Sup Sup Forums
I'm a Sup Forums-tier gamedev and seeing all of the liberal trash flooding the industry makes me feel some intense ass cringe!

This fucking vid from GDC, the (((chick))) speaking how bad it is to use real cultures in vidya because muh offencive, muh multiculturalism (notice the disabled comments)

How do we fight it Sup Forums? Do you have ideas on this problem, also would like to hear some insight from actual gamedevs, is this widespread or just an echo chamber?

>how do we fight it

Ignore them to death.

>Sup Forums
stopped reading there, goy

you Sup Forums faggots are just as bad as SJW libtards. Grow up and learn how to enjoy vidya without bitching.

>game dev
Let me guess, you poorly coded a clone of Tetris and now you think you're a full fledged dev?

>its an alt-rightist thread

no, they literally aren't

You created SJWs, do the world a favor and neck yourself.

What did he mean by this? Thoughts? Apologize to him Sup Forums. Explain yourselves. Well? Who was in the wrong here? Defend this. What's his name again? What the fuck was his problem? Refute this. Prove him wrong. Perfect X doesn't exi- . Protip: you can't . Why does this trigger Sup Forums so much? Sup Forums BTFO. Would you? Is he "our" guy? He did nothing wrong! Will you buy his game? Buy his game. Convince me to NOT buy this game. Find a flaw. Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it was shit? I'm glad we can all agree on this. How did we go from THIS? JUST. Hold me, Sup Forumsros. How do we fix this? Redpill me on X. What was his endgame? Was it kino? What am I in for? What are some games that let me do this? Name 1 (ONE) game that does this. What went wrong/right? Why is this allowed? Will this save the gaming industry? Can we get one of these threads going? LOL . Keep it vidya. Really makes you think. JUST. WE. So the power...of X...woah. I just played X, what did I think of it? *BRAAAP*. Here's your controller bro! DIE BARNEYFAG. I want to ____ X!
>tfw to intelligent to X
>hey user turn on your mic!
haha. I'm at a loss. HE. How's that youtube gaming channel, Sup Forumsros? What the fuck were they thinking? Claim you're waifu! JUST.
>people fell for the X meme
Headsets thread. wtf i love/hate X now. Tired gamer thread. Are videogames art? *Joker pic* CUT MY LIFE INTO PIECES. When will you outgrow videogames? Sex or videogames? What games allow me to play as X? WHEN DID YOU STOP PLAYING WESTERN/WEEB GAMES? EVERY GAME THIS YEAR IS BAD. I blame Sup Forums for this. Gamergate thread. Twitter screencap thread. This is your X for tonight. This is X say something nice to her/him/it. no way fag. Look at this Nep! NEVER EVER. It's not fair! Is this loss? Is that a JoJo reference? kys. Dumb frogposter. What the fuck were they thinking? Perfect games/X doesn't exi-. This is the cancer killing Sup Forums. I'LL HAVE. But that's just a teory...

t. butthurt Sup Forumscuck

>he doesn't play tetris in java

>Sup Forums-tier gamedev

So you have swastikas all over your workplace?

yeah, they're worse

>enjoy vidya
>cant have anything besides Gabage Truck Simulator 2k16
>thanks mr. Soros for btfoing those polfags

every tiem

You stop caring. Is nothing else happening in your life that you get this angry about this shit?

m-muh red pill hur dur

Is this thread Poe's Law?

If you really want make things better kill yourself so there is one less Sup Forums retard in the world.

wtf im woke now


>I'm a Sup Forums-tier gamedev

Back to your shithole.

Are you alright?

How does one be a Sup Forums-tier gamedev.

pol pls go

OP is too quite, i guess he is writing a long ass post about how cucked Sup Forums is.


You okay, senpai?

>self proclaimed game developer
>who is also "Sup Forums-tier" (what the fuck does that even mean??)
>intense ass cringe!

straight up dunce, my man. do somethin else with your time

go back to Sup Forums :^)

Fuck off Sup Forums, all the relevant devs already realized that sjw pandering doesn't lead to more sales. Let the special snowflakes make their own circlejerk games and don't pretend like anybody other than them gives a shit.

Muuh libtards XD

you're in too deep, man

it's condensed shitpost

literally just waiting for some normal responce, Sup Forums is an unfunny shithole though
