Anything else out there like this and supermega? Grumps are awful and best friends is boring as fuck
Anything else out there like this and supermega? Grumps are awful and best friends is boring as fuck
Other urls found in this thread:
Cowchop and Funhaus
>non Sup Forums approved youtuber makes ape noises
ugh fucking autists and kids and normies who likes this shit I only watch patrician entertainment
>Sup Forums approved youtuber makes ape noises
loooool so good I better make another thread about how good they are loool subbed no you idiot it's a PARODY of youtubers it's IRONIC but btw can I be real for a moment I respect these guys so much
Y-You alright, user?
user, your pills!
If a youtuber is just shouting or making le funneh noises instead of actually being funny, it's shit
If a youtuber is just shouting or making le funneh noises instead of actually being funny IRONICALLY ;;;;;;;^))))) it's still shit
r o u n d f a c e
hehe I laugh when they shout a silly word
Are we gonna actually get shenmue today? Will julien ever get to finish kingdom hearts? Is XV kill? Will there ever be more second life??
Irony is how kids who aren't funny get by now. They used to do it by saying as many Anchorman quotes as they could, but now it's irony. And the great thing about irony is you don't have to try, in fact the less you try the better, it's more cool that way, because anyone who puts any work, care or thought into anything is just a faggot lol
They all act like memes are shit, but constantly use them. But ironically. But it's the same fucking thing. They're still just laughing at a dumb meme.
The only thing that really sucks about this is the arrogance that comes with it. People like Oney and crew, and their fans, believe that the other youtubers doing the exact same shit as them are bad, but when they do it it's good. They're no better than the shit ones, but they get away with it because it's ironic. And then have the cheek to act like they're superior.
>This autism
when they make a reference I understand I'm like wheres the patreon lol so good haha fat albert I heard of it
if you had a tiny clone of hitler would you fuck with him?
brown people
Its probably because Oney and crew doesn't give a shit about what is said, They talk about the games and mechanics more than there life or silly stoner/cuck stories.
>Name your character
>Presses randoms keys which cum out as "FIJHIB" or something
>Everyone loses their shit
So they always record while high right?
Which is your favorite:
>they make a reference you recognize
>they shout a silly word
>totally random noises
They're all epic but I can't pick a favorite haha
Go away, underage. Don't you have school starting soon or something?
my fave is when they shout a totally random reference
So did Shad's shills drop him for Oney now or something?
Do you not remember how Game Grumps had about 3 threads on Sup Forums 24/7 non stop for months?
Now Oney is the new Game Grumps. And even though it's the exact same shit, GG is "out" and Oney is "in" so it's totally cool and fine to love this shit for 14 year olds and spam Sup Forums with your favourite wacky Oney memes and also get mad as fuck if anyone points out it's shit or that these threads aren't even discussing anything, just memeposting.
What's his name again?
pocket hitler clone
Have you tried actually getting friends and playing video games with them? If you did that, you wouldn't need to replace the hole with e-celebs.
what do you want to play fa.m
There's fat alber jokes are pretty good
And that mini hitler thing. Man.
when they shout and zoom in haha
I can't watch Oneyplays without one of them making a running scream
scream is funny hehe its easy to understand its just silly so I laugh haha
You still mad? It's just you itt getting upset. Let it go.
lps are a caner
Sauce me famalam
Eew a roosterteeth fan
Is his name an original joke, or a reference to existing media?
I bet a million fucking dollars it's a reference
well i tried.
i guess e-celeb threads are here to stay since user doesn't want to do the alternative.
Why would I want to play with someone who uses the niggerspeak meme?
You're a Game Grumps 2.0 fan so we assume your standard is low
>Have you tried actually getting friends and playing video games with them? If you did that, you wouldn't need to replace the hole with e-celebs.
Which part of this post makes you think I like any e-celeb?
I hate anyone who acts like they're above others who are doing the exact same thing. He's an arrogant cunt who has sunken to the lowest level: Let's Plays. And yet he still tries so desperately to convince himself and others that he's above the others who do the same.
If you were really better than the others you'd still be animated, fuckwit. He was never even all that good an animator either so fuck knows where the ego came from.
funny scream
because you're a nigger and i thought you would feel less apprehensive.
sorry bro i guess we cant play anything since i dont own a ps4.
Not really i dont like most of the stuff roosterteeth produces. Funhaus is exactly the same as they were when they were inside gaming. and cowchop has been consistently funny since they started and have almost no affiliation with roosterteeth except a couple videos 3-4 videos with people from LetsPlay and a LetsPlayLive
You don't have a lot of room to call someone a nigger when you can't even capitalize your sentences.
I guess you should probably be friends with me since you're a nazi.
