You're on the right side, Sup Forums.
You're on the right side, Sup Forums
>team /qa/ has the best girl
>the best moot
>better boards
>right side boards
I agree Sup Forums is shit but it can't get as bad as Sup Forums
What's the point of this thread?
>You're on the right side, Sup Forums.
>Sup Forums is on the left side
what kind of fucked up picture is this.
this is sad
Moot is a literal cuck and all the other boards are just as full of contrarian shitposting as Sup Forums, just with MUCH less bantz.
Why has Sup Forums been shitposting here more than usual?
Did you forget one of those boards /k/omrade?
Because this is our site now
They just memed someone into the white house.
They're growing bolder.
This site belongs to [s4s] though
/k/ hates Sup Forums you fucking moron.
>claim something as theirs
>run it into the ground with shitposting
We Detroit now.
/k/ Literally has a sticky telling Sup Forums posting of any kind to fuck off, as it should. Sup Forums belongs on Sup Forums, nowhere else.
anime is fucking gay, and if they support something than logic dictates that thing is fucking trash as well
we're on the wrong side
Wrong. Only the lefty /k/ users do, who are in the minority
fuck reddit, fuck facebook, fuck American politics, fuck Sup Forums
I don't know but it's always unfunny and boring
I wish they were at least clever
What the fuck is a moot?
>best girl
In what? being boring as fuck?
>Sup Forums not in the middle
Why'd you give Team /qa/ the best girl Rei?
I don't really belong in either.
hiro = moot
Rei > Asuka
Trump > Bernie
Marvel > DC
I also like none of the boards listed on the right, and only those on the right, except maybe Sup Forums.
based team Sup Forums
Faggots in this thread abandoning moot, I tell ya what
Isn't there a third option?
With, i don't know, hotwhells, /tg/, /k/, /out/, idw and jeb?
no shit
Best memes come from Sup Forums and no one realizes it, still, in 2017
falseflagging as them seems to be funny to a lot of faggot OPs
I don't want to be on any side they both consist of garbage
Sup Forums is NOT on our side, don't be fooled.
They are nothing but a band of literal teenagers and degenerate faggots. They have nothing but nasty, predictable liberal nonsense to spew and they shit on us every chance they get.
Yeah, it's called Tumblr and IGN
>Sup Forums
>Those boards
I want to be on the right side though.
>implying she's not the smartest on the show
Good. I don't want to be on your side, redditfrog
To get people mad that Asuka and >literally who are on different sides
>/k/ Literally has a sticky telling Sup Forums posting of any kind to fuck off, as it should. Sup Forums belongs on Sup Forums, nowhere else.
because lots of /k/ browse Sup Forums and they can't contain the politics threads