ITT: Long running series with literally zero (0) good games

ITT: Long running series with literally zero (0) good games

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ITT: Obvious baits with zero (0) bites.

Name one (1) good Ys game. You literally can't.



See? You literally couldn't name one good game in the series because you know that there isn't one. Get rekt kiddo.

The Oath in Felghana and Ys Origin are solid, and Ys III inspired my favourite games. I also actually enjoyed Ys VI and Seven.

Alright niggas I need help

I got Ys Origin on the Steam sale and for some reason the game goes to 1 fps and crashes whenever I go to the character select screen or the options menu. Does anyone know how to fix? I couldn't find anything on the internet.


Works for me





I just didn't want to bite.
But it would take a shorter while to simply not name the great ones. Because most games in the Ys series are great, not good.

Oblivion was great though

Not even one.

Not even a spinoff.

It's the same 35 people in the world that plays these games.

Nah, that's definitely the worst one.

What, couldn't even get past Vagullion on easy?

The Saints Row Series

you first


These have always been an abominable fine-tuning between a video game and a sim, but never either or, and it just doesn't work without being Earth Defense Force levels of cheesy.

At least some of the music is good.


Touhou is another good example of such a series.

Then explain why koei tecmo still isnt bankrupt?

They can survive on DOA5:LR dlc alone.

pls respond

i just wanna play

Sure, let's neglect the existence of MH4U one of the 2015 GOTY.

I never had that problem.

Are you on a super toaster?


I'm on Windows 10 though