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Street Fighter 5
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Those costumes should have been their new default outfits, like with how they did Ken.
A necessary sacrifice for MVC:I
not shit, better than IV but anything is better than IV
Mediocre tho, 5/10
I thought that sleigh was part of laura's costume for a moment
Shit with shit updates
here your reply
Worth the $20 I fed Gabe for it
stay mad about thuth faget
Throw Fighter V: Grab Edition
Meaty beta V
I like it better than Down+back Fighter IV
If I jump online as rank 0 will i be bullied?
Laura is thic, THICC
nothing can be worse than SFIV user
Instantly reminded me of those days of the week when I only had one class that was over, went to Taco Bell, and played IV on PS3 for the rest of the day. Good times
are you good or shit? this is all that matters
Pushed out way to fast only to hit the Capcom cup deadline.
It's pretty fun with a friend, but online is pretty boring since everyone except Guile plays a rushdown game.
SF5 is making a damn good job.
And annoying as fuck.
Yes, SFV is shit, but i'd take CE level of shittyness to compete with SFIV
Cons: bad neutral, homogeneous and streamlined playstyles across the roster, nonexistent execution barriers so there's less stuff to practice in training mode besides just setups and matchup gimmicks while also having little room for high level players to show anything off for streams, no region filtering for matchmaking, lobbies can't have multiple games going at once, visuals are hit and miss because of model outsourcing to different freelance artists, OST is hit and miss
Pros: easy to pick up because of said low execution barrier, neutral offense and defense are all mostly straightforward for newcomers thanks to their simplicity and occasional randomness, online experience is usually similar to playing offline because of native input lag (also a con), thicc bitches
5/10 what said.
I can acknowledge that IV wasn't for everybody, especially if people also acknowledge that SFV is a garbage game that might as well have thrown the neutral out of the game.
good game to play after mommy makes din dins
I wish Lara was my sister,
I don't think that 4 was horrible.
My main problem with the game was the backdash for characters like Rose and other fast fucker. It was a huge get out of jail for free card.
FADC was ok due to it actually draining meter. Could have been 3 bars instead of 2. Ultra was a shit tho.
It's pretty shit IMO.
This dude has some good points.It is easy to pick up but it is simply not fun to play. I was thinking on trying to go back to it on season 2 but my biggest grip with it haven't been fixed and apparently never will, so i might as well drop it completely.
Now i pretty much only use fightcade.
Out of all the arguments that SFV shills use to say that V is better than IV they don't mention the unbalanced backdashes that some characters had. If anything, SFV could use some more defensive mechanics like FADCs to make more situations return to neutral. They could give characters better walkspeeds (especially backwards ones), better fireballs, and longer normals to make the neutral less terrible as well.
It's pretty fun if you're not autistic.
SFV is utter shit, but it doesn't have stupid input leniency, throw mashing, stupid throw distance, mashing on block, glorified shoryuken, vortex shit, boring as fuck blockstrings, retarded autocorrect, and fugly art style.
SFV is mediocre but SFIV is an abomination of humanity
I would argue that SFV definitely has boring as fuck blockstrings and stupid input leniency (the buffer window is pretty massive), and while crouch tech mash was a thing there were numerous things you could do to blow that up.
I'll give you stupid throw distance because of the large amount of kara throws and vortex shit, even though SFV has characters that come close to vortex with R.Mika and Laura. Personally, I'd swap the abomination and mediocre opinion, but I respect yours.
Pure shit.
Just not very good. Easily the worst in the entire series, from a success point of view. Its not busted or broken like an old fighting game, its just not fun.
I think its shit but i play it on the side with GG/KOF as the fighters i play more. Im definitely able to play it more now that i've accepted it was shit. I was one of the people who thought season 2 would fix the guessy all offensive nature of the game besides Guile. Turned out its even worse now in that aspect since they nerfed AA jabs but didn't do the right thing and overall buff neutral normals and AAs across the cast.
But since i know its shit now i can embrace the hate i have for it and truly sit down and adapt to all the nonsense knowing its not going away. Kinda similar to the AE to 2012 transition i had.
thats not real thicc
>Easily the worst in the entire series, from a success point of view.
nothing can top the world wide failure that was sf3
Did anything change for Guile BnB combos in season 2? I want to know if I can just google SFV Guile BnB and still find relevant information
Its the second best vanilla game after SF2s vanilla entree. That being said its fucked because unlike SF3/SF4 Capcom isn't going to put in the work polishing it. Season 2 is proof we will just see balance changes and change in tiers and nothing more from a depth perspective.
Just hope you play a solid upper mid tier kinda character. Or else you can expect to end up shit in S3 since they have no idea what they're doing
>Buff Urien to high fucking heaven when all he needed was a better AA but instead got 2 and godlike buffs
>Nerf Birdie Alex despite being lower mid and low because unlike Urien who got so many buffs and like 1 nerf they got buffed but got nerfs that hurt more.
