FF XI is 15 years old and they still charge 40$ for it

Was in a thread about mmos the other day. People recommended FFXI. Look into it, seems kinda cool maybe I'll try it for a month.

Go to get game, find out I need to pay 40$ plus monthly fees. Lmao your game is 15 years old and has less than 1000 players on it and you expect me to pay this much to play? Enjoy your dying game then, could have had another sub but you tried to jew me on the price.

Other urls found in this thread:


Or you could, y'know, play FFXIV instead, which is worlds better than XI.

I was told you could solo in FFXI and are forced to party to do anything in FFXIV. But yeah FFXIV costs half the price of FFXI so I'll probably try that.

In it's prime the game was worth $400 plus a $40 monthly fee, it was a magical experience.

Now? It's been treated like garbage by SE in order to force people to switch to XIV. It's still got the world and music but the game mechanics and community are long gone. The storylines are also there but you miss out on the joy of playing through them in groups with your friends. Playing FFXI solo (which is now what most of the game is about) goes directly against it's original design and the reason why the game was so beloved in the first place.

You could always watch the storyline videos on youtube, a full playthrough is somewhere around 900+ videos.

You can solo in ffxi now, yeah. And it will provide more or less thousands of hours of content, still. If you have that kind of time to sink into something, go for it. If you want more of a retirement home mmo where you login and jack off to the latest content for a few hours every day go for XIV.

So it's not worth playing now? Really wanted to try it but was disappointed by the price. Should I just try FFXIV instead?

It was on sale for $10 last week. Sucks to be you, faggot.

you probably just missed it being on sale for 75%, it normally drops during holiday sales

it's kinda shit to play now anyways since it is just a single player MMO

honestly you're better off not playing any MMOs at all for probably the next decade or so

Link to a good LP?

Still too much desu since you have a monthly fee on top of that.

Why is MMO gaming dead? It's impossible to find one that has appealing gameplay. Everyone I look in to is nothing but hours upon hours of grind and gearchecks.

Will there ever be an MMO with skill based combat and non-consensual PVP that can occur nearly anywhere?

I would go for XI over XIV if you have the time and want to sit down and pour over old forums and the wiki learning stuff. The world is very charming and even though I spent an entire month there, getting my character carried to 99, I keep wanting to go back but can't find the time so I stick to XIV.

XI and XIV are two completely different games, it depends on what you're interested in. FFXI was a JRPG world that you could live inside, a game designed completely around it's community and valuing the journey over the reward. As noted they screwed up the game to get people to leave and switch to XIV so as the game stands today it's not very similar to what it used to be. It's heavily solo focused with farming gear being a big game point. You can still find fun in the game but unless you plan to go in with friends a lot of what made the game great is long gone.

XIV is a typical post-WoW MMO with a Final Fantasy paint job, if you like modern MMOs then it's probably something you'd enjoy. It's not earth shatteringly great and it doesn't do anything new but if you're desperate for a MMO I'd say it's probably the best out there.

>tfw beat maat for the first time.

I haven't played an MMO since EvE Online during the goonswarm and bob years. What is a modern MMO like? What does the player typically do in them?

youtube.com/watch?v=8aqQuJt3Ilk is the best one I know of.

FFXI truly was a JRPG, each expansion was a full fledged story which had a ridiculous amount of story related content. This can never replicate doing something like Chains of Promathia pre nerf with a group of best buds but it's a great watch.

Farm gear so you can do the next tier of content and farm more gear.

Modern MMOs are garbage loot pinatas for casuals.

This sounds terrible. So it's just a PvE casual fest? Is FFXI pretty much the same? Just farm gear so you can PvE and farm more gear?

Whoops, I meant to link their profile page, they've got everything assorted into quest type/expansion/etc.

>itt no one knows shit about ffxi

Damn dude you loved that game. Makes me wish I played back in the day. Hearing people talk about it makes me want to try it but everytime it's mentioned there is always the disclaimer of "It's no longer good and they ruined the game" which makes me feel like it's too late to try it out.

I do know that this needs to be posted in every FFXI related thread.


Yep, it was sabotaged so they can hope that people would be forced to move to Final WoWClone XIV.

You can't even compare these two games. XIV is everything wrong with modern MMOs

it's not ruined, just different. I still play, and have played since release.

you can solo 95% of the game now except top content, and if you play on asura there are tons of players, it almost feels overpopulated.

