Admit your unpopular vidya opinions, Sup Forums. I'll start

Admit your unpopular vidya opinions, Sup Forums. I'll start.

I actually disliked BioShock Infinite. Its story was cliche while trying to be 'deep'

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don't even pretend that is unpopular my man

I enjoy LoL from time to time

I liked Fallout 3 more than New Vegas

>I actually disliked BioShock Infinite.
You're on Sup Forums, not reddit
This is a popular opinion here

MGS V is a great game.

I like liberal/sjw video game memes like female or non-white protagonists, mostly because leads are so generic as is I like them to be at the very least visually distinct.

I enjoy things that Sup Forums doesn't

It is a great game, if only they hadn't fucked up most of the characters' personality (especially ocelot... what the fuck happened to ocelot) and had a bland story.

I still play mgsv at least once weekly. Gotta get that stealth fix. It plays so well.

That's true though. It's not an opinion.

I feel like unmodded skyrim is a very shallow game with limited roleplaying elements

I think L4D2 is Valves best game to date.

Wow so unpopular on Sup Forums

>civilization is child's play compared to paradox games

>"I liked"

user, what are you doing?!

I don't understand the appeal behind this guy's games.

I actually think this is the greatest collectathon of all time.

Fallout 4 is good

He's right actually, it is a fact that you like Fallout 3 over New Vegas. It would be an opinion that you think Fallout 3 with better than New Vegas, though.

Shantae would be a better series than Zelda if both had the same budget.

I like you.

>with better
I meant "is better"

3/5 of my favorite games are indie
does that alone make me a degenerate?

I find LttP boring compared to most other Zelda games and I never beated it because of that.

It is a great game, it's just a shit movie

Megaman X3 is better than Megaman X

Modern PC gaming is about as bad as modern console gaming. There is no reason to be elitist about having a PC since your games are just as shitty.

Simple and easy but very enjoyable. Kirby is great as a "pick up and play" series. Not every game needs hours of dedication to understand. Not saying you need to like them but that's why Sup Forums likes them.

Which games?

Facts about preferences are, in fact, opinions.
You antisemantic moron.

Shantae is already a better series than Zelda.

Skyward Sword was great.

It's definitely up there.

Vanilla Skyrim is better than Oblivion.


I think the Witcher series is boring

I kinda hate Final Fantasy VI. I just don't care about any character in that game at all. That's not enough for me to hate a game but the fact everyone else loves it makes me jealous because I want to like things.

The games are too short and lack content.
Hence the budget point. Consider how much money Nintendo sinks on rereleases nobody wants, WayForward would create the best series ever with those resources.

this game fucking sucks dick

I like hearthstone

"sjw shit" in games is basically never actually sjw shit at all, and the shitposting is just Sup Forums with hurt feelings

Megaman X3 is one of the worst Megaman X games. It's slow, has horrible enemy variation, boss patterns and sprites are lazy and vastly lacking in frames of animation, the various collectibles are almost as useless as the X1 helmet upgrade, the music is the worst in the series, and the Doppler Lab stages were boring and tedious.

If they're good games then no. Don't fall for the contrarian opinion that indie games are dogshit, that's the only thing keeping me interested in games anymore. That and Kirby.

- The best game experiences come from dialogue heavy games focused on mystery solving, suspense and plot twists, such as Ghost Trick, Ace Attorney or Zero Escape

- Lunia was good until updates happened and turned it into "Lunia Z"

- Watch Dogs was great and better than GTA IV

- Touhou is one of the best games ever made

I love Doom 4's multiplayer

It's like a next gen version of Halo Reach

The MGS series should of died with the PS1.

That's unpopular but sure as hell not controversial. I come to Sup Forums to escape irl political diatribe.

I actually enjoyed Bioshock Infinite, but only because the rails were fun. The story was complete ass

t. Anita

I just got Doom 4 and I'm really enjoying the single player. I've heard it was poorly received but I don't get it. How long is the main game? This reminds me a lot of first playing Halo in the fact that I'm taking my time, exploring shit, and just enjoying the 'different' feeling from what I'm used to seeing in games these days.

Smash Melee is one of the best games of all time

WoW died during WotLK

The story in The Last of Us was fucking terrible

Final Fantasy XIII is one of the worst games of all time

pretty much this
i was super hyped for Remember Me desu, shame it was so mediocre

Everybody hated bioshock infinite on this board newblood

>hotline miami

nothing wrong with that senpai

I think this too

Sup Forums fags get triggered so fucking easily

Single player was really well received, I think people didn't like the multiplayer because it's more like Halo and COD than traditional Doom or Quake.
I really love exploring it too, probably the first modern game in 4-5 years that I've truly had a great deal of fun with.

MGSV is a solid 9/10 for the gameplay alone. It is also without a doubt my most disappointing game of all time.
Binding of Isaac Rebirth is worse than the original in almost every way except for sheer volume of content and the engine the game runs on. I know it's hard to replace Danny Baranowsky when he went full SJW, but the new music is just shit.



Old is WAY fucking better.

The Persona series proves that even a bunch of poorly developped and lackluster gameplay elements can make a great game if the overall experience is good.

Well hell, the main game plays like a faster paced Halo, what did they think the multiplayer would be like?

my unpopular opinion: new doom is way too fucking short. every time I say that on Sup Forums though people call me a retard or say "confirmed never played it" but I thought it ended really quickly and abruptly, I felt blue balled

it's the greatest irony desu. they're literally the same as the sjws they hate. you could take any one of their memes about sjw behaviour but make it about right wing shit instead, and it'd resemble them just as perfectly

You have shit taste in everything

Overwatch is better than TF2
Watch_Dogs 2 is a fun game
Fallout 3>Fallout NV>Fallout 4, but Fallout 4 is still a fun game for a playthrough or two.
GTA Online's pretty fun
MGS 4 and MGS V are some of the best in the series, but they're all phenominal games.

