infinite health and one-hit kills while I'm at it. You know, so I don't have to worry about it.

No user, you don't understand. I NEED to carry all these armor sets for warrior, despite being a sorcerer. If I don't carry all this useless shit, then that means I'd have to warp back to an inn and very easily get them from storage once I switch my vocation while at that same inn.

>7/10 experience
Yeah, literally ruined. Just like you said.

Are you trying to gain some sperg cred here?
It's a chore, nothing more.

Killing enemies is a chore.

Is part of some genres, like dungeon crawlers. In DD is just a chore tho.

Nah it doesn't matter, game is easy enough that your stats barely matter. Especially when you've only lost 15 levels worth of min/maxing opportunity

What are you even fucking carrying that you need infinite inventory space?
I played a loli and was almost always at light or very light.

Are you that much of a cocksucking casual that you need to carry 400 wakestones?

>It's a chore, nothing more.

Having to die is a chore.
Having to pay for stuff is a chore.

But that's doesn't mean it shouldn't be in the game. A game without consequence is plastic and pointless.

>I want a good assassin
Play all classes (except basic mage it sucks), it's way more fun that way and those stats won't make much of a difference. Plus you get access to all perks naturally without having to grind for class points.

I thought you could air dash in this game. I believe I saw it in some old videos around the time it originally got released. However, I've been playing as a Strider and Assassin and never found any of that.

>buy the game on the day of its Steam release
>playing with bros and participating with daily threads
>made a perfect sex goddess MC and a kinda-loli-but-still-legal secondary waifu
>first nude mods come out some short time after

It was so fucking good bros, CAPCOM should hurry up and make the sequel already.

>babbys first attempt at false analogy
kys asap senpai

Has anyone here tried doing Vageta's Bitterblack challenge? Its pretty fun.

the only mod you need is to fix the audio or just use subs

>kys asap senpai

I'll kill myself when you provide a good argument.

There's a Mystic Knight skill you can use in the air that's kind of like an air dash.

There's also a skill for Magick Archer that can be used as a triple jump.

It's a mystic knight attack. Not that useful for movement, but it does look cool.

>It was so fucking good bros, CAPCOM should hurry up and make the sequel already.

And have DD2 cannibalize the money DDO is making? Never gonna happen.

>day1 of release on pc
>make a loli pawn that's a literal slut
>surprised to see my pawn posted in a thread once
>she makes me so much cash and gets so much experience and shit from others
>keep tossing her off cliffs later on so I can adventure with my harem of little boys instead

All is well

Is there any good lewd mods though?

>punishing you for picking up random crap you won't even bother selling

then don't pickup random crap?

How much is DDO even making? I mean, the west still doesn't even have the game, right?

there's a few nude mods, but those are just textures

DDO makes no money, it's a dead mmo

>How much is DDO even making?

Enough for regular updates and localization considerations it seems.

Seems is pretty bad, so probably they won't even release it in the west.

I hope because DD would be the literal perfect co-op game. Damn I have a boner just thinking about it.

DDO isn't a very cooperative game though, it's mostly just grinding the same boss 200 times until you can craft one piece of gear.

Strider is amazing. Amazing versatility, Helm/Brainsplitter is one of the highest dps skills in the game, and Implicate turns some of the hardest BBI enemies into total jokes. Not to mention theyre amazing at climbing

>false analogy

From my understanding, it's not what we would want from a co-op DD. It is an MMO after all. Arbitrary wait times, grinding, etc.

Killing enemies is not comparble to inventory management.
You either progress by killing or lose progress by dying.
With inventory management at most what you do is resource conversion. You take your valuable time you could spend on progression and waste it by doing chores and at most turning trash into currency.
nigga you dum

>DDO makes no money, it's a dead mmo
I'm sure it has some good whales still. It's F2P afterall.

>it's mostly just grinding the same boss 200 times until you can craft one piece of gear.

So basically DD without the shitty parts? Sign me up famalam

He's not talking about Strider gameplay though, he's talking about stat growth.

He needs to go Fighter until level 10, then he needs to spend around 30 levels as a Warrior and the rest as an Assassin or vice versa.

Grinding a boss in an arena that only has 2 moves and takes 40 minutes to kill isn't fun for me.

He's not wrong. You're playing a roleplaying game. If you just want to kill enemies all day without watching your resources (Such as stamina), then RPG's aren't for you. Assessing whenever your scrawny mage pawn can even hold a 60kg staff or not is part of it. Removing this is essentially cheating and not a quality of life improvement, because your equip burden not just affects the amounts of items you can hold, but also what you can wear, if you can carry objects or people or when being pushed by the wind or enemies. If you want to collect a lot of items and hold them in your pouch (for whatever reason and making the Godsbane hard as fuck to reach) then you need to play a Warrior. Or if Warrior is not up to your playstyle, you play a Hybrid Vocation that lets you carry a bit more. It's about making that kind of decisions. I however don't care how you or someone else plays their game, it's just that your opinion that it's mandatory is fucking retarded and this isn't a genre for you in the first place.

Dumbass 16 year old fag detected.

You're probably also a disgusting mestizo.

Kill yourself.

if anything, DDO is worse than the original
I just want a proper sequel that improves on the first game's flaws

Just about everything in DD was shitty except for when you were dungeon crawling or fighting a giant boss. DDO is entirely comprised of those two things so it is already better than DDDA by a country mile.

You are not a smart man.
Progression and resource gain\loss caused by it is not the fucking point.
The point is that chores like resource conversion (selling loot, crafting, etc) shouldn't be an unnecessary time sink.

So now you're adding selling loot and crafting items, along with carry weight, to the list of things you don't want.

I don't think RPGs are for you. Take up spectacle fighters instead.

Is she for real or is a troll edit like ben garrison?

Not an argument.

Troll edit

Nah, DD's combat screams co-op. Like that skill where you can throw an ally into the air, or use the ice blocks as platforms. Its too advanced for the pawns to make good use of, I think. With 3 other human players the game would be absolutely 10/10.

with co-op. it would also be far easier
to respond to this, the devs would need to beef up enemy health and damage, which would lessen the overall experience
this is why DDO isn't that good, the enemies are damage sponges

>Get a team of 4 archers in DDO
>We all spam the upwards bomb shot
>After enemy is stuck with 20 or so of them, we then go round robin about who gets to rider kick the monster to set them all off

That and in Grand Missions where you'll have 10+ people all climbing on a gryphon or the like and making noises constantly is pretty entertaining.

Only mod you're meant to use is Intro Theme mod.