Post your GOAT vidya

Post your GOAT vidya

Shittalk other people's GOAT vidya

Other urls found in this thread:

might as well do 9x9

>Le "I want to fit in" taste


I really don't get why people praise bloodlines

Haven't played any of them. Feels good.

you mean 3x3

It rests solely on a foundation of really good character writing. All the NPCs feel like real people with clearly defined personalities.

I don't even have 81 favorite games.

>Crysis 1
>Super Metroid
>Mechassault 2
>Mechwarrior Living Legends
>Halo CE
>Dawn of War DC
>Pokemon Platinum

Haven't played many but those are all praised here, 10/10.

Never heard of Dungeon Crawl.



shit taste coming through, i might make a top 15 at some point idk

the meme game is really only there for the soundtrack desu

wow wotlk
gta sa
gta vc
gun 2005
gothic 1, 2
legacy of kain blood omen 2
spyro the dragon
crash bandicoot
toy story 2
heroes of might and magic 3
hotline miami 2
left 4 dead 2
sims 2

3x3 thread boys! I haven't participated in one in an a year ;)


>Mount&blade warband
>age of empires 3
>cs 1.6
>Rise of nations
>banner saga series
>Left 4 dead 2
>The sims pet stories
>borderlands 2

You have absolutely awful taste. I also feel like I might know you from Smashboards, your taste embodies the taste of 90% of the kiddies there.


6/6 good taste

5/5 would lan


Woah, someone's tastes haven't moved on since 2012.

superior 3x3 maker link

I haven't seen this template in fucking ages.
I don't have the patience to recreate mine so I'll just post my 4x4.

desu if your favorite vidya change that often they aren't your favorites.

>Lol I like to associate games I heard Sup Forums doesn't like with Tumblr because I don't know of any valid criticisms since I've never actually played the game

are you literally 12?

>Demons Souls
>Deus Ex
>Silent Hill 2/3 (Can never decide)
>Metal Gear Solid 2
>Doom (Not 2016)
>The Darkness
>Fallout New Vegas
>WoW TBC (If we can add MMO Expacs)


You haven't played Diablo II? You have to be 18 to post on this board.

Oh shit Jesus Christ people born in 1999 are 18 years old, has so much time passed already...

Name one(1) game that came out since 2012 that's worth being in someones top ten


Why sims 2 in particular?

I hate how unnecessary that template is, like, why are the clover and "Sup Forums" neccesary? 3x3s work way better imo
But whatever I guess, here's my most recent 3x3, I'm playing through FFT, STALKER SoC and the Ys series so there's a good chance this list will be wrong a month from now. Also I have a hard time narrowing down my ALL time favorites, the only one I know for certain is that Nier is probably my all-time favorite, but even then that could change at any time.



>Kingdoms Hearts

I think it's becoming obvious why I left this board.....too many kids

if you only play Nintendo games and emulators then thats some good taste

literally "d-do I fit in yet" tier

Okay so you're free to leave again.
Sorry other people's tastes bother you that much

The only Souls game better than Demon's is BB. After that, MGS2, Ico and maybe Morrowind because it's the best in TES franchise, are pretty pleb.

>ctrl+f "call of duty 2"
bunch of faggots in this thread

meant for

disregard the whole goddamn comment because I fucked up the point of it so badly.

put some names on those you pretentious twat

Yeah I'm confused on the point you were trying to make. Also I agree that BB is much better than DeS but I still love DeS.

Either way I put 3k+ hours into both of them.

The Witcher 3

Because 3 has memory issues and 4 is missing a lot of things

Kingdom Hearts was released almost 15 years ago

You never touched a singe pussy in your life have you ?

Nice projecting

Son, I am disappoint.


best characters in any video game I've ever seen, despite being motherfucking vampires they feel more real than anything I've seen in other games

Bully me and your gonna get bullied back.

Just noticed the T in undertale says sorry on it wew

Judge me

random order
>Dark Souls 1
>Gothic 2
>Warcraft 3
>Doom 2
>Halo 3
>M&B Warband
>Red Dead Redemption
>Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
>Dark Souls 2

+Morrowind, DCSM, Bloodlines, Warband, Diablo 2
-Dwarf Fortress

+WC3, Gothic, Heroes 3, L4D2
-WoW (never was into MMOs)

+Morrowind, Diablo 2, Doom

+Warband, Stronghold, L4D2

+Doom, New Vegas, Morrowind (would probably love DeS if I ever got a chance to play it)

Fuck the system.