I unironically liked Final Fantasy 13.

Final Fantasy 13-2 was a good game on its own, it was just a shitty Final Fantasy game.

I have mixed feelings about this game as well. When I played it (when I was like 16 or 17) I thought it was great but I was an edgy piece of shit. Now that I'm past the honeymoon phase, it was okay at best.

Not him, but I like the fact that you listed these. I liked Hotline Miami and Furi is on my wishlist. Gonna check out Braid right now.

Skyward Sword was an amazing game.

X5 is my favorite video game of all time, and I think it's better than X4.

Undertale sucks IMO. Maybe it's because it's overrated af.

Of course, that's how Megaman Legends became such a cult classic.

Legends' graphics aged poorly, the controls are horrid, the camera was dogshit, the weapon diversity was piss poor, loading times/screens are everywhere, and a lot of the gameplay itself is just slow and clunky.

But the way the game handles atmosphere, music, develops its setting, makes you care about the characters, and gives you a slow moving plot that eventually leads into the big reveal that all the people you have learned to care about are going to fucking die if you don't beat an Alaskan city in combat. That's really awesome.

did you play it with the Wii motion plus remote attachment or did you play it with the motion plus built in? I tried to play with the attachment cause I didn't wanna drop $40 on a new controller but I had to stop after like an hour. I just can not play it.

I will never not be mad about Rebirth's shit soundtrack

I thought Sticker Star was fun.
Not amazing, but I enjoyed playing it.

Lots of games are amazing and also still overrated. ffvii and undertale come to mind, imo.

But undertale has the additional problem of its top tier cancerous fanbase.

If I could A) Turn off Alia completely B) Modify the various armors to be much better C) Remove the ticking clock element and D) Overhaul the music completely X5 would be fantastic.

But despite X4's crappy level design and cringe inducing cutscenes I find it to be in the top 3 X series games. Top 4 if we include Command Mission.

Vanilla Skyrim> Vanilla Oblivion>Morrowind
Morrowind is shit, Oblivion/Skyrim are great.
Compasses in games like Skyrim are good

Sonic All-Star Racing Transformed > CTR > Any Mario Kart

I enjoy playing solo in World of Warcraft.

Built in. Does the Motion Plus... dongle not work?

I'm not into Binding of Isaac at all, but same shit happened with Super Meat Boy. I was excited to have it on the go on my vita but that new soundtrack is just...bad.

Why did the guy leave Team Meat?

Well then you probably like retail because its almost a single player game now

Tales of Graces has the best battle system of the Tales games.

Zestiria and Berseria are bastardizations of it.

Dunno, it's a shitload of fun though and the armor customization is really underrated.

Also I secretly love the taunts in this game.

I agree but I don't know if that's that controversial around here.

Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 is better than 2, has a better soundtrack and is probably the best on in the Pro Skater series.

It "works" as in, it eventually knows that there's motion going on. Maybe I just got a really shitty one but Christ is it unresponsive.

I played a video game once and I kind of liked it.

desu I thought Underground 2 was my favorite Tony Hawk game but that may be a case of nostalgia.

Grab a Wiimote with one built in. Yours sounds busted.


You realize you sound like a beta orbiter right now, right? You're probably a cuck, too.

If you play LoL you're either:
A black/hispanic nerd trying to show people you can do white things.
An asian kid, but they invented anime so they're already weird
A nerdy fat obese white privileged fuck

It's okay that Megaman is dead, series had a damn good run and sometimes it's just better for things to end.

I enjoy Smash 4 more than Melee

I like AMD

I don't think that's actually an unpopular opinion. The Mary Sue didn't really help either.

I liked Bayonetta 2 more than Bayonetta 1 by a considerable margin. More of an unpopular opinion on Sup Forums than elsewhere, though.

Also, Mario 3D World > Sunshine.

This guy is correct

This is fact is it not?

Megaman fans are fine with it ending but we want an actual fucking ending.

The Megaman Legends series and Megaman ZX series ended on cliffhangers. The former suggested that all major ruins on earth were going to start pumping out killed apocolypse robots, and the latter revealed that Thomas was evil all along.

Megaman Classic and Megaman X have no ending at all. Command Mission X attempted to provide a decent ending for the series but it is not considered canon.

Megaman Zero ended with Zero dying. Megaman Battle Network and Megaman Starforce ended with happy endings.

You sometimes get people deriding Sonic All Stars to complete dismissal simply due to the fact that it has a shitty e-celeb in it, as if that makes the game any less fun to play

If you play LoL you're either:
>literally described my brother to a t
feels so shitty man. He has a fairly strong PC but refuses to play anything but LoL, Minecraft or shitty free-to-play Indie games with the occasional Naruto game.

I feel like this is true for a lot of people but everyone in the Smash community is obligated to have "muh respect for Melee." Sure, it's more demanding, but that also makes it so much harder to get into and enjoy which is a huge turnoff for many players.

>Sure, it's more demanding, but that also makes it so much harder to get into and enjoy which is a huge turnoff for many players.
This is why I don't like Melee much myself, I enjoy playing it with other people but I don't care enough about the game to get to tourneyfag levels.
I can get into Smash 4 easily.

Doom 64 is one of the best Doom games, period. It's easily top 3 material for the series, and one of my personal favorite first person shooters.

>F-Zero X is better than GX

>Twisted Metal Black is better than Head On

>Normal Peach is better than Smash Peach

10/10 opinion

I'm sorry user but it's just too dark on my TV no matter what