Any good vidya where you can have children?
Any good vidya where you can have children?
what do you call a baby camel anyway
Who's the father?
violated heroine
the sims
Got an 11-month old. It's very hard but very rewarding, with an unmatched feeling of satisfaction.
It's the Dark Souls of adult life.
either her 70 year old boyfriend she keeps secret from the press or some guy she had an affair with because 70 year old boyfriend cannot get it up any more.
oh no
The courier
Vitamin Quest.
There's a pantheon of betamale nerd who felicia will delegate fatherly roles to. Possibly rotating jobs on a weekly schedule.
Is there a more annoying cunt on the planet?
Wil Wheaton
>implying you wouldn't have sex with her given the chance
Thats a good question. Not foal or calf.
I honestly wouldn't.
>someone actually fucked her enough for her to get pregnant
The thirst is real.
>swn be your mommy
>implying Sup Forums wouldnt have sex with literally anyone given the chance
I've been playing Drop Factory. It's by the same artist that did Vitamin Quest. You play as a girl with cow tits who dresses up like a cow and has to run a farm or whore herself to pay off a debt.
I never said I wouldn't. I'm basically married to a chubbier Felicia Day.
>implying Sup Forums wouldn't have sex with literally anything given the chance
Now if only there were a board where you get banned for posting twitter shit instantly.
Fire emblem
I totally would. It'd be pretty cool to be able to say "I had sex with a camel" without actually having sex with the animal.
>not wanting to fuck felicia day raw
Hello neo-Sup Forums
>Sup Forums giving it up to a 5/10
W-we're better than that
she's not really cute or funny so nah
>user I only have one egg left in my ovaries, I'll let you have this if you put a baby in me, pleeeease
Destroy the seed. Sacrifice it for the greater good.
Dragon Quest 5
high rez version
I genuinely would not.
You can have my "Fuck Felicia Day" pass, user.
Fuck Felicia Day.
No, not really. I mean it, she has really nothing worth even getting erect over.
Fuck that, maybe if it was PS4, fat chance Felicia.
Who is the father?
Your loss homos