DSP's views are plummeting...

>DSP's views are plummeting, he's burned through all the money he had saved up from when he was single and had a good 9-5, and is in severe risk of filing for bankruptcy in the next 6 months
>AngryJoe is rapidly ballooning up and is in danger of potentially losing his eyesight
>TotalBiscuit is terminally ill
>Spoony's pickled his liver and has gradually pissed away 4/5 of his Patreon money after his backers got fed up with him refusing to do anything
>Boogie has somehow gotten even fatter
>MadThad isn't going to be released until 2 years after The Last Guardian
>LOW... TIER... GOD is literally drinking his own urine on stream for money
>InuitInua has been forced to out herself as a transwoman and has been doing webcam pornography since "her" YouTube career never took off
>The Irate Gamer thinks he's a ghost hunter
>CGR Mark was forced to take the Patreon route and his video quality has dropped dramatically as a result
>MetalJesus is still a socially awkward manchild
>AlphaOmegaSin and ManletTears are both still shrinking
>Dobson had to move back in with his parents and is quite literally living off food stamps after his girlfriend got sick of his shit and left him

Why do people say YouTube's worth doing again?

Other urls found in this thread:

usaphcapps.amedd.army.mil/HIOShoppingCart/Uploads/DownloadableProds/723_Cooking Guide for Soldiers.pdf

You need to be older than 18 to use this website, I'm going to have to ask you to leave.

I'm waiting for...Fitzthistlewits to come back

HungryJoe is doing just fine, honestly.

Holy shit he's fatter than ever.

He's never coming back.

On the topic of youtubers but not vidya related where the fuck is Alfieaesthetics?

Boogie is such a lazy fuck....how many years has it been since he cried on a TV show over his weight problem?

Meanwhile, I downloaded an app that keeps tracks of your calorie intake, and I already lost 16 pounds in a month

What does this have to do with vidya?

Why wouldn't liposuction work for him again?

The only chill, quality youtuber left is BLACK GUILE

Thad's coming back in 2018? Rad. The Internet just isn't the same without him.

will he even be able to use the internet when he gets out?

>InuitInua has been forced to out herself as a transwoman and has been doing webcam pornography since "her" YouTube career never took off

What? Source me.

>LOW... TIER... GOD is literally drinking his own urine on stream for money
I'm gonna need a link.

Boogie said he would gain no satisfaction taking the surgery method of losing weight and wants to do it by himself.

Dunkey is the only youtube gamer worth a shit

>in danger of potentially losing his eyesight
from fatness?

too fat. massive risk of infection, severe blood flow problems, tissue necrosis, septicemia, low chance of rehabilitation (eating like a real human bean)

From diabeetus im assuming

this SAME FUCKING thread was made 3 days ago

wtf mods

What about stomach stapling?


Congrats, you named 13 USA failures with video game addiction.

At that point who would care about the satifaction? It would be the most sane reason if it wasn't for

because you'll just gain it back again if you don't do any serious changes to your diet

That fat fuck has to be eating close to 5000+ calories a day to even maintain his current weight, never mind still gaining

There is no source, because it's bullshit, like most of this list

Do they say that?

That being said, the surgery would be possible, I just don't see it getting past the consult stage. Any surgeon willing to go through with it would be dropping a whopper of a fee for it and I can't imagine boogs has that kinda scratch.


Fuck e-celebs

>AlphaOmegaSin is shrinking
Is he? He seems to be doing pretty well, getting 50k-100k+
>AngryJoe is rapidly ballooning up
What went wrong, he was pretty fit a couple years ago.
>TotalBiscuit is terminally ill
I think he's made pretty good recovery lately
>Boogie has somehow gotten even fatter
Jesus, he's a cool guy but how does he keep fucking up?

It's an unhealthy lifestyle.

>mfw when Boogie finally collapses in on himself and becomes a black hole.

source: OP'S ass

>Boogie2988lbs will outlive total biscuit

What a twist

a warning that you should never make video games your life

But how hard is it to just not eat that much? And if it really is a food addiction then why is it always junk food?

>Jesus, he's a cool guy but how does he keep fucking up?
Being fat probably depresses him, which makes him care less, which makes him eat worse, which makes him fatter. It's a vicious cycle.

The risk is the same for any kind of laparoscopic surgery.
Think of it this way, the better shape your patient is, the less chance there is of complications. Not just on the operating table, but also during the recovery process, which is the really crucial part.

>ManletTears are both still shrinking
Hah, that's not enough to stop it being obvious it's you, you midget fuck.

Fuck off already.

>he's a cool guy

He is a fat pewdiepie. You do know youtubers are not your friends, right?

CGR got really shitty for a while but I think its improving. I think he realized people just wanted more of what they had before, not some drastically new format.

>>InuitInua has been forced to out herself as a transwoman and has been doing webcam pornography since "her" YouTube career never took off
im into it

>The Irate Gamer thinks he's a ghost hunter

I mean, did he find any

>Sup Forums neets are in danger of losing their autism bucks once trump and the republicans shit hammer entitlements and their place to live once their parents get fed up with them

You forgot one

>The Irate Gamer thinks he's a ghost hunter

Or a warning that you need to live a healthier lifestyle. If you really think that the reason they're fat is because of their YouTube job then you have no idea how fitness works. If they had balanced their work life and ate healthier/did some exercise they'd be fine.