Would you recommend it to someone who likes final fantasy in general and was interested in trying it out, or would you say it's pointless to play it now?

I played both, and I don't know the state XI is in right now, but it was a much better game in it's prime than XIV ever will be.

You can still have your own personal adventure through the game, you won't experience the community like the rest of us did but the world is still warm and welcoming.

It's hard to explain to anyone who didn't play it, everyone helped everyone, high level healers would go to low level zones and revive dead players or help parties level, people in town would randomly message you just to say whats up or ask a question, if you wore a new piece of gear in town people would message to say grats, if you shouted for help with a quest random people would join up just because they wanted to. Hell you'd find yourself answering those random calls for help and staying up till 5 in the morning to finish up, you'd come out with a great story to tell and 3 new friends, on a server with thousands of people online at any given time pretty much everyone knew everyone.

MMOs don't have that today and it's what Square removed from FFXI.

I'm still pissed that XIV removed being able to ride on the boats. Besides nothing beats watching the airships land in Jeuno.

WoW killed MMOs, the genre is dead now, and the few games that aren't shit will never ever be localized.

>tfw the pirates
>tfw the bridge that raised up in bastok when the airship landed
>tfw seeing airships fly through the sky in other zones, matching their actual flying patterns and timing
>tfw the scenic boat rides
>tfw being able to get up on the airship railing

XIV makes me laugh with how much is due to "limitations" when XI made for the fucking PS2 out does a lot that XIV does.

It's probably one of the best Final Fantasy games ever made, or it was, I have no clue what it's like right now.

Grab it next time it's on sale and give it a go.

>it was sabotaged
Oh please. They just fucked up by trying to make it "modern"

XIV is a joke, everyone knows that.

>lol sorry summoners suck ass and only summon little faggots that do nothing because limitations!
>Oh also we'll never give you new summons because we don't know how to balance a video game

Meanwhile the PS2 game made 20 years ago had full sized summons dragging ass all over the place.

SE is such shit

>level 15
>hey we need you to go to ul'dah but that's far away so take an airship
>go to the airship landing
>it's a cutscene of the airship taking off
>magically zone into next zone

they released a new expansion pack in 2015.

1.0 had boats didn't it? Did they really take those out?

>I Literally do not know what I'm talking about

user, I know you like to talk despite not knowing what you're talking about, but they specifically raised the level cap to 99 and ruined the game balance as a last hurrah before XIV launched because they assumed everyone would move to that game and play it, but they forgot to make XIV not a huge steaming pile of dogshit so nobody did, resulting in 2 ruined games instead of 1.

>better than XI

Funny I don't recall XI having to be more or less cancelled and rebooted to save it from being a total dumpster fire of a game.

In 15 years if FFXIV is still as active as XI we can have this discussion but until than FFXIV is shit.

They are two completely different games. The only thing they share is the title and names.

Eternal reminder.

>finally earn airship pass
>first time getting on airship

It's almost half there already, and it only seems to get more popular with each passing year.

>play FFXIV instead, which is worlds better than XI.

ffxiv will never have any difficult content that isnt get out of red bad zone.

Not OP but that sounds amazing. That's the kind of MMORPG experience I've always wanted. Is there nothing now that offers a similar experience? Would a Private Server be the same?

>fumbleing with menu's is difficult content

Those kind of MMOs died out, some were forcibly stamped out. Private servers do exist but their playerbases are quite small.

>tfw beat him legit as one of the first 5-10~ downings in the world
>Didn't use the wall strat
>Mistakenly did it the correct way without knowing it and thus never figured it out

Midgardsormr reporting in

there's a few options with private servers

there's one that is 75 cap and tries to simulate the old ffxi experience

then there's a couple with custom content

It's been out for 7 years now and still feels like it's in beta.

if Stormblood just copies the same format as ARR and HW did, and it will, it's finished. People will sub again initially for the hype of new stuff, but unless they dump enough money into to actually fill the game with content that lasts for once, they won't, then it's not going to last.

>and it only seems to get more popular with each passing year
Good joke, HW almost killed the game outright, again, for being an incomplete, directionless mess with nothing to do until recently.