>watching people play videogames
>not just playing the game
>If you were really better than the others you'd still be animated, fuckwit.
He and one of his butt buddies got a TV deal for a Hellbenders pilot or something like that. That's more than 99.9% of all youtube/newgrounds animators can say.
Also, he's said several times that although being a hobby of his, animation was never his true passion. He's always wanted to "direct" stuff (whatever that means) and be in charge of everything..
but user
What if you already played the game that your watching?
I don't like how Chris hates any game that loses his autistic attention but loves FF7.
the best is when julian or ding dong makes an obscure reference I get and neither of the other two even acknowledges it. It's like it was meant for me to here.
>whisper whisper
KH is meh. tarzan level was pretty good but the jokes in the other levels are just meh.
>mfw tiny hitler
Well now he's gets to direct a let's play channel for game grumps kiddies.
>a deal for a pilot
You fucking idiot.
It's a pilot. It isn't anything. Anyone can make a pilot. I could make a pilot in 20 minutes with my cameraphone.
>got a TV deal for a pilot
oh man haha same
when they make a reference I get but others dont I know theyre my friends for real
you sound mad, arin.
I don't get this "vicarious friendship" meme. Most LPers are doing it for comedic purposes, not to be friends with everyone. The only people who actually consider LPers to be friends are sheltered children.
I was binge watching Oney Plays Kingdom Hearts last night and I was laughing so hard I could barely breathe.
It's funny how you're making fun of him by saying exactly the same thing he did.
>It's like it was meant for me to here.
like honestly how pathetic is this?
>being this out of touch
Which is your favorite:
>they make a reference you recognize
>they shout a silly word
>totally random noises
If you had a tiny Hitler would you fuck with him.
Its not even funny
Kill yourself
D. All of the above
The real hitler, or a clone?
a clone or a copy?
I would be friends with him and make a tiny aryan race
Why do you faggots get so wound up over ecelebs
Shouldn't you be playing videogames
>Sup Forums actually play games
user, I have some bad news for you.
Do you white knight for DSP and Pewdiepie too? Or are you triggered because someone has drawn attention to the fact that you're watching garbage?
You sound like an underage and I like both those channels
You're implying that anyone here plays games, and instead, spend hours watching YouTube videos.
>you will never be a hypocrite faggot like Oney
>you will never be such a manchild that you enjoy pseudo """""humor""""'' from youtube letsplayers
Sometimes life is good
I would really love to see them play more Illbleed. I think that game is really cool and it blew my mind that you could pause to freeze Bainballow and manipulate where he's teleporting around. That maze section took me forever because I got caught in 15 or so random battles.
You're so cool, senpai. I wish I could be as faithful as you, I'm sure the ladies love a terrible lier like yourself.
I don't know how I can sound like an underage but here's your (you)
Misspelling, run on sentances, no capitals, etc.
>Fat Albert
I just didn't care enough, and it looks like you don't either
>he doesn't like the funny men of funny screams
>reeee stop saying bad things about my favorite eceleb and let us post our memes in peace!!!
Why even come to Sup Forums? Why make these threads? I don't understand, what do you expect to happen?
You honestly should be on reddit, posting with other fans of this channel in the subreddit along with the others who share your interest. But you think you're too good for reddit, don't you? So instead you come here, but also get mad when people say they don't want it here
Just go to reddit. I don't even mean it as an insult. Just accept that if you want to circlejerk about how epic the memes are over at your favorite eceleb channel are then there's a place for it
Because FFVII is ballin' as shit.
I bet IX is your favourite you no-taste.
No memes were posted.
Faggots like you are upset about this thread.
Kill yourself anytime.
>Just playing the game yourself
>Longplays with no commentary
>speedruns with no commentary
>glitch runs with no commentary
>literally anything else involving e-celebs or commentary
Fucking children
Why does Sup Forums make fun of people laughing at Sheldon for saying "Windows 7" and dropping meaningless SUCH A NERD REFERENCES in Big Bang Theory but Oney is the best LP channel ever for screaming random noises and dropping in US 90s KIDS REFERENCES?
lol who remembers rugrats ??
I'll start a LP and just say "remember doug?" over and over until I'm the latest ironic sensation
>mentions nothing about watching ecelebs
>retards like you sperging out about them
I've proved my point
You can't tell me this shit isn't gold.
i love it when they shout silly words
it reminds me of Sup Forums
Wow you're right, these aren't memes, they're well made points and topics of discussion and debate
Why do so many American comedians do retarded voices, speak in a stupid way and make noises on YouTube now?
>being this upset about chimps making noise
I can only assume youre not actually upset and just want replies.
Why are you upset