Damn, i really love me some Lent Hill 2

wtf OP you have great taste 7 of those would be on my top 10 (excluding alpha centurai CK2 and ff11)


>not loving Alpha Centauri

The only one of these I've played is Bloodborne but that's about as close to a perfect game as I have ever played, so you get a solid 1/1 from me.

>metroid prime
>halo 3
>LoZ ALttP
>dark souls
>smash bros idc which one they're all great except brawl
>pre-cata WoW
>Dead Space

Dwarf Fortress
Timesplitters 2
Red Faction 2
Dungeon Siege
Radiata Stories



just some that come to mind

It has more than 10 but i can't remove any of these games.

Max Payne
Heroes of Might and Magic 3
Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos + The Frozen Throne
Counter Strike 1.6
Unreal Tournament
GTA Vice City
GTA San Andreas
Dota 2
No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way
Fallout 2
Fallout: New Vegas
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
Super Mario Bros. 3 (SNES version)
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
Super Mario 64
Baldur's Gate 2

+ a million RTS games, there are too many to list, they were all my favorites at some point

Oh, and Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines and Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood.

> Baldur's Gate 2
> Bioshock 1
> Fallout 1/2
> Final Fantasy VII
> Mass Effect 1/2
> Titanfall 2
> Darkest Dungeon
> Duck Game
> Don't Starve
> Tekken 5


>everyone posts games that are nearly 2 decades old

Only a few dozen "good" games have come out in the past decade, and only a handful that could be considered someone's favorite

How do you make these images?


Yeah but how do you get the pics in there? I'm a retard, I know, I just don't ever fuck with even the most basic of picture editing shit (clearly).

google "", it's a good editing software

Google it, don't put it in your address bar, is both the name of a program and a website for a paint manufacturer

my top 10:

diablo 2
final fantasy 8
ssx 3
dark souls 1
baldurs gate 2
smash bros melee
kotor 1
the longest journey
metroid (fusion)

don't hate my sons



Jak 2
dragon age origins
Metroid fusion
dragon quest 8
half life 2
shadow of the colossus
witcher 3

i see a metalhead

Migu was great.

if you knew how to read a spoiler tag on Sup Forums you would know that i only put it on there because of the soundtrack
i know that doesn't excuse my shitty nintendrone tastes though

What do you like about Nier? I played the whole thing 100% with all 4 endings so feel free to talk spoilers.

>cynical asshole

I made a top 100

Well, first and foremost I really adore the atmosphere that the whole game gives off. The music, lighting, and architecture all help to create this very dream like atmosphere in the outside areas of the game. The music is also spectacular and I love the way it uses layers within each song depending on what's happening in game.
The characters are basically all likable people who all grow on you throughout the fame. I wouldn't say their development is anything stellar or ground breaking but it's enough to make them all feel very human, especially with papa Nier and his desire to protect his daughter at any cost. The dialogue between them also helps to alleviate some of the running back and forth certain parts of the game demand from you.
The story itself is also really intriguing. I'm definitely a sucker for the idea of androids, artificial bodies, and the whole idea of "what really makes a human: The skin on their bones or their emotions" kind of deal. Some of my favorite movies deal with similar themes (Ex. Ghost in the Shell, Bladerunner) so I was hooked in that respect really quickly. I also loved the way new details were given to the player with each play-through in order to re-contextualize their previous actions with the Shades. The dub is also superb, especially with Veiss. My only gripe is the rather bare-bones gameplay made the multiple playthroughs a chore to get through, but that's really my only flaw.

i'm 26 and have never played diablo 2. computers were for school work and newgrounds, not video games. thats what consoles were for.

Holy shit user are you me? Our tastes are shockingly similar, you even have Wario Land 4 on here

favourite games growing up. honourable mentions to dragon quest viii, final fantasy xii and silent hill 2 and 3.

h-here i go

I'm disappointed that "Snowboard Kids 2" takes a spot over Skyrim.


user Skyrim is just not a spectacular game desu, there's a lot I want to like about it but there's also just so much I can't bring to like, plenty of which are a result of Bethesda's shitty archaic engine.

I can't say I disliked my time with it, but there are games that do what Skyrim wanted to do better.

Not the user who posted that image btw

>Red Alert 2+Yuri's revenge
>CnC Generals
>CoD 4
>Darksiders 1
>Dragon's Dogma
>Warcraft 3

>why do people like this instead of this? waah
It is a preference in entertainment. Relax.

>banjo tooie

muh nigga. i feel like the only one who vastly prefers it to the original
