Someone tell me why a fucking 5-hour walking simulator sold 1 million copies?

Someone tell me why a fucking 5-hour walking simulator sold 1 million copies?

I don't like those types of games but they seem to be essentially interactive movies/graphic novels which I can imagine a lot of people enjoy. It's a lot less baffling than the success of shit like Clash of Clans etc on smartphones.

is this pic real?

Firewatch was pretty good as far as walking sims go. I wouldn't have bought it but it was an enjoyable pirate.

Of course not. She's even Hulkier irl

It looks pretty, has decent writing and good voice acting.
Totally drops the ball at the end though.

Come on, at least post the edit.

No disgusted Pedro. That's obviously fake.

That game is pure cancer, everything falls flat at the end and the rest was piss easy exploration with little to no puzzles. Why is this allowed?

I hope their next project kills the studio, same for the guys who made Gone Home.

I liked it. Nice dialog system

Tsk tsk, all that edge

There are "multiple" endings

Post more pics

Damn, weebs got btfo by indies


1000000 give or take a million people enjoy walking simulators.

Someone post the original

>People that buy walking simulator indieshit are more inclined to spam positive reviews online to justify their purchases while people buying real games are busy playing them


They are low barrier of entry, low investment, and you can be done and get everything out of it quick and easy so you can move on to the next game.

Sup Forums made so many edits discerning the original would be nearly impossible


It was good.

Yes, even the ending.

Sup Forums btfo, I guess.


looks shopped to me


I did get as much enjoyment out of it watching someone lets play it as I would have playing it though.

Maybe even more as they edit out the dull bits or talk about something more interesting during them.

I'm not one for walking simulators though.
at least, not at the price bracket some of them present themselves at.

it should have went full /x/

This picture gets crazier every time I see it.


She really needs to get into weightlifting she's got the perfect body for it

Dragon's Dogma actually has more content than 5 hours of walking so it's natural people will play it longer, and as a result more people will be on at the same time.

Is this a jojo reference?

Search the image

Most normies get shit on at the tutorial Chimera.


I don't know user maybe google shopped it

It was pretty good so people told their friends about it and their friends played it too and also thought it was pretty good etc etc. Also the developers were known for having made some other games previously that people also thought were pretty good.

Shit, she has a good build if she was a dude.

did they shoop this one? Also, tv is leaking again.

Got any more photoshops of it?

Because it takes so much fucking time to leave a positive score that people have to decide to either play the game, or review it and not both.

Only walking simulator I kinda enjoyed was Datura.
I also played EGTTR and Gone Home (all 3 game free at least) and both were terrible.


>people that buy real games are more inclined to reach for reasons why walking simulator indieshit's reviews don't count

Someone post pedro

literally wearing a curtain with tinsel on it. I really dont understand this whole fashion thing

That reminds of the trophy stats on certain games. Like in Bloodborne, a quarter of all players didn't get past Gascoigine, or something like that. Funny but also kind of sad since games end up getting overlooked or negative word of mouth because of it.




Daily reminder that for pretty much every game ever generally you can expect a 70-80% achievement rate on the first progress based achievement at most, while completing the story generally has a 30-40% rate.

Butthurt your black cock sucking simulator did not do that well?

It's Pablo.

I thought celebrities were supposed to be famous because they were prettier than most, or somehow talented. I see now how naive one can be when he never has reason to question

Imagine being Pablo in that picture and having to be all like "damn, Chloe Moretz, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your fridge body and horrific pudgy face. I would totally have sex with you." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old latina in Chloe's dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be that mexican kid and not only open that door while Chloe Grace Moretz flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the light of the sun revealing her nipple piercings and cameltoe, and just stand there, time after time, while she slowly slogs out of her car. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking vagina but her haughty attitude as everyone nearby tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, CHLOE GRACE MORETZ LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to stand there and watch her pudgy fucking michelin man face sit flaccid and dull on her disgusting fridge body. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of tight, brown latinas and later alleged cartel rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the slums in Mexico. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her unshapely asscrack as she leaves it open while wearing those improperly fit sweatpants, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to stand there, open her car door, and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for 7 days a week in the previous months. And then she calls for another door to open, and you know you could kill every single person in this driveway before her security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're a fucking mexican kid. You're not going to lose your future chauffeur career over this. Just bear it. Cringe your face and bear it.

I really think this one is real


>game still goes forward like I flirted with her even after I rejected every advance she made

It was shit all I wanted was a comfy hiking sim and I got a crappy waifu sim with a shitty red herring twist

epib pasta

>advertise your game as a park ranger sim
>hint at potential horror elements

That explains at least half the sales, desu. If I hadn't been jobless at the time I would've bought it day one because the demo videos made it look like a legitimately interesting game.

This shit is almost as bad as Toddposting.

Actually worse because at least Bethesda is video game related.


fuck off retard

no one actually comes here with the intention of discussing video games

it's a secondary topic at best

fuck off back to v


>Not liking Toddposting
*Tips piracy*

chloe did quite well in world's strongest man this year

>hating Toddposting

found the underage

>This shit is almost as bad as Toddposting.
Take that back and buy my DLC

found the smug anime poster

I know I am quite outspoken on the game, but I loved it. A lot of people ended up not liking it because they were expecting an open world game, which it is not.

It was comfy, had good bantz, and had fantastic art direction.

>Post anime
>Calling someone else underage

First two thirds was pretty good

Nice art direction, not too much handholding, and legitimate feeling of suspense. Story was a little stupid but still better than most games.

Last act everything fell apart. It was an undercooked game they tried to pass as artsy

Even Kojima toddpost, you pleb.


u stated the obvious
just like i did
>not liking anime
so youre underaged and a normalfag what a dastardly combination of traits

But todd is the best shonon anime ever created

>Chloe OP
>now Todd
this thread never stood a chance

>neo-Sup Forums unironically likes Firewatch and defends its awful writing

Oh look what a surprise it's the same autistic retard spamming both forced memes.

Lets get back on topic please, fucking animu fags ruin everything

>Tsk tsk, all that edge

Why is nobody calling out this piece of shit?


But weightlifters look cute.

Nice try, Dreamboy

>ridiculous padding, even among walking simulators
>completely railroaded, the choices you supposedly get to make aren't actually choices and have no impact on anything
>the "hiking through the forest" aspect is an illusion as well, you can only traverse preset paths, all your hiking gear and tools are glorified context action buttons
>the forest itself can hardly be called that, outside of like 2 scripted events it is completely devoid of animal life
>story takes a complete nosedive towards the end and the twist is of the worst kind and delivered in the worst way to boot, it actually invalidates the enjoyment you might have ahd previously and just makes you feel silly for thinking this shit could ever have a worthwhile payoff

Whatever appeal you think this might have for you, it doesn't have it. Don't get this piece of shit.

It got a lot of attention from Sony early on, showing it off at E3 because of its nice art style.


>posted from my mom's iPad

Does she know you keep all these pictures of black dick on there too?

Body is real but I think the face has been photoshopped




Look at this thread dude, typical Firewatch fanbase.

>being triggered by two fucking memes on Sup Forums

You are the perfect embodiment of autism. Congratulation anime poster.

You may as well say that Baneposting is terrible as wel.

Is this photoshopped?

But there's context behind baneposting.

Your mom is photoshopped.


for you

And there is context behind toddposting.