What happens to Nintendo if it's a failure?
What happens to Nintendo if it's a failure?
Other urls found in this thread:
>release Nintendo Youz
>make millions
Best case scenario, Nintendo falls back on it's DS line and becomes strictly mobile with more emphasis on mobile games.
Worst case scenario, Nintendo drops out of hardware entirely and their game quality suffers.
They will release the Nintendo Game Man (TM), a sucessor to the Game Boy line for mature gamers who like to play hardcore mature games.
>Nintendo drops out of hardware entirely and their game quality suffers.
How so? When Sega went thrid party after Dreamcast's demise, they still made good games. If Nintendo goes third party, they can still make good games but I dunno though with their shit they've been doing lately.
>Nintendo drops out of hardware
> no more gimmicky control bullshit
>Finally on systems with some good power behind them
>Their games get better due to this
>user thinks their games will suffer
Oh you
>When Sega went thrid party after Dreamcast's demise, they still made good games
For a few years, and then they went to shit.
>When Sega went thrid party after Dreamcast's demise, they still made good games.
user.... Sega is fucking shit and they died within years of going third party. They are nothing of their former self.
>>Finally on systems with some good power behind them
>>Their games get better due to this
>>user thinks their games will suffer
Nintendo quality will suffer immensely if they aren't making their own schedules and producing games on their own hardware.
You're a moron.
>For a few years, and then they went to shit.
Yakuza series says "Hi".
Is this the same autistic user who was defending Sonic the other day?
Fuck off, dude. Everyone with half a brain knows Sega is fucking dead.
That's like saying Capcom is making great games only because of Monster Hunter.
>Every game ships broken and has a 5-10GB day-one patch
>Paid online
>Online-only MP in Smash and Splatoon, no offline SP mode
>Every game chopped up for DLC
>Microtransactions in every game
But having hardware that's 20% better, THAT makes it all worth it!
> Nintendo doesn't make another console
> Become third party
> Release games on steam
> Make more money because now people won't need to buy their cancerous wii sequels to play their games
> Everyone is happy
Nintendo only makes good games because they are a first party developer for their own systems. The same was part of Sega. Nintendo will almost instantly become a shadow of it's former self the moment it starts publishing games on other consoles. In fact, I don't think it'll last. The company will probably fold outright.
I am almost 100% assured the kind of people who post this shit
are like, young children, or very out of touch 18 year olds.
>Always-online DRM is bad for Mario Run
>But Steam DRM on every Nintendo game would be great
Steam offline mode.
Did I say Steam had always-online DRM?
Steam itself is DRM.
Will you be less butthurt if I say gog?
Depends on how hard it fails. If it's another Wii U then I can see them just making mobile games after that. They're already partially there.
This. PCucks are just fithy port begers.
Ony us Sonybros really care about good games these days.
Let's face the facts. Nintendo is not exactly known for their horsepower. The last time a Nintendo console broke new ground in power scale was the N64. Since then Sony has been considered the top dog in power terms. Look at the PS2. We still can't emulate it outside of Sony consoles!
However, the Nintendo Switch is an anomaly. The ability for a game to be look as good as Breath of the Wild, push the envelope in the openworld genre when it comes to dimension, and pioneer new innovations in GPU-physics, and other rasterization-heavy items like foliage, procedural burning, and wind effects is unprecedented outside of the like of Uncharted. And for all this power to fit into the palm of your hand, defies everything we know about Moore's Law. We want that technical savviness on our side, and that's why we know that working together with Sony is the best route for all of us. You've heard the saying "When in Rome do as the Romans do." Well what if Rome was on your side this time?
We want to see Sony and Nintendo continue to compete for our children's and their children's generations. That's why I believe that a kurultai is in order. Come together with Sony and discuss the prospect of a joint venture for the next generation.
The problem with Mario Run's DRM was the fact that you had to always be online to play, on a fucking mobile game. And Steam's DRM never gets in the way of gameplay, you barely notice it.
Because better hardware will going make every game magically better right?
Better hardware = more third party support. Nintendo can't live off of their fanboy sheep for the rest of time. If third parties don't make games for the Switch, it will fail like the wii u.
It doesn't guarantee a good game but it certainly gives developers more options.
Nintendo and good games have nothing to do with hardware.
Sure doesn't hurt.
But why can't you just play the game without Steam? It's not necessary for the game to function, which is exactly why online DRM is bad and why people don't like it.
Im talking about Nintendo itself you fuckface.
Better hardware dont equal better games.
You're right, I'm sure stuff like Mario 64 and Metroid Prime would have been possible on the NES.
They have monopoly on handheld market right now. They're not going anywhere. They'll have more games and exclusives than Sony and Microsoft and their console doesn't have any gimmicks.
>B-b-but HARDWARE!
Third parties don't publish games for Nintendo because the audience they want to sell them to doesn't play there.
That's all there is to it, better hardware won't magically make 10 million people buy CoD and FIFA for a Nintendo console. Wii U had lots of new multiplats at release and even the year following and no one cared or bought them.
