Largest player base Most Games Most Exclusive Games Best Multitasker Most Backwards Compatibility Most Features/Software/Apps Biggest Competitive Gaming Scene
PC is held back by consoles. If consoles are so weak and inferior, why is the supposedly "powerful" PC somehow held back by them?
Charles Lopez
>Largest player base This has been proven wrong once you discount people playing Facebook/flash games >Most Games no shit, but the number of titles actually worth a damn out of the thousands is around the same as consoles >Most Exclusive Games see previous statement >Best Multitasker It's not 2000 anymore, nobody buys a gaming machine based on non-gaming capability >Most Backwards Compatibility See statements for "most games" and "most exclusives" >Most Features/Software/Apps See statement for "best multitasker" >Biggest Competitive Gaming Scene Only because Riot/Tencent forced it, not to mention that fighting games are only growing in terms of scene size, and that pretty much every other PC competitive scene is rife with cheating
PC is shit if you just want a machine that plays video games, given that outside of extreme couponing/praying for not-fucked used deals you're still spending several hundred more than the cost of a console to achieve parity, which is slowing disappearing thanks to consoles being the primary creation platform. Sure, over time a console will cost more when you factor in the cost of PSN/XBL and generally higher price tags on games, but for someone who wants an easy 5-6 year gaming investment it's fine.
And this is coming from someone who's been playing both console and PC games since 1993.
Ryan Williams
it all comes down to the plug and play nature of consoles and whether they have exclusive games you want to play. That's all there is to it.
Eli Perez
>This has been proven wrong once you discount people playing Facebook/flash games Source? >no shit, but the number of titles actually worth a damn out of the thousands is around the same as consoles Subjective >It's not 2000 anymore, nobody buys a gaming machine based on non-gaming capability This doesn't even address that the PC has more multitasking capability than a console it just goes into something different. >Only because Riot/Tencent forced it, not to mention that fighting games are only growing in terms of scene size, and that pretty much every other PC competitive scene is rife with cheating "Yea you're right but..."
>PC is shit if you just want a machine that plays video games, given that outside of extreme couponing/praying for not-fucked used deals you're still spending several hundred more than the cost of a console to achieve parity, which is slowing disappearing thanks to consoles being the primary creation platform. Sure, over time a console will cost more when you factor in the cost of PSN/XBL and generally higher price tags on games, but for someone who wants an easy 5-6 year gaming investment it's fine. Something unrelated the discussion did not compute.
Josiah Anderson
>PC is shit because it's more expensive even though console is more expensive wat
Matthew Robinson
>Objectively Prove The PC Is Shit Without Memeing
Read the post user.
Nathan Miller
>these people are playing video games that i don't play, therefore they dont count
Christian Davis
Tyler Morris
I did read the post and I'm saying that it's not better, all it has are the exclusives, which makes it a must buy in some cases.
James Sanders
Most obnoxious playerbase on the planet even compared to Sonyggers and Nintendrones, never shutting the fuck up about muh mustard race and graphics (most likely due to having garbage exclusives).
Jonathan Fisher
PCs are more expensive up front, which you would have understood if actually read the full statement. A console is more expensive in the long-term, but for the most part the majority of console users will not actually reach that level of expense where money spent breaks even with PCs.
As I remember that one infographic pitting the cost of a PC against the PS4 and Xbone, they calculated the costs based on $40 a game for PC and $60 for consoles, despite the fact that practically no PC player pays more than $30 for pretty much any game anymore and most console players are more wont to wait for used sales/not buy however many games they listed.
David Mitchell
The thread isn't about "What makes a console good?" or "Is console better than PC?"
The object of this disucssion
wait for it....
Is to >Objectively Prove PC Is Shit Without Mememing
Connor Hall
lol poorfag
Hudson Jones
>Most obnoxious playerbase on the planet even compared to Sonyggers and Nintendrones, never shutting the fuck up about muh mustard race and graphics (most likely due to having garbage exclusives).
Subjective, disregarded.
Jace Jones
call the mods cry babby bed wetters
Ethan Flores
But the use of the word objectively is a Sup Forums meme. You already played yourself OP.
Leo Richardson
Not an argument
Blake Brooks
>>This has been proven wrong once you discount people playing Facebook/flash games
>The rest
Didn't bother you started off weak as could be.
Juan Sanchez
Not an argument, disregarded
Zachary Morales
Yea I just wanted to see if Sup Forums could have a logical discussion but this thread is already off the rails.
Mods please delete this.
Elijah Thomas
well you cant, you can close the thread now
Nathan White
Is this really what happens in Sup Forums?
My carefully thought out post and replies is shattered with a simple "no u"
Brandon Garcia
I tried but it said the post was too old. Mods pls
Easton Ortiz
>Easy Internet use when you feel like taking a break >Controller customizability >More developer-friendly >Ridiculous sales >Multiple online game retailers in competition for your interest, rather than just Sony, Ninty or Microsoft It never ends
Jacob Gonzalez
>Objectively Prove PC is Shit Without Memeing
Explain "memeing".