>menus are hard

Spotted the xivbaby

also midgar here

Really? A snarky post with a suggestive image?
Fuck off back to Facebook, you stupid obnoxious teenager. You idiots do nothing but ruin threads.

Feels good man, played from retail till 2008ish. If you were there at that time we probably played with eachother at least once.

I see thanks familias. I used to play PSO on Ephinea a few months back so I can deal with a small playerbase so long as it's active. Actually PSO was the closest I've gotten to my ideal MMO experience since everyone was so friendly. I'll definitely try and pick FFXI when it next goes on sale.

ffxi has about 15 years of content to push through. play however you want. there's loads of quests, missions, jobs, battlefields, events, etc.. forge your own adventure.

if you want to play the gear treadmill that's an option too. if you want to find a core group of players and go throug hthe game, you can do that, or you can solo most of the game with trusts

any advice for a brand new player going in with two friends

>tfw the airship lands

>tfw you step outside and immediately get lost in the jungle for 2 hours

I can confirm that. ARPGs are more fulfilling than FFXIV. FFXIV also is a slog if you're behind on gear due to the fact that you may get no parties for 2+ hours to do low-tier content. Mid-level content is boring because players steamroll the pre-xpac shit for ponies and other low drops. And high-tier content is shallow and is only worthwhile for getting gear. (Granted I heard Alexander was fun.)

Retail or a private server?

Either way you need to tweak the graphics to make the game look good, which should be the first thing you do


yeah i lived and breathed XI back then. name was Apocalypse.

read up on the jobs and find the ones that seem most fun to you, unlock trusts, and go to town leveling and having fun.

ffxiclopedia and bgwiki are extremely valuable resources

I'm not gonna play XIV from reading the comments in this thread and watching a few videos on gameplay it doesn't sound appealing.

I may try FFXI when it goes on sale again. I like the idea of being able to play solo since I have no friends to play it with anyway, and who knows maybe I'll run into someone else just starting for the first time along the way and make a new friend or two.

They've been out since XIV relaunched.

So I hear that some MMOs nowadays aren't just one single map but small, boxed in chunks. Is this true? And what's the case for FFXI?(The only MMOs I've ever played are PSO and PSO2 btw)

I'm 99.9% sure the context of the post was stating that menu based gameplay is not hard at all. So I guess we can add "poor reading comprehension" to the list of things that describe FFXI fangirls.

FFXI's world is divided into very large zones with a few continents worth of land to traverse.

it's a very big game

What the fuck bro do you want FF15 or not? Buy the fucking game

Honestly, as much as I love to bash XIV, it's actually worth playing for 1-2 months to see the fights, which are all very good.

The problem is that once you finish the content there is nothing to do and no reason to log on again until there is more content available from the next patch, which lasts maybe 2 weeks tops when it's fresh, raid tiers excluded, afterward you have nothing to do and no reason to log in again.

Subbed to and bought FFXI for $9.99 a couple months ago and I have had a great time soloing the story. I have nearly soloed all of it except one mission. I also was able to get a D.ring thanks to the login campaign. Awesome that it is still relevant. That is just something you never see anymore. Longevity in gear.

In fact, I haven't talked to a single player the whole time I've played so far. There is really no need until you are at endgame 3-4 months in anyway. At that point the best thing to do is transfer to Asura if you aren't there already and start trying to get a LS. If you can get a good one, I don't see why it wouldn't feel like the old days working on content with other real players. Just don't expect to even talk to anyone until that point. For someone totally new to FFXI, it may be 5-6 months to get to endgame now.


Niiiice. That sounds awesome. Never played an MMO like that before (as I say I've only played PSO, which is basically Monster Hunter). The game lets me be a spearfag, right?

Taru right? I was in +1 for the majority of my time there. Made me pretty sad to hear they merged the server and lost the name a while back.

Yeah FFXI uses separate zones, this isn't a full map but you get the idea. Remember this ran on a PS2.

You can solo everything but maybe the final boss of the rhapsodies storyline for story based content.

The music, world, cutscene, characters are all still there, and FFXI's world building is amazing.

In other MMO's where a character might give you a fetch quest and a little text, and you come back and get a shit sword and some exp.

In FFXI, your basic quest will have 30 minutes of cutscenes and character building, and when you finish the quest you don't get anything for doing it. The reward is the experience of the quest itself.