>Over nerf Ryu and don't give him jack shit that is useful like Kens new plus overhead
>Over nerf Nash to all hell and give him very small useful buffs but not enough.
It makes no sense. The characters that got all the buffs in the world besides maybe Bison/Laura make no fucking sense. Its like they got change logs from LTG tier people or fucking eventhubs.
>american fgc begging for more balance patches
>that shit quality
>those freckles
It's 2017. DO BETTER.
Really bad game at it's core and really dumbed down.
I mean like the other user said, it's not shit but it's not good either, i believe it's a bit below mediocrity
Cummy is life
>nerfed Alex
Can you tell me how Alex got nerfed?
How is his bandana under his beard?
It's boring. I played for maybe 1 hour on Sunday and I don't feel like playing it again for a long time.
His neutral was nerfed, his damage was too (universal). Don't care about the AA jab nerf (also, it still is decent, and that annoy me).
The rest was buffed or untouched. Still don't understand why they only changed crouch fierce startup and not his hurtboxes.
At first, by reading the change log, I thought he was nerfed to hell. Now, I see he has changed but is still correct (not bottom 3 like I read).
On the other hand, I cant understand why some characters got sent to the moon (Cammy, Laura, Urien) or not changed that much (Necalli).
Also, 875 for Akuma is stupid, he doesn't hit that hard, he has a lot of options but so does some other characters (fuck Necalli), he isn't that fast and his normals are a bit stubby.
>dumbed down?
from what? SFIV? kek
if anything is a dumbed down 3s, but it needs to be, new target audience is fucking handless
SFV is mediocre at best though
I'd disagree on those points, or at least the severity of them. He still has some of the best pokes in the game, only now they're a little slower and more whiff punishable. A lot of characters had their normals slowed down too, so that's pretty much a universal change. In terms of damage, if you're talking about momentum, then I'll agree. He's still got a lot of his oki but it can be a little harder to pull out. In terms of raw damage though, he only got a 10 damage reduction to his EX Flash Chop and his super.
I'm glad you're not saying he's bottom 3 like a bunch of people said day 1. His buttons got nerfed, but he benefits a ton from the removal of meterless invincible reversals (lets him pressure more comfortably) and more situations that reset to neutral since he's pretty bad under pressure. I'd honestly say he's better this season than he was last season.
It sucks. Still can't believe they thought folks would be happy with the final product. Should have been delayed a year to add more modes. I still play IV.
Wait a minute.
Are you implying that Akuma is weak? You should have put it right at the start of the post.
95% of players i play are fraudulent as fuck. just fought another yolo special and button in neutral mashing ultra platinum urien scrub who killed himself while i just sat there, goddamn
I'm not. He can't be weak with his tools. But I do not understand why he is a glass canon, except for the "He always was", which is a dumb statement
Well, I just answered the question, he got nerfed on some aspect, which do not mean it's trash in any way, even though I don't like some changes (light elbow, but it's still usable). Also, damage wise, I thought I posted something about his lariat buff. My mistake, it's a bit late so I might have forget or erased it.
And I agree with the last part, now, we can meaty lariat all day.
Better, I'm not sure yet to be honest, it's still a bit soon in my opinion to judge the character. But what I'm sure of is that he isn't as bad as people say or think (I thought that when I read the change log, and I didn't like the feeling I had the first days, but I had to adapt my gameplan and see how he works on the current meta).
As a new player, should I play Guile or Nash? I enjoy Nash's general speed and his quick dashes but being a fucking fortress of sonic booms and flash kicks is also fun
how do I stop accidently jumping around while trying to input on stick?
Mess of a game, but fun to play with friends.
Kind of like Mortal Kombat in that regard.
>ITT: bronze players who are still mad there isn't a arcade mode in the game
should i torrent it just to try it out?
user, you should always torrent everything
Yeah I really only responded to those points since you didn't bring up the rest of the universal changes. I was being a little reactive with how completely negative people were being on day 1. He did get nerfed, but it's hard to say exactly if he's better or worse in the grand scheme of things. On paper, I think he's better since there seems to be more of an emphasis on neutral game, but we'll have to see in high level play.
As with everything else, it's shit.
Shit game, excellent fap (slang for masturbate) material.
Street Fighter V got me into fighting games and taught me how to play them. Ive only won one online match but its really fun to play. And I love the sexy costumes.
>slang for masturbate
I'm learning so much!
Very bland, soulless and gets boring. Not fun to watch either.
But they did buff many characters anti airs. AA jabs were cancer, especially ones that led to 50/50's after
Every character can anti air effectively, you probably just need more practice.