I don't have many WW2 games. Any recommendations?
WW2 Games
Red Orchestra 2 is probably the best if you want kind-of realism
Company of Heroes
Call of Duty 2
Medal of Honor: Airborne
Sniper Elite
men of war assault squad 2.
I really enjoyed company of heroes 2. There's a lot of dlc, but it's not necessary. Campaign is kind of shitty but skirmish mode makes for some epic mid size battles.
war thunder!
Blitzkrieg and Blitzkrieg II
Hidden and Dangerous 2
Forgotten Hope
Arma Mods
company of heroes is for fags
men of war assault squad 2
war thunder
too much grind
Death Stranding
>Death Stranding
something that has actual gameplay
I agree, luckily I started playing when the grind was easier
The recent patches have made it easier
but the lower tiers are the best tiers
What's the difference?
t. played MOW once long ago
>not aiming for the ammo
Dude's driving an M18, it doesn't matter where he aim.
>didn't die when he drove in front of the tiger
Pure luck desu.
against russian power armour it does
I only recently bought H&D2 sabre squadron second hand since i only ever played the main game.
God damn man, what a game. Completed it today. They don't make them like this anymore. What i wouldnt give for a third game with the same depth, customisation, options for tackling the missions with modern graphics.
They would probably make it open world garbage and ruin it anyway.
brothers in arms road to hill 30
Silent Storm
War Thunder
il-2 BoS
>no one mentioned Day of Defeat Source
It's the best one, better than Red Orchestra 2 and whatnot. Plus its a valve game on source engine so you know its good
>better than Red Orchestra 2
RO2 is bad, but not THAT bad.
>Plus its a valve game on source engine so you know its good
Hows middle school going?
War Thunder
Men of War Assault Squad 2
Red Orchestra 2
sure, but DoD:S is better
I'm 27
Good game, got me into the FPS genre
>but DoD:S is better
Like how? It's basically a WW2 CS. And I'm okay with CS and everything, but it's simplistic as you can get.
yeah its a lot less realistic than RO2. I guess you can't really compare the games. I like DoD:S a lot more though.