Third parties need to be willing to take more risks and make more beyond AAA blockbusters as well. The state of the industry as a whole is affecting game releases on all platforms, everything has to play it safe and sell 10 million copies just to break even, it's not sustainable.
See you autistic sperg.
Sure they can. They managed to get 8 million people out of 13 million to buy Mario Kart 8. Everyone else wishes they could get attach rates like that.
We are close to reach the polygon celling if we arent hit yet.
The jump from 2d to 3d was massive before but now it is dimminishing returns. Making a game pretty dont mean that the gameplay will be fine.
what are you talking about
3D games vs 2D games?
won't fail, it's one of the hype train bust through the fabric of the universe moments, law of casualty and all the jazz
>They're not going anywhere.
But the handheld market is declining. Which limits their options.
Nintendo burned a lot of bridges with third party devs in the 90s.
>Look at the PS2. We still can't emulate it outside of Sony consoles!
I'm guessing you meant to say "emulate perfectly" because there are quite a lot of games than run well on PCSX2. Granted, it's not perfect and will never be perfect, but playing Tekken 5 in 4k/60fps is good enough for me. youtu.be
The handheld console market is declining, not handheld gaming.
>Which limits their options
Nope. With them also going mobile they'll earn more money than ever before. Sony got so cucked by Nintendo they'll never think of trying to compete with them again.
They will sit down, wait for a die shrink and release a DS using the same hardware.
But look at what developers do with the "Extra hardware" in PS4 and Xbone games. They just push for better and better visuals the console can't really handle and games run like garbage most of the time. We generally don't see better physics, better draw distances or anything that actually matters, just fancy graffix.
Nintenbebes confirmed for playing only a handful of games. Ever. Not real gamers.
More like GAYmers. And anytime they criticize another game or platform, their opinion doesn't mean shit since they barely play any games.
Sony wishes they had tards like this supporting them
Sure, they can go moible and earn millions but why would i care for mobile garbage games?
And Sony/Microsoft are buttsluts from thirds.
Nintendo have their own hardware well as First party to back off, meanwhile everyone else need bow down and suck their dicks for marketing and exclusivity deals.
Shit nowdays is less about passion and way more abou money.
Because with more money they'll create more console games.
But the Switch IS the next handheld you fucking retard
>Nintendo have their own hardware well as First party to back off
Well, it seems that those didn't work well with Wii U
what happens to Sup Forums if a positive and optimistic discussion about Nintendo's new console happens?
Why would they create console games when they can get easy money with mobile games?
WiiU made profit.
A little but they still made money. Nintendo never sell hardware on loss.
This exactly is the issue. Devs aren't even using the power to get "more options". They don't have more models on screen, they don't have massive draw distances, load times and game file sizes are fucking massive, only driving games are getting remotely more interesting in terms of physics.
They're using that power to get a 20fps game that looks pretty when you screenshot it for better publicity. That's it. That's all they do with the extra power - market their shitty games.
If it's going to be like that, I'd rather go back to the fucking PS1 era. Back, then, the limitations forced creativity and novelty. Now, the lack of limitations has made them weak and soft and risk-averse.
...honestly don't care either way.
I'm still awestruck at how much Nintendo dropped the ball. Gamecube was their second shitty console in a row and the last chance I gave them. Arguing about Wii/WiiU is like arguing about Halo4/5, the franchise is already shit, it simply isn't worth the effort, it's time to move on.
It only have one screen and it's big.
I'm talking a literal DS sized dual screen beast.
>The PS4 sells well but enough to reach yet PS3 sales, let alone PS2
>"oh wow, Sony truly won"
>The 3DS sells well but not enough to reach DS sales
Because they make a shit-ton of money by creating games and consoles. They're a game company, they make money by creating games.
But he's right
The handheld market is shrinking fast because smartphones and tablets
We will have to wait and see how Switch performs.
they went from 10 billion in cash to 4.5 billion thanks to WiiU's and 3ds's poor performance.
another WiiU blunder and they'll be making free downloadable normie mobile games for life.
>AAA game sells 5m is considarated a failure.
>Nintendo makes something with leftover money and sell a million or two.
Yet somehow Nintendo is tanking and doomed.
cool story
>The PS4 sells well but enough to reach yet PS3 sales, let alone PS2
So.. you're comparing the sales of a 3yo console to a 10yo console, but ignore the fact that PS4 is selling about as well as the PS2 in the same ammount of time, which is double of what the PS3 did in 3 years.
They either go full mobile, or drop out of the industry completely.
I highly doubt Nintendo is just going to port all of their games to PC or PS4.
I didn't say anything about Sony. This whole meme that if you criticize Nintendo you're a Sony fanboy needs to stop.
We can have a cordial discussion about the current state of video games without resorting to autistic screeching.
Also, I said the handheld market is declining, not dead. Something can decline for years.
Yes mobile is flourishing, but I thought we were all in agreement that a focus on mobile is not desirable. So by handheld, I mean console, not phones.
Nothing out of the norm
Nintendo isn't near bankruptcy like Sega was at the time.