Brody Stewart
Not an argument.
Grayson Morgan
All common forms of bait including but not limited to...
Frogposts Feels "You can't play X game" "PC is for fat losers with $1000000" "X on suicide watch"
any other forms of Sup Forums shilling
John Myers
The system isn't problem.
It's the users. And they are undeniably shitty "people".
that alone is reason to shun PC as many publishers choose to do and which all other publishers should start doing.
Fromsoft had no idea what they unleashed, but you can trace the state of the modern PCMR circlejerk right back to their announcement of Dark Souls for PC.
Chase Harris
Nah, it's objective for sure. You can see how shit they are right here in this very thread.
Noah Johnson
Because devs design games to run on consoles first, high-end PCs second, rather than the other way around. This leads to things like games being capped at 30fps or having mechanics simplified in order to make it more console specs/controller friendly, and this usually gets carried over to the PC version because devs are lazy or don't want to expend the resources for this. Were it done the other way around, as it should be, this wouldn't be as much of a problem.
Nolan Bell
>publishers >shunning customers top bun Everyone on Sup Forums is shit
Thomas Peterson
how is that moving the goalposts? do you want to trivialize player base entirely by including people who play with their phones at work?
Adrian Edwards
>It's the users. And they are undeniably shitty "people". Source? >that alone is reason to shun PC as many publishers choose to do Source? > but you can trace the state of the modern PCMR circlejerk right back to their announcement of Dark Souls for PC I know this is wrong but I am interested it you can cough up some Kotaku-esque article where some one tries to tie this together.
Is this the best Sup Forums has to offer? Opinions and drama and no facts or sources?
Wyatt Taylor
The facebook/flash market has mostly been devoured by smartphones and it's a very small part of the current market.
Dominic Bell
So how the fuck can you say it has the bigger playerbase if they aren't playing (game here)? Are you retarded?
Julian Thomas
Games that are played on PC and Console count for both PC and Console.
Games that can be played on Mobile/PC/Console count for all 3.
We are not talking about what you or I personally like we are talking about objective facts and hard data id est "Things that can be seen and measured and thus proven"
Charles Perez
I don't know what you are trying to prove here OP
PC is technically better than consoles but some people can't be assed to build their own computer, or some people just prefer console games over pc
It just comes down to personal preference
Sebastian Rodriguez
Michael Sanchez
I am not attempting to prove anything
I am inviting the denizens of Sup Forums to "Objectively Prove PC Is Shit Without Memeing"
Blake Perry
That argument is a fallacy, by that logic anyone without top of the line brand new parts is holding the industry back which means the majority of pc players
Objectively costs more, has more issues to consider, too many variations with only the creme of the cop being optimized (sometimes not at all, see ARK Survival Evolved) . Ggwp PC objectively shit
Jaxon Bell
>ark >cream of the crop What did he mean by this?
Hudson Williams
>Objectively costs more Well considering you can build a $50 toaster and run minecraft on it this is not true.
>has more issues to consider OBJECTIVELY TRUE! !! ! ! We have a winner after 50+ replies SOME ONE FINALLY STATED AN OBJECTIVE REASON WHY PC IS SHIT OMG YOU DID IT Sup Forums
>too many variations with only the creme of the cop being optimized
Carter Gomez
I don't think PC is shit but it has less players than consoles which sucks if you wanna play older or niche games.
also note more cheaters on PC
Joshua Ortiz
whats this image trying to convey?
Josiah Johnson
good luck pleasantly browsing Sup Forums on ur xbox fagets and also, all console games are made on a PC
Luke Morgan
Nicholas Gonzalez
>it has less players than consoles We were doing so well
>also note more cheaters on PC Funny you mention, YES PC HAS MORE CHEATERS ANOTHER WINNER ! ! ! !
We have more cheaters because we have more players and it is objectively easier to make cheats for an open system.
Anthony Perez
>discounting people playing Facebook games ect
As Fucking shitty and casual the player base is on thouse, who do we discount it? Because it's not game enough? What about tell tale games on console? Can we strike those off the list? Or jewel quests on consoles?
Evan Rogers
No no no we've already decided See there, KEEP IT OBJECTIVE ANONS
Alexander Moore
>what is league of legends
the most played game in the fucking world
>what console is it on
Joshua Roberts
>no shit, but the number of titles actually worth a damn out of the thousands is around the same as consoles
>only the games I like count
Jackson Rivera
I know this is all banter, like "X isnt white" in pol or int, but Im really tired of this debate. I tried pc gaming, but it isnt for me. I play on a fucking xbox one (I also have a comfy 3ds for rune factory, bravely default and pokemon) and I know its the weakest hardware but I still enjoy playing videogames and thats all that matters for me. Hope you pcbros and sonyfriends enjoy this beautiful hobby as much as I do.
