ITT: modern games that will be remembered as classics
ITT: modern games that will be remembered as classics
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have fun with your dead shitpost thread :D
If I had to guess:
>the Soulsborne series
>League of Legends/DOTA 2
I'm honestly having trouble thinking of more. It's not that there aren't any promising properties being developed, but there's honestly so much content being released so rapidly there isn't enough time for gamers to get really attached to one game. This is exacerbated by AAA developers who crank out basically the same game every year a la COD and Assassin's Creed.
Also, DOOM will only be remembered as a classic if Bethesda/id decides to release an actual modding engine, not that clipart bullshit.
I s EVRYONE trying to shitpost this game to death?
Don't get me wrong, I love it, but please don't tell me this is a big effort to induce a "FUCK CAKE" phenomenon.
Kerbal Space Program
Stardew Valley
Ace Attorney series
These are all I can think of. Not many games can survive the test of time, but these should be good to go for many decades
You have two choices on PC for active arena fps multiplayer.
This, and Quake Live. Quake has weapon pickups beyond power weapons, but every server has far too many player slots it completely destroys the game balance in ffa.
I would say skyrim.
They must be.
I'm enjoying the game. It's not perfect but I have a big stupid grin on my face when playing it. I don't get that grin very often these days.
super columbine massacre rpg.
I actually swam with a goliath grouper on a scuba diving trip some years back, I think they used to call them jewfish or something.
I know it's a bait thread, but I'll seriously answer. Shovel Knight for sure, and if it doesn't get lost to time from Nintendo being a bunch of fucks I bet AM2R will hold positive opinion forever
These too
This game has already been forgotten.
no Final Fantasy will ever be forgotten
Yeah, some locals where I am called them jewfish. I was told this was because their meat was considered kosher but I don't know how true that is.
Protip: don't eat adult grouper, they tend to bioaccumulate too many toxins like mercury. Most people consume juveniles.
Except all of them before 7
dorf fort because it will still be in development in twenty years
kind of already is desu
Groupers are great.
Unironically the greatest game of the era, and the one that will be remembered above all.
Cult classic at least
So true.
I wonder if Darkest Dungeon will be considered a classic dungeon crawler in the future.
He's a pirate
Unfortunately yes
I have no doubt that Titanfall 1 and 2 will be remembered as great shooters, if cult classics.
Titanfall 2 might be one of those "not as popular as it should have been" games, but nothing more.
>It's another "take a somewhat popular game and meme it into the ground so as to create chaos, shit-slinging, and schadenfreude" thread
Sup Forums was never good.
Darkest Dungeon sucks fucking ass aside from its narrator and artstyle. I will be considered a "classic dungeon crawler" by people who never played an actual classic dungeon crawler.
Underrail, but only by a small fanbase because this generation has absolutely no taste and no idea what its talking about. Just look at this thread and the normie garbage that gets mentioned. A classic is something that stands the test of time, some of these games weren't even good the day they came out. Fucking neo-Sup Forums I swear.
thwhawuuudegsplain evrrythgn
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