What's the difference between shmups and bullet hells?
What's the difference between shmups and bullet hells?
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it's like squares and rectangles.
All shmups are bullet hells, but not all bullet hells are shmups.
Bullet hell is a wider and more flexible genre, shmup is a very specific type of game.
bullet hell isn't a genre though
>All shmups are bullet hells, but not all bullet hells are shmups.
You have this backwards, retard
Bullet hell is a specific type of shmup, there are absolute fuck tons of shmups that aren't bullet hells
What's the difference between this thread and the other?
None, both were made by Shotty for shitposting.
Main difference is hitboxes and life management.
Danmaku have smaller hitboxes but you can't fuckup even once or you lose a life.
Shmups are the opposite.
life management really isn't a factor between the two. Lots of older traditional shmups are a lot more punishing with lives than more recent bullet hells.
Truxton, Gradius, Raiden, etc. If you take a single hit, your run is basically over.
PoFV games Suicar Tier
Adonis 2
Let's try this. For the sake of video games.
Speaking of, I wanted to try to netplay that cute Touhou Kart game and I completely forgot about it. Time to go searching for a download link and to play it to unlock everything first.
A danmaku game is a shmup game made after 1997.
If you can see more than 10% of the background at any given moment, it isn't bullet hell.
Is Cirno Racing a thing now?
>to use the netplay functions you NEED to have purchased the game in order to have a serial key
>and nobody cracked this thing yet and it may never happen
Well, so much for that.
Why are Japanese people so fucking buttblasted over piracy?
It's a fucking doujin game ffs, it's not like everyone is going to fly to Japan to buy your stupid fangame.
Pretty much every Western game requires a valid CD key for playing online too though.
Even fangames?
Is this host even up?
I can't even think of any Western fangames with online multiplayer, so I couldn't say. Can you think of any?
It is, but my host doesn't work it seems. Can you host instead?
Bullet hell is a subgenre of shmup. Not all shmups are bullet hell. Dariusburst is an example of a non bullet hell shmup.
How do you even get good at bullet hell?
All of my 1ccs in Touhou just felt like pure luck. I'm surprised I didn't get a seizure or something from all the nonsense on my screen.
Shmups mean those gradius syndrome games your granpa used to play. Bullet hells are modern more deep, fair and come with actual scoring systems for replayability instead of just being artificially difficult to eat up all your credits after stage 3
Stop watching the bullets and just look for negative space
I can try. Only can play a small number of games though.
It's mostly a combination of memorization, hand eye coordination and reading bullet paths and patterns. All of these can be learned and practiced
Shmups that aren't bullet hells generally have actual thought put into them regarding stage design and enemy art.
Bullet hells just decide on a few bullet patterns and throw them in a "stage," and you typically have a 1-pixel hitbox on your ship so you can move a pixel at a time.
>How do you even get good at bullet hell?
let's all play Cabal-shooters instead.
Hey man hit enter
I think all those pokemon fangames work online, but of course they don't sell it.
Theres also FONLINE, though I don't really know if that counts as a fangame or a mod, you don't need to own fallout 2, you just need the assets
Could you rehost? I've just noticed that I had a torrent working in the background...
Sorry, but I can't stand latency that high and need to prepare for someone else coming over.
Let's try one last time.
One game only. Host up.
1. Large amount of bullets
2. Scoring-driven mechanics
3. Perpetually angry fanbase
>3. Perpetually angry fanbase
What in the fuck are you even talking about, you fucking moron?
>Scoring-driven mechanics
completely unrelated
Not only did I miss picking up the boss power up, I've completely wasted the yellow one. Good game Falling Light.
If anyone else wants to play PoFV, just reply to this post and host in the next 30 minutes before I completely pass out.
Hola secundario
It's a parody pic of his twitter pic. And I'm far from Hispanic. Adonis2
>posting western art
But how can we solve the shotty problem?
Give me a second. I need to rebind my keys.
Sure. Host is up whenever.
Oh shit man, you are still alive?
It's been ages, literally, since I saw your host
With actual hosts that promove playing the games
I had to restart my computer because the key that was set for bombs didn't work and I swear that I'm not making that up.
I'm always here, but I need to go to sleep once I'm done playing with Oboe.
Who's this Shotty and why do people here hate him?
Your spic is showing, shotty.
Undertale is a bullet hell, but it sure as hell isn't a schmup
An imaginary person made by an autistic shitposter, ignore his posts
>Undertale is a bullet hell
no it's not
And Undertale is its own thing, really. I mean, there's the Mettaton fight but if that counted then the game would also be a platformer because of Papyrus' fight.
>Samefagging like this
Stalkie-kun stop
Why did you delete the truth?
Bullet hells are shumps
Except instead of level design the bullets are the levels
i thought all shmups were bullet hells. or at least turn into them by the last levels when your entire screen is made of lava and only turbo-autists who memorized the entire map's bullet patterns can navigate through without being killed.
>your entire screen is made of lava and only turbo-autists who memorized the entire map's bullet patterns can navigate through without being killed.
Bullet hells are like that, except for the entire game.
Undertale's kind of a bastard child of schmup combat and barebones RPG mechanics. I'll give you the skelly brothers, but most of the combat was just avoiding projectiles. Granted they weren't always Raiden X level bullet hells (until omega flowey), but you know what I'm talking about. Most combat is centered on dodging different patterns of projectile attacks.
Shmups can be played by everyone.
Bullet Hells require you to be part spider.
