Why the fuck is this allowed?

Why the fuck is this allowed?

Other urls found in this thread:


What's wrong, exactly?

cultural appropriation

Do you not see that exposed navel? The melon size? The cultural appropriation?

Only Blizzard can make midgets so fuckable.

Uh, she is transgender you fags, so it's ok.


You do realize that you're aloud to have standards even with fictional women right? Its not like real life where you might have to settle.

Why is that standing like it's got doody diapers? is this Pamperchu's design?

But he's right when he says gnomes are hot.


This is your dragon tonight

chromie a cute and sexy.

hnng. fel chromie is the best idea blizz ever had.

Whoever's in charge of HotS should whip their other teams into shape.




AH! After ten thousand years, I'm free! It's time to conquer Azeroth!

>draw porn but it's not really porn
people who do this are the worst

>tfw fell in love with Chromie ten years ago, which turned me on to gnomes

How long have you been enlightened by the superior intellect race, Sup Forums?

how is that not porn, do you not recognize incase?

Is this really a debate going on on the pozzed parts of the internet?

Here, have an upgrade.

Benis ;

I hate women too, but you don't see me complaining on the internet.

>walking around World of Warcraft
>feel a light tug on your tunic from below
>look down, see this
wat do

I ask for gold.


never stick your dick in crazy


>not wanting to sexually ravage gnome girlies

please tell me there's lewd art of her in that

when are we getting a blue space goat in HOTS to fap to

because someone at blizzard has a shortstack fetish

>those shoulders
Jesus christ




stick sword in mouth

my penis is my sword

That is some top tier art right there. I could see that being something they would put in a cinematic or something, and now i want one. Kind of like the LoL videos

you wouldnt do anything naughty to this graceful ancient creature, right?

The penis mightier than the sword.

Full image

Shortstacks are hot

are you asking because you would?



Yes they are

The longer you look at that face the more terrifying it becomes.

>HotS is the only Blizzard game that isn't getting worse over time

Is this the half genie hero I keep hearing about?

I want to pat that gnome's head

>didn't give too many shits about her in wow
>play her in HotS while grinding for the weeb Overwatch skin
>start thinking she's a real qt

I don't get it, gnomes are supposed to be disgusting

Yeah if you're a pedophile...take it to /trash/

>mandatory midgets are children post

just pat?

This is your gnome for tonight.

Punt it.

>level up 3 characters to 110
>two of them are 870+, full exalted rep, 25 AK, 35+ artifact power
>goblin shadow priest
>still 93
>as i play i feel compelled to look up shortstack goblin porn
>literally have to stop playing to fap
>its not a matter of when, its a matter of how many times

>mage staff

It is a dragon that is thousands of years old. Get over yourself.

Sir, I ordered my gnome with eyebrows, not a sharpie

mfw there's barely any goblin SFM porn

No, but if you're attracted to that body type it's clear you're a pedophile who wants to fuck children but not get in trouble.

>thinking of getting into wow with a friend
>kind of want to play a goblin because YOU KNOW
>friend says he doesn't want to play fucking goblins

let him play something else then? no reason to both play the same

I don't have any idea of wow works, wouldn't we start in different zones?

Yeah but you'll be in those zones for like 10 minutes tops then you can meet up.

Goblin starting zone is a few hours, honestly.


post filthy gobbo sluts

If you're a complete fucking moron. It was, along time ago. With the number crunch with WoD you can just breeze through it in 10 minutes.

I just did it 3 days ago.

Gnome-Goblin Cold War update when?

That is what you get for playing a MOBA made for retards and casual reddit faggots.

If you're going to play assfaggots at least play one with depth.


>a hurr I want to fuck a woman the size of a 4 year old because I'm NOT a pedophile

No, 100%, seriously stop. Recognize you never share this information to ANYONE in real life, and you know exactly for this reason.

> Hey bud, I want to fuck a stacked midget girl.

> Hey whatever floats your boat man.