It doesn't take more food to maintain your weight when you way more.

Why do you retards think this?

>Boogie has somehow gotten even fatter
that's called wife. she's his ""assistant"" aka feeder and enabler

I wonder if Mohammed from Qatar still watches CGR after Mark got rid of all the stuff Mohammed gave him.

You don't need to be friends with someone to know they're a cool person? I despise most of PewDiePie's content and still think as a person he's cool.

>MadThad isn't going to be released until 2 years after The Last Guardian

Whens Stinky'Nicky Bate getting out?

Do people think it's cleaver to spot the same thread twice? You realize we can talk about this again, right?

Yup, when food is your comfort, fat depression is a spiral down to oblivion. I've been there. Lost over 220 and am not pretty fit, yet still have problems wanting to eat constantly. Sad = eat. Bored = eat. Happy = eat a treat. Your whole life revolves around food.

>all these e-celebs causing drama and dying
>while AVGN and Arino are still the same and still great

You fucks deserve every bit of cancer thrown into you

remember to disable your adblockers on YouTube! we need to save our creators!

But why always junk food and shit like that?

I would argue that none of those people were really that popular to begin with. They never even "made it" in the first place. Comparing this to someone like pewdiepie who actually did make it.

His subscribers.

you calling people retard?
bit ironic

it tastes the best?

So many Youtubers jumped on the Twich bandwagon that I'd doubt it'd matter.

easier to eat than a properly cooked meal.
t. fat user

Because it's a fact. Why wouldn't you think that?

Yes, yes it does. Go to any BMR calculator. Put in your stats. Calculate. Then double your weight. Recalculate. Notice the difference.

Really heavy people who suddenly change to eat as much as normal people, but change nothing else about their lifestyle, lose a ton of weight.

>It doesn't take more food to maintain your weight when you way more.

are you retarded or something? When you weigh more, you burn more calories for doing absolutely nothing. So to maintain a higher weight, you have to eat more

Nigger have you ever heard of grapes? Grapes are the best comfort food.

rip sips
twitch took another life in 2016

not that user
but doesn't have to be junkfood, just makes it easier to gain weight

>is in severe risk of filing for bankruptcy in the next 6 months
are you guys just memeing or did he actually say that? Cause Sup Forums thinks Nintendo is gonna file

Because it tastes good and is usually extremely addictive? Think of soda, tastes good and the brutal amounts of sugar keeps you coming back. That's what happens with most junk food, just replace sugar with another addictive substance in it.

>>MadThad isn't going to be released until 2 years after The Last Guardian

That fuck should stay in jail

That faggot ain't getting out, he's a convicted child molester. He's staying gone for fucking ever

Good fucking riddence

>all these years
>still the best
how he do it?

Quick, easy, tasty, requires no effort. Lazy gets you fat, so why wouldn't they eat lazy, too?

Salty fries, greasy burgers, and delicious ice cream.

>Dobson had a gf before you did, if it happens at all


Nah, Midgettears is too busy autistically swinging at shadows over on /cow/. Hopefully they're not far off driving him to suicide.


2056; he got a 40 year stretch for sexual assault against a minor.

You misspelled Mac and Cheese

There's also the part where losing weight, apart from being a years long gruelling trek when someone is that obese, would probably leave him looking horrid due to all the stretched out skin he's got.



Do video games attract scum or do video games turn people into scum? Hmmm.

It isn't hard, I had an actual addiction to food, I would eat whenever I was bored, sad, not on the brink of exploding, I went and got help, the end.




It's a thyroid issue, I swear.

>The Irate Gamer thinks he's a ghost hunter

I don't know why, but I find this hilarious compared to the rest.

i love apples

usaphcapps.amedd.army.mil/HIOShoppingCart/Uploads/DownloadableProds/723_Cooking Guide for Soldiers.pdf

Hopefully Matt will get back his old grove after the break, drop the man baby shit and we will see a second coming of the TBFP.

Apples are a bother to eat man. And not many people know the secret and delicious grape trick. Also grapes don't taste as sweet when you've spent years pouring sugar drinks down your throat.


Junk food is designed for addiction.

my fucking roommate has been eating like a hog for the past year and it's really starting to show while I've been dieting and lost 70lbs

He tries to make fun of me for being on a diet, but I just feel bad for him, I know it doesn't help his self image because mine is barely any better than it was when I was at his current size last year.

He'll make 3lbs of fried chicken breasts, 2 cups of rice and eat all of it with chinese HFCS sauce, or eat an entire package of velveeta shells and cheese as a snack, it's crazy to me to think that's how I used to eat. Fat people are sick and I'm happy I'm getting better

>Not doing the only Sup Forums approved diet plan

Because sitting behind a computer for eight hours doing office work is much healthier right?

Sugar is like crack to some people, I guess.

Just don't store highly-processed snacks in your kitchen. I've been losing weight ever since I replaced M&M bags with popcorn and applesauce

You guys have to watch my 600 lb life if you get a chance. Pretty damn informative if you want insight into Boogie's condition. Basically, he's fucked at this rate.


Fuck that sub-human

link's not working, senpai

really made me think...

>5'10 444lbs