Didn't necessarily mean to imply you're a Sony fanboy, sorry
I just don't understand how so many think that selling 60 million units is a bad thing, it's argued that handleds are losing ground but at the same time nothing is said about consoles despite all pf the 8th gen selling less than the 7th
>Nintendo quality will suffer immensely if they aren't making their own schedules
You're a fucking idiot if you think MS and Sony mandates when and how 3rd party games are made. They merely charge for licensing. Nintendo can make EXACTLY the game they want to make and it will get published how they want it.
No Man's Sky is all the proof you should need that there's zero quality assurance from console makers.
And Software sale is just AAA games.
People are buying the console but not the games. This isnt a good thing.
They made money off of the Wii U and 3DS. The 10 billion -> 4.5 billion was due to them making investments.
and dragon's dogma
>I just don't understand how so many think that selling 60 million units is a bad thing
Compared to every other nintendo handheld it is. It's a decline, just as he said
>at the same time nothing is said about consoles despite all pf the 8th gen selling less than the 7th
The 8th gen is 10 years old. This gen is 3 years old (for the consoles that are still alive). Of course overall the sales don't match, because it's not even a THIRD as old as the last gen.
That being said, PS4 is selling as well as PS2 in the same period of time, outselling the PS3 by 2x (so your comparison really doesn't hold)
Same thing applies to Xbone, it's selling much better than Xbox and better than 360 in the same period of time, not as crazy as Sony, but still better than 7th gen.
The ONLY company that shat their pants was Nintendo.
You simply can't say it's a industry-wide thing when only one of the parties fucked up and the other two are doing better than ever.
I'm not the guy you replied to tbw.
Are you implying that Nitnendo doesn't release shitty 1st and 2nd party games? Are you implying the few 3rd parties WiiU got were of higher quality than 360/PS3 when in most cases they were worse? Are you implying WiiU wasn't their worst 1st party offering in homeconsoles of all time?
Your argument doesn't hold up.
>The 8th gen is 10 years old.
meant to say 7th gen*
>ITT People want Nintendo to become the same as Sony/Microsoft or go 3rd Party
Mods need to step up with deleting these stupid ass anti-Nintendo threads.
super metroid > metroid prime
>ITT People want Nintendo to become the same as Sony/Microsoft
You mean... be competent with 3rd parties like everyone else (including themselves in NES/SNES eras) and have a barebones online/OS infrastructure that isn't a decade out of date?
Every single time.
Also the handheld market is dead everywhere but Japan, jist like Nintendo.
>We are close to reach the polygon celling if we arent hit yet.
No fucking remotely.
Piss off.
>Third party is only AAA.
>Nintendo drops out of console business and starts making PC only exclusives.
>plays only a handful of games
>higher attach rate
>literally more games bought per owner than on PS4
Even if we compare the few third party games that the Wii U got, they still sold proportionally well compared to other consoles.
Lmao why do people on this board spout bullshit before looking up the facts so much???
If they ever did it, would be with the requirement of using an nintendo exclusive accessory that would also serve as a hardware DRM for their closed as fuck store.
How much will it cost?
My guess is $200 for the basic tier and $250 for the better version.
>Even if we compare the few third party games that the Wii U got, they still sold proportionally well compared to other consoles.
Fuck no, ports sold like shit and they were gimped to boot.
Rayman did well despite everything. Most devs droped a port and bailed out with a shitty excuse.
>More like GAYmers
you need to be 18+ to post on this site
It's hard to ignore that consoles across the board are experiencing diminishing returns.
60 million is still impressive, it's just the cost to achieve that was a lot heavier than in previous generations.
As games get more and more expensive to produce, they have to sell more to make it worth it. And software and hardware sales are suffering.
It will be interesting to see how the industry adapts to this harsh reality. Which is why I'm looking forward to seeing how the Switch does.
Nintendo doesn't even get AA.
WHEN it's a failure.
Costs arent getting that bigger.
Costs are getting more bloated. Publishers hire big ass dev teams from every goddamn part of the world and shit the budget entirely on marketing.
who said that?
In 2016 on PS4 alone I got ~23 new releases, only 3 of which were AAA and the rest AA, mostly exclusive to Sony platforms. Same story for PC, the only AAA I got was Dragon'sDogma, the rest were AA's and indies. I'm the last person you should throw your "3rd parties = Ubisoft/Activision/EA AAA" meme at, as those are the games I care the least about.
Heck my most loved nintendo games are also NOT 1st party, stuff like Megaman Battlenetwork, Etrian Odyssey, MonsterHunter, etc, so even on handhelds 3rd parties are good.
I don't understand your point, care to make one?
good pasta, but too much sauce
wait a few hours, user, i've seen the same thing a few minutes ago
>I don't know what "proportionally" means
The total sales were shit, but the games had a good attach rate on Wii U.
The attach rates for games like CoD:BO2 were about 1:5.5 on PS3/360 while 1:8 on Wii U within six months of launch despite things like less people to play with going against it. Mass Effect 3 even managed to have a higher attach rate than on either 360 or PS3 despite Trilogy being released in the same month.
What's the most realistic choice for Nintendo if they drop out of the console market and go third party?
>literally everything
They'd just put it on everything probably. I mean once the game is up, why be fussy?