Fork in the road

>Fork in the road
>No way to tell which is the side path that will lead you to treasures and secrets, and which one is the main path that will continue the story
>Choose one
>It's the main path and you can't go back

>Right to save-point and left to instant boss cutscene.

Name 3 games that do that

All final fantasy games,
Breath of fire (all of them)

Never mind I thought OP said it autosaved

You can go back by resetting your console in those games

>fork in the road
>spend ten minutes looking for the rest of the cutlery

>fork in the road
>bowl of soup nearby

Every JRPG ever.

-600K DEBT


>the dreaded point of no return

>fork in the road
>game lets you time travel so you can just make one decision then go back and do the other to see if you get different items from it.

I guess that works if you save at every single fucking fork.

>game has no forks
>every dungeon is literally a hallway with no branching paths and only enemies

>Take this one pokemon
>Can't get the other one
Kiddies have it easy now that they have internet trades and their fancy wifi.


>not putting your soup on the fridge so you can eat it with a fork while on the road

>the same thread
>for years upon years
Can we please stop this?

You can stop it at any time

Yes, just grab a grenade and pull on the pin then put it in your mouth. It will be over pretty soon, nigga.

Where did it all go so wrong for Drake?

>take one fork in the road that seems like it was the dead end with treasure
>it's going an awfully long way, figure it must be the main path so I backtrack to the other direction
>the other way eventually leads me to a story cutscene so I have to go all the way back again down that first path just a little further to find the dead end
>it's just a chest with 3 hi-potions

Is this the seinfeld guy? Why is he so old?

I'm so fucking close, I swear I'm gonna do it this year

dumb satan worshipper, do it and go back to hell where you belong.

>fork in the road
>they both lead to the same place and nothing changes by taking one the other

>Every game since 2010

I'd give anything to go back to having games with branching paths instead of an endless series of corridor after corridor

From the start he was doomed, singing faggot.

>that gif tho
Holy shit what was his damage?

>Fork in the road
>Take the left path
>Find a locked door
>Go back
>Take the right path
>Eventually find the key that will let you go back and open the other path

>Fork in the road
>Wonder which one leads to a secret or the story
>Take the left path
>It leads to another fork