>cave started porting games to pc
Shits fun
Though, can you really call it a shoot-'em-up if you don't shoot stuff up?
Look dude, this isn't funny anymore
Why do you always want to de-rail every single thread with your meta shit?
What did I even do to piss you off to the point where you are constantly looking out for me on every single thread?
I haven't even been posting that much lately, and yet you keep assuming that every OP or random poster having X opinion on something is me
Also videogames yeah
Bullet hells tend to be easier and more forgiving to clear though. Almost all old school shmups screw you over one mistake because you power down while manic shooters almost never do that
Well, I'm not calling it a shoot em up. Just a rare example of a bullet hell that isn't a shoot em up.
Or a at the very least, a game with bullet hell mechanics mixed in
It was never funny in the first place, shitposter.
>What did I even do to piss you off to the point where you are constantly looking out for me on every single thread?
You know damn well what you did, you even bragged about it before.
Are you mad because your circlejerk community and kuso game is dead?
Is that why you turned me into your scapegoat for shitposting?
Oh. Yeah, that's fair enough.
Glad we reached an agreement
>Are you mad because your circlejerk community and kuso game is dead?
Hahaha, that's not funny either. The day soku is actually dead is the day I cum buckets until I pass out.
>Is that why you turned me into your scapegoat for shitposting?
You ARE a shitposter and you HAVE been ruining Touhou threads for your own sick, twisted pleasure for years. By your own repeated, proud admission.
Good games, man.
I doubt it, but would anyone else like to play? I can host again.
>mfw I've been in these threads for a while now and I still don't even know who you nobodies are
I couldn't pick you fags out if I tried.
Anyway, why aren't you playing Len'en right now? You're not a casual right?
Oh, and look who's here. We are missing only a couple people to reach the cancer limit.
So you actually are a sokufag
It makes sense, given how fucking obessesed you are with me
Look, soku has been dead for quite a while now, just take a look a #hisouten, it's nothing but a ghost town with nobody talking for days
The only place that's even remotely alive is that shitty discord cancer channel, which I assume is where you came from
Point is, these threads have nothing to do with that game, they never did and I see no point in trying to ruin every single one of them unless you just don't care about Touhou outside that spinoff game
You're not helping MaZe
Good games Oboe. It felt like old times with Mohican Sandbag blasting in the background as we played our matches. Shame that I didn't win a single one. I thought we were equal at one point but you've proven me wrong.
>So you actually are a sokufag
It's like you don't even read. I guess that gets in the way of your relentless shitposting?
>and I see no point in trying to ruin every single one of them
That never stopped you.
Play Raiden or Twin Cobra, then play Dodongpachi Daifukkatsu or something like that, it's easy as fuck to tell the difference in gameplay style
Then I see no reason why you would hate me so much
Give me 1 (ONE) actual reasonable argument on why you think that ruining every single Touhou thread looking for me is a good thing
>You're not helping MaZe
No but seriously, help me out here, who is arguing with who, I literally don't know what the fuck is going on.
Don't be like that. Besides, I'm not even gonna post much more today, I've got another thread which has stole the majority of my attention.
Nice implications. The only one ruining threads is you and your lust for shitposting. You're the one we've yet to have ONE good Touhou thread since fucking forever. And as long as you're here, we can't have one, because if anyone tries you'll just swoop in and take an artillery shit all over it just like you did this one.
>You're the one we've yet to have ONE
*You're the reason we've yet to have ONE
>you've lived to see the day everyone who wanted to discuss touhou on Sup Forums gets to reap what they sowed when they believed shotty's butthurt memeing about soku and put up with his autistic south american attentionwhoring, instead of telling him to fuck off
What a time to be alive.
Yeah, didn't expect it. Enjoy your thread.
>Undertale is a bullet hell
Not even its hardest patterns can be considered a "hell" of any kind. Fuck off kid.
What is this "shitposting" you are talking about?
Can you give me some actual examples? Like you don't even need to link me a post, just tell what the fuck you think is wrong with the things I supposedly post
You say that we can't have a good Touhou thread with me, and yet you never say why
>le aya wings samefagging
There's your example, now fuck off.
>no mention of Vanquish
Pretty good of example of bullet hell applied to a game genre
You do realise that I'm not the only person who has an opinion about that right?
this is the touhou thread
fuck off and let the shitposters post in peace
You're aware this has been 3 years now? But I doubt it's because of that guy, he came in during the activity of Soku threads, so he's a newfag to the rest of community.
It's never your fault, is it. It's always "a coincidence" or "other people". Because you're such an exemplary person, shotty.
Seriously though, I try to understand you, I try to change some stuff and I just ruined my very own thread just to see if we could get an actual solution out of this
And yet all I get is
>Your shitposter and samefagger cuz i say so gtfo
Can't we just have a normal thread for ONCE?
I don't namefag, I never mention my name, I don't samefag and I don't think that this will go anywhere
>and I just ruined my very own thread
Oh? I guess this was accurate all along.
>Can't we just have a normal thread for ONCE?
You tell me.
I might not be the best person around, but at least I'm being reasonable, unlike you
Last thread wasn't mine, I don't like lunarians
As far as I remember you said that you will try to change, yet you haven't changed at all. You know what would be the first step? Once people won't be able to recognize you on an anonymous image board and you won't ruin fun for people who just want to enjoy playing Soku in these threads, then you can truly say that you succeeded.
>when the 2hu fag shows up and acts like he knows shit about shmups