Should i buy a GTX 1060 3GB or a RX480 for playing at 1280x1024, the CPU is i5 4460?

Should i buy a GTX 1060 3GB or a RX480 for playing at 1280x1024, the CPU is i5 4460?

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1070 for maximum fpa

Too expensive


why is first post always retarded?

PS4 Pro :^)

what the fuck

NEVER get the 1060 3GB
they castrated the chip heavily


RX 470

How so?

Im poor

Already got a R9 270X

470 or 480, don't fall for the Nvidia meme.

Personally I'd say some used 4GB card like the 380x is your best option. Probably ~130USD, less power but enough for your res. If you really like super resolution (not sure super res is even supported for your native res) or antialiasing then you can go with 470/480/1060.

3GB 1060 is definitely less powerful that the 480, so if they're the same price then 480.

Seems like you may not know this, but the 3GB version is about 10% less powerful (cut down chip) as compared to the 6GB version, in addition to having less VRAM.

If you're buying AMD make sure to get an aftermarket card if you care at all about OC.

But the benchmarks show 1060 3G is faster than 480


not op but what about 3GB 1060 that is OC?

I stoped following hardware scene for couple of years so please explain to me what's with all this 3-4 gb graphic cards and games look like shit. Mafia 1 and Max Payne 2 have better textures than some modern games

Factory OC doesn't make that much of a difference for either manufacturer. What really matters is that you get a binned chip (which they use in an OC'd card) and a better cooler so that you can OC it yourself.

The 470 has OC headroom, as do both versions of the 1060. 480 has some headroom, and the OC scales better with performance gain than GTX cards, but generally GTX cards have a higher percentage OC as compared to the 480

Depends on what you mean buy "better" but that is not the case. If you mean just a clean texture like in Aragami, then yeah, it's called an indie title. But AAA have much more detailed textures unless you're looking at some shitty game like Fallout 4

>1060 3GB
no, get a 6gb or don't bother

480 if youre getting the 3gb 1060
3gb vram aint shit now

Buy an actual fucking monitor and a 1070 you idiot

should i buy a vr headset so that i could start shitposting on Sup Forums in the comfort of my bed? i have a wireless keyboard for my pc but i hate lying down on my side.

Depends on what you really want to play to be honest. GTX 1060 is a really good card and for other than mirror's edge catalyst you don't need anything more than 3 GB version (talking about going above ultra graphic settings called hyper or alike - 1080p both). At 1280x1024? I'm really interested what monitor are you using, GTX 1060 can go ultra 1080p in almost all games to this date so your resolution, weird as it is, is more than fine with this card and for another ~3 years or more. AMD kinda sucks with drivers but that's not really a major problem and thanks to vulcan it can exceed 1060 but only in DooM 4 as for now (also vulcan is open source so I assume nvidia will follow sooner or later thus might get better in time).

Also remember that GTX 1060 3gb and 6 gb for now have 10% power difference but it's laughable since it comes down to 5fps max and only in some cases and the price difference is not worth it (at least for now since most games don't eat so much ram - catalyst excluded of course). So don't listen to people like :
Just go watch some benchmarks of games you want to play and some graphic cards comparison instead of listening to people bitching.

Thanks for thorough answers,i want to play Forza Horizon 3 and Battlefield 1 mostly on med-high without AA (its a 19 inch monitor)


>Im poor

>Should i buy a GTX 1060 3GB or a RX480
>CPU is i5 4460
Just stop

>Already got a R9 270X
Stop immediately

Do this before you even consider a new GPU

Between the 3GB 1060 and the 480, the 480. Even against the 6GB 1060 I'd probably still go with the 480.

Fuck off, nvidiot. Clearly you haven't even considered the AMD alternatives, despite the fact that OP clearly asked about the cut down 1060 vs the 480. Everyone knows that the 480 and 1060 are about equal, so the cut down 1060 is going to have less perf and more VRAM than the 3GB 1060

RoTR is another game that requires more than 3GB for Ultra.

Go with the 480 and buy a monitor with freesync

I cant afford a new monitor alongside a GPU and CPU + im from eastern europe where prices are inflated

both cards are overkill for that meme resolution. What the fuck are you doing?

like said, get a proper 1080p monitor before considering buying a graphics card


get a 770 and a new monitor
a cheap 1080 monitor is not that expensive

You want the 480 for those games, but you might consider a cheaper card and a used 1080p monitor if you're not worried about playing at high settings

Don't do this to yourself man. Keep saving up and buy a rx 480 or 470 with a 1080p monitor

Learn to read you mongoloid. I told OP that GTX is a decent card and I didn't shit on 480 since they are both more or less the same with some advances in different places.

> Everyone knows that the 480 and 1060 are about equal, so the cut down 1060 is going to have less perf and more VRAM than the 3GB 1060

Again I can only tell you to learn to understand what you read and educate yourself since more ram for the price is not going to give OP more horsepower at the resolution he is going to play at you imbecile. You are just another retard that thinks he knows shit about computers just coz he is playing games and checks benchmarks from time to time, pitiful .

>RoTR is another game that requires more than 3GB for Ultra.

WoW so there are 2 games that utilize more than 3 GB of ram on 1080p in whole 2016! Get a brain you dingus, plus pro tip, even people who played catalyst at "hyper" settings couldn't tell the difference (not mentioning the fps drop that is) so stop talking shit you know nothing about.

You should get a GTX 367 and run it in crossfire with a ten meg pipe. Especially if you're running a newer Core i2 processor @3MHz.