Achievement Unlocked: Finish the Tutorial

>Achievement Unlocked: Finish the Tutorial

>moody horror game
>huge "Get chased by the monster!" achievement pop-up

>Global Completion Rate: 43%


Can we make this a Yotsuba thread?

>Get an achievement for every main mission that you complete

In this day and age, I say that IS an achievement.

Nothing wrong with this, it's nice to see how many scrubs gave up on each mission.

>Achievement unlocked: Never use a mechanic that the game is based around

>beat the game on hardest difficulty
> no achievement
this has to stop

The near totality of games have at least 15% of players who haven't completed the tutorial or the first level.

this one is legitimately good though

>beat game on hardest difficulty
>don't get the achievement for the lower difficulties automatically

>game encourages you to not kill anyone
>kill 400 enemies achievement

I'm guilty of this. I buy games that are on sale because they're cheap and i've heard they're good, so i might want to play them someday. But the day never comes.

>achievement unlocked: The Part Where He Kills You

>Achievement name contains story spoilers

>tfw offline gamer

the government will never know my gaming habits

A lot of it is done so the developers can gauge interest and where interest falls

>achievement unlocked: unlock your first achievement

This never happened.

>achievement unlocked: call out other achievements on their bullshit

>Horror game
>Long hallway
>Achievement Unlocked: Survive your first jumpscare
>player stands still in fear
>It never happens

>Achievement Unlocked: Die for the first time

>unlock Platinum Trophy
>53% completion rate
really makes u think

it does
>well some anyway

>beat game on hardest difficulty
>achievement: finish the game on any difficulty