The experience will never be the same however, it lacks the player bonding in overcoming the challenges the game had. FFXI was always a very hard game, and you had to work together to get anything done. The sense of camaraderie is no more. No longer do you have hundreds of people banding together to defend the imperial capital. youtube.com/watch?v=LrejacQVb3A
No longer do you have alliances desperately running through Promyvion, only to have the people that survive the way to the top disband and form their own party to fight the boss.

The game is beautiful, but the challenge and camaraderie is gone. I'd recommend someone play it to experience the story, it's a fantastic story, but the experience is going to feel hollow compared to what it felt like in like 2003-2008.

Yeah man, getting your first month and a shitton of expansions for $10 is such a ripoff, especially for the best MMO on the market.

you can play dragoon, yeah.
hell you could play samurai or warrior with spear if you wanted, it's just not as optimal later on in the game


also here's a vid of a lot of ffxi's weapon skills for those who are interested. they've added some since then though


>and non-consensual PVP
just sayit already. you just want to fuck up low level people.

god NOTHING was more stressful than Besieged.
Pure chaos fighting hundreds of bullshit impossibly strong enemies to protect the candy.
I loved it

yep, taru, I don't remember the names of all the end game shells I was in, but odds are you saw me afk in windy or aht urghan

So here's what I've learned from this thread so far
>1000s of hours content
>Community is great
>Can be a spearfag
>Big world

Yep I don't need to be persuaded into this. I need it.

What do people mean by theme park worlds? I'm unfamiliar with the term.
Awesome man thanks

Can't say I expected it to be one big old map but that certainly looks huge.

>All those skills beyond the original relic ones

That feels pretty strange. Reminder that Asuran Fists, Spinning Slash, Guillotine, Tachi: Kasha, and Blade: Ku have the best sound effects.

You're bitching about paying $40 for 11 fucking expansions

Poorfags are embarrassing

if i pick a job im committed to it? or does the game let you experiment with other jobs on your main

nah you can level all jobs to 99 on your character

here's a list of my jobs for example. you can set any of these as your main and sub job combination any time you're in town

why are the animations so shit?

I haven't played FFXI, but those animations really are horrible, especially the player character ones, I don't mind if the graphics are bad (which in this case, they are not) but those animations are really bad compared to previous final fantasy

Different user, but seriously - fuck off. There's no reason to pay this much for such an old game. Literally just artificial market bullshit from digital distribution + unbridled greed at work.

best part is that you don't get stuck to a "toon."
You can play a character and switch your job to fit the needs of the party

Because simply put, it's a multiplayer game
They can't give every person unique and top notch animations like they could in a single player Final Fantasy

FFXI is unique on the market, it's also still getting updates monthly and has a development team still working on it.

They charge full price because it's the only show in town that offers the experience it has to offer, it's not a wow clone when almost everthing else is.

XIV is seemingly cheap because they are a wow clone in a sea of wow clones, that game is also more of a trap to get you addicted to the game and then spend hundreds of dollars on the cash shop. XI has no cash shop so they can't subsidies it with that aim in mind.

Oh and also the game doesn't have 1k players, there are 1.4k players on one server right now. There are 16 servers. It has around 30-40k subscribers.

ps2 limitations, sadly. they upped the quality after they dropped console support completely


ps2 game

just like in XIV

Every race has unique animations and they are pretty good. The graphics are also great considering the limitations and age.


minus the shitty ass cross skill system and plus the bomb ass sub job system, yeah

Except FFXIV jobs are dumbed down holy trinity garbage.

really breaks the game for me, those animations are horrible, cutscene is ok, but last expansion came out in 2015

however, player animations are awful, the running animation and the idle stance looks really bad, really makes my autism tingle

Time for my 2 favorite videos.


XI actually had some pretty good animations, it was really nice to see in cutscenes and general play, even NPCs had some great idle animations and whatnot around town. Do remember though that FFXI came out in 2002, that's 15 years ago now, and it had to maintain playability on a Playstation 2.

I'm talking about actual animations, no cutscenes, player attacks animations looks like ass, for all I care the graphics could be 16 bit pixel art

when's the mobile remake so I can try the game out

mobile game won't be anything like ffxi more than likely. it's not a port or remake.. more like a reimagination. also it's made by ((((NEXON))))