MOBAs are fun
The communities within them are toxic as fuck
Literally the greatest cancer since fps squeakers
MOBAs are fun
Other urls found in this thread:
>what is the mute button
>what is having friends
>>what is having friends
I-I don't know, user.
>Doesn't post actually fun assfaggots
Where's awesomenauts, hots, hell even strife is better than those shit.
only one of those games is a moba though
Is Strife even still alive?
>reinstall HotS for a genji skin
>quickly remember why I quit this genre
>MOBAs are completely reliant on teamwork
>if even one person isn't working together, the match might as well be lost
>at some point one side gets a lead and just stomps the shit out of the other
>this goes on and on until I decide to give up and just do bot matches
How about you come up with a better word than spewing toxic every 5 minutes you fucking redunderfuck
Any moba that doesn't have a dedicated solo queue isn't worth my time. Sorry if I don't feel like fighting against a whole group of dudes with mics and exclusively practice with themselves in order to pub stomp.
I would love SMITE if it had a solo queue and it had the paragon system where you pick a character act the start and it sets you into a match with players who chose other roles so no one can be some big faggot and not play a guardian because all their dumbasses can do is play jungle
>I want there to be a forced meta
Wow. Heroes of Newerth mentioned in a thread.
1820 MMR now Gold II player reporting. AMA
Are there any mods that make the health bars not look like fucking garbage?
Probably. I wouldn't know though, been playing since beta and never really had a problem with them.
The only mod I ever considered downloading was the one where it made the trees hollow in appearance.
>The only mod I ever considered downloading was the one where it made the trees hollow in appearance.
How is that not cheating?
It's not exclusive to Moba's, everygame has 16-30 year olds, and there in lies the real problem. The most entitled, least working, pot smoking group of people on the earth
Fog is still in effect. You can't see a hero thats hidden behind fog. On your map all you would see is a little stump where the tree should be and just a black space.
>Fog is still in effect. You can't see a hero thats hidden behind fog.
Why the hell would it change that?
I just mean turning the trees into little stubs would give you a lot more visibility over players who aren't using it. Seems similar to mods that turn player models bright pink in FPS games or something
every games playerbase is cancer now. The internet is nothing but memes and people acting out in ways they wouldnt in person now.
You're not special by singling out mobas
In lower level gameplay, I agree. That is a pretty huge advantage over other players.
But you have to remember, the games been out since 2010. Hidden juke spots in trees haven't changed much since 2010. Anyone who has over 500 games played knows all the little spots so to me it doesn't seem like a big deal at all.
Boy it sure is fun when 3 Brazilian faggots all wanna play loki so each one of them picks an assassin. So much fun
>having no friends
literally will only ever happen if you are on the shit-tier