>Not going fast
What's your excuse?

The game is fucking dead.The already shit hit detection is only amplified when you only get matched with third worlders.

>The game is fucking dead
Nice meme

I hit regen level 4, and I'm unsure about continuing onward. Feels like I've hit some natural skill cap I'm usually top 3 in most matches, not to brag and I've tried all the guns. I do want to experiment with the three Titans I haven't played, (being Tone, Legion, and Northstar,) but other than that, I'm losing a reason to play. Angel City was nice, but I do feel if they do another DLC drop, it should be more than just one map or something.

Nice denial.

Game is only dead on PC, who cares. Not like PC players play anything other than mobas, MMOs, and CSGO.

I stopped playing because of Hemlok and Devotion users.

this is the only fps I've played I've ever been decent at

I wish FAST fps like this were the norm

Shitty hotel internet.

>I stopped playing because I'm a shitter

Tribes Ascend is dead user

>Beat campaign
>Enter multiplayer
>It's a "level up to have fun" episode
Into the trash it goes I guess

>He doesn't use phase-shift and EPG to wipe the floor with them

git gud.

shut the fuck up if u didnt even bother to check not to mention buy/play the game itself.

Xboners are at 22k right now , while we had 49k christmas/nye, its far from dead taking in the consideration shitty release date.

This game is genuinely a surprise for me since i barely play any fps on consoles and shit is fun as fuck, mostly to the movement mechanic that fits in really well, was well worth 30 bucks.

Nah, Hemlock and Devotion are pretty anti-fun.

All of the starter weapons are good, except the Spitfire. R2O and CAR are great.

>Game is only dead on PC
So it's dead in general, good, you're catching on

Maybe to people that fell for the PC master race meme.

Who the fuck told Respawn about Sup Forums, now they won't fuck off

>shooters on console
Now THAT'S a meme

Felt the same, reached gen 5 was usually placing top even when gimping myself. eventually i just got bored as i felt no change or challenge.

Maybe you should go to /tfg/ and play with them. Join a network or whatever.

I might give /tfg/ a shot, really did enjoy the game but it just felt stagnant after a while.

what is this? dlc?