Are you autistic? There's nothing wrong with being attracted to Midgets, especially if they look like Jemma.

I fucked a 4'8'' girl once and I'm 6'6''. Probably as close as I'll ever get.

why would you think that

>Not wanting to fuck midgets.

That one line while moving always gets me rock hard.

> Oh no! I'm late...

Doesn't help I have a pregnancy fetish as well.

help me

>Bottom left

I'm fucking dying.

No seriously you're going full retard here, porn depicting shortstacks as under aged is rare with the exception of oppai loli which came before, you would have a better argument saying that american "teen" porn that does feature actual girls who are 18-19 is masturbated to by pedos because even though the girls them selves might be of age and even state such a thing they are frequently depicted doing (prior to and after the dicking of course) things you would expect a younger girl to be doing and are often dressed as a stereotypically younger girl.

The source is in the thread already, m8

ye I found it after I posted that, was stil scrolling. funny results tho

it's by aka6, look him up on hentaifoundry

Except that I shared it with my entire family when I brought the 4'3'' woman I was dating to meet them.

I know what I'm into, and since I'm not socially inept I know not to bring that shit up to random passerby. That's why this pedoshit you're trying to peddle falls flat, I'm not even into 2D kids. I'm not going to judge another man's fap material, but loli and the like don't even make my nuts tingle.
I like ass, hips, and tits on my women. Don't have to be huge, just grab-able
I wouldn't even touch a woman of normal height who had no hips or tits, but it's cool if others disagree but not my fetish.

I get mine, you get yours, they get theirs, and the world keeps spinning.


>Sheela will never draw futa-bulged goblins
why live?

>blizzard creates a specific fetish out of thin air
>its so outlandish, so exorbitant, so clearly overly sexual, its actually fucking amazing how they were able to get away with it
>like holy fucking shit really guys how is nobody noticing this at all
>the only instance of PORNOGRAPHY in the game features goblins
>a QUESTLINE where an ORC CHILD chases down GOBLIN PORNOGRAPHY TO MASTURBATE TO was greenlit and on live servers TO THIS DAY
>nobody has yet to bat an eye
>no other game developer can EVER get away with this
im lookin at you, FF14 you fucking SEXLESS POTATO FUCKING COWARDS

i fucking hate that midget, she is the mei of hots

Why can't artists make pics like this for gnomes. That face is terrible.

>Want to make a goblin in WoW
>Already did 90% of the content and put two months worth of sub time into my demon hunter

I feel like there's just no point in making a new character, does Blizzard still ahve a hate-boner for alts this expansion? From what I remember a month ago making a brand-new character right now is basically pointless with how artifact levels work.

That and I don't want to do every single quest in the game all over again.

Even further than that, goblins are the only lewd race really.
Only the goblin starter area has bikini clad ladies slutting it up in hopes of getting someone's favor
The gob leader lives in an actual 'Pleasure Palace' with two girls at his side and two more by his bed
And no other race has canon lewd artwork.
Fuck the only other examples of sexuality in game are demons and the female gnome dance.

Someone at Blizz clearly has a fetish that he has shared with the world.

Thank you mystery pervert.

inversely, creating a new character is less of a fucking hassle as your original character.

Your original character can just mail shit to your alt, all your heirlooms are registered to the battle.net account, all your mounts are shared, your character will just be able to BUY artifact power to an alt in the next patch, alts already learn artifact knowledge 50% faster

make one character, have that character literally carry everyone else on your account.

>wow invented midgets and midget porn
truly the greatest game of our time

>fel queen chromie
>this new skin

They obviously move that guy to the hots team.

Brother, I feel you. Leveled like 10 of 14 alts to max level in WoD and it hurts every time. The thought of grinding artifacts and doing world quests kills me. If it wasn't for my waxing and waning greenskin lust, I wouldn't keep resubbing every other month.

To be fair I didn't see any goblin porn, before WoW, none good before Cata, and not much that doesn't use the WoW goblin model.

So they definitely had a hand in bringing this era of goblin porn to us.