Nathan Sanchez
Not portable >NB4 laptops and streaming It's shit.
Isaac Ortiz
All the people who I actually like to hang out with have a PS4.
That alone is why I play on consoles.
Anthony Perez
Not related but wishes of joy and general friendliness
Sebastian Myers
>Not portable Subjective, disregarded.
I don't know how to classify this one but it does seem OBJECTIVE so I will REGARD this.
Colton Long
>inb4 frogposts and "LEL YOU CANT PLAY BLOODBORNE" You can always reply with "LEL YOU CANT PLAY ARMA"
John Robinson
>We have more cheaters because we have more players
>easier to make cheats for an open system
these don't correlate. if console was more open there'd be just as many cheaters on console.
Cameron Smith
Meme, disregarded.
This thread is for objective discussion, user.
Lincoln Garcia
Jaxon Cook
>All common forms of bait
Define what you see as bait WITHOUT giving examples please.
>Frogposts These are meaningless. You are correct. >Feels These also are meaningless. You are correct. >"You can't play X game" This implies the discussion has nothing to do with gaming PC's or consoles. Please clarify if you are talking about a gaming PC, or a work PC. >"PC is for fat losers with $1000000" I can agree that that's a stupid opinion. But I can also at least state that prices are important.
Adrian Flores
Juan Brown
Not all PC multiplat games have cross system play & that makes me sad.
Jaxson Carter
I've noticed that the PC crowd can be just as bad or worse than console players. console players are more dedicated to playing games than a guy who bought or pirated a game just to try it out.
the "hardcore" PC players aren't as many as console players. of course you'll have PC elitists discounting console players because of personal insecurities.
Aaron Hill
There is nothing to discuss desu. 1. Everything said in OP is objective truth 2. Why the fuck should someone care about "largest player base" or things like this? That's why you shouldn't have created this thread.
Blake Miller
Owen Brown
Have common sense and don't click on those pc cleaner ads on google.
Christopher Nguyen
>Why the fuck should someone care about "largest player base" or things like this? That's why you shouldn't have created this thread.
He's right and I have more respect for Sup Forums because of the few sane posts like this and a couple objective replies.
Ryder Stewart
>I've noticed that the PC crowd can be just as bad or worse than console players. console players are more dedicated to playing games than a guy who bought or pirated a game just to try it out.
the "hardcore" PC players aren't as many as console players. of course you'll have PC elitists discounting console players because of personal insecurities.
Subjective ranting ensues...
Aaron Cooper
no hackers in online games due to PC having more options multi plats tend to be more popular on consoles the average person is more likely to game on a console lower initial price
Isaac Kelly
>no hackers in online games hmmmm NO hackers you say hmmmmm
>due to PC having more options multi plats tend to be more popular on consoles Hmmmmmm I don't know user you're kind of getting close
>the average person is more likely to game on a console This is probably true and thus I will REGARD
No seriously some of you mouth breathers should marvel at this simple ability to address the point of an argument sheesh
Logan Russell
>lower initial price i ment it as in a console will be better than a pc for the same price (£199)
Hunter Miller
Yes and that is how I took it and that makes you a winner in the "Objectively Prove PC Is Shit Without Memeing" thread.
Good job user!
Dominic Sullivan
its impossible for an FPS to be actually competitive with a high skill ceiling on console. using a controller to aim when compared to mouse + keyboard is like walking on your hands, which is why 95% of console shooters basically auto-aim for you. consoles are ok to play whatever the newest ps4 exclusive is, or madden/skate 3 or something. but any time i see some "serious" "pro mlg gamer" covering his controller in sweat playing halo 7, it just makes me laugh knowing that hes getting 30 fps.
Oliver Watson
Off-topic, disregarded
>Objectively Prove PC Is Shit Without Memeing
Henry Diaz
shut the fuck up faggot
Brayden James
You don't need to prove that PC's or not, because the people against it are brand loyalists who think their opinion is regarded highly for whatever reason. PC is choice, and it has drawbacks like any other games platform. Whether those drawbacks deter you from buying it is up to you; but, don't act like not liking a certain thing makes you an authority on the value or usefulness of a platform.
Just do research and buy what appeals to you.
Michael Allen
I'm not even talking I'm typing jeez you Sup Forums people sure have trouble comprehending what is going on around you.
Juan Rogers
Off-topic, disregarded
>Objectively Prove PC Is Shit Without Memeing
Zachary Taylor
Pc are great if money is no object. Otherwise for the price of a good video card, you can buy a ps4 slim. Also, because of hardware differences, it's really hard to get your timings down for rhythm and fighting games on pc especially if you're using custom gamepads like a ddr matt. Finally, if you have friends in real life, it's easier to play party games with them on console than on pc
Luis Hall
This all actually sounds like OBJECTIVE TRUTH
Is that another winrar I smell? Could PC truly Be Shit?
Tune in on the next thread of NEO Sup Forums BABIES