The protagonist of the last game you played must now battle the mountain in a 1v1 match. They may use a single melee weapon of their choice. How fucked are they?
The protagonist of the last game you played must now battle the mountain in a 1v1 match...
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>skyrim player character
I don't know what the mountain is because I am not a reddit enabling nu-male who watches meme shows.
neck yourself
Berserk powerup.
I equip Brian Shaw and laugh as the Mountain continually fails to win WSM.
>DMC4 Special Edition
Because you're an obese weeb who watches complex animes?
>Eren Yeager
It was the point in the game before he could turn into a titan, so, fucked.
He's probably fine if he'd be allowed to use his arrow.. Not quite sure on that axe though.
>The Walking Dead: A New Frontier Episode 2
Well, it seems I'm in luck because I'm guaranteed for another 3 episodes at least
There exists no greater armor than that of the plot
>these men will die of heart failure before turning 60
uh, my 93 attribute tall guard from nba2k solo mode?
I suppose he's can manage to kill him with a spear
>God Eater protag with edgy as fuck scythe shit
Bonus points for making it weeaboo as fuck.
>brian shaw
i'll be fine
He gets wrecked.
flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long
His people would need to invent one first
Might as well take over Westeros.
Tell that to Mark Felix.
brian shaw pretty much died on the plane pull
but you seem completely aware of who the mountain is, the fanbase of the show hes on, and what show specifically he's on.
should be an alright bout
Easy win.
Everybody did this year though. No one managed it.
>Battle Armor elemental
Elemental Claw or a C8 pack would instantly kill any human.
The protagonist of the last game I played doesn't even have to battle the mountain, but if she choose to do so, eventually she'd win.
>My Mary sue from Xenoverse 2
Even with bare fists this is still a joke.
nah, he's white
yeah but brian looked like he passed out for a second after his attempt
He's still got 10 years to go
I know shit about GoT or this mountain guy but judging from the pic alone I'm pretty sure Jack could, with a bit of run up, literally punch a hole in him.
>being insecure about big guys
For you.
>Markus Kruber from Vermintide
>Wei Shen, motherfucker from Sleeping Dogs
He'll be perfectly fine.
>fox blade
heh nothin personnel
It's a video game, but we both know white's dedicated int value on character creation prevents them from becoming exceptional at athletic activities in real life
He's completely fucked
It's basically a mirror match.
with the scythe and stilts it could be an even match
Adam jensen from mankind divided, lethal playthrough.
Could easily kill all the guards/spectators whilst i was at it too.
I think it would be an even fight. I would still bet my money on the mountain.
I think I already lost so I guess I can't lose again. I don't know.
Ghosts man...
well, he's high on passing and playmaking, a shooter
*laughs maniacally*
>a penis from Genital Jousting
Penis wins unless the mountain is gay
>loli pawn
is the mountain okay with hitting girls?
I just played DOOM. Rip and Tear.
He has no problem beating, raping, and killing them.
>faggy little kid with noodle arms beating the Mountain
>Space Hulk Deathwing
Ha! Try to make it a challenge at least.
The obnoxious dweeb from Firewatch. Dead in one hit or less. Probably after he makes another bad quip or joke.
I think he has a policy about raping them first, and killing their children afterwards.
whos the mountain
Pretty sure the mountain would get shit on...
good luck mr mountain
Oh shit.
One cannot go wrong there. Shovel is good too.
Brother! Content update soon.
OP never said anything about Armor
This is a shit scenario because there are countless characters that could push this dudes shit in no problem.
I think he meant that the kid is fucked, not the mountain.
He'll be fine.
But this is simple
Nomad is an elite soldier and he has access to alien technologies
He could probably beat the mountain easily
Mostly because of magic and anime tbqh
That faggy little kid is anime-tier broken. Nigga can cut through bulidings.
Around 41:40
Well, that depends.
Thanks for reminding me to start taking my lifting more seriously.
>get to be a big guy 4u
>enjoy a good amount of time free after retirement
>instead of wasting away, becoming more confused and slowly losing all ability to function, I'll have a few seconds of confusion at what's happening to me, and then peace as I accept that I had a good life
>b-but that sort of thing will be cured by the time we're old
>even if that meme scenario comes to pass, it's just as likely that my heart could be saved
>I'll be the based old man with enough muscle tissue to enjoy life to the fullest, as opposed to being too frail to move without significant assistance
>Crysis 2 lore
Trevino of GTA V
That kid has cut buildings in half like they're nothing. I don't think the Mountain would stand much of a chance.
Loki, from Warframe.
The Mountain stands no chance whatsoever.
>neck yourself
I'm not saying he's not an idiot but what the fuck are you doing dude
Gregor Clegaine isn't even that great of a fighter. I know that he's really big and really strong, but I don't understand why people think he's anything special compared to Barristan or Jaime.
Can't he just switch to maximum strength and punch the guy?
The Player from Poker Night 2. I'm pretty fucked.
its shit
so is crysis 3
Hail, the God-Emperor rewards the faithful!
This is not even a contest
Depends if he has the balls to kill him at all.
I never played the series so I could be wrong, but I'm guessing he isn't prone to taking a human's life.
He implied that he wouldn't be in the armor
I am one with the force, the force is one with me. I am one with the force, the force is one with me. I am one with the force, the force is one with me. I am one with the force, the force is one with me. I am one with the force, the force is one with me.
who is this semen demon
I think it's Life is Strange
something something nature.
>rengar loses to garen endgame
>thinks rengar can take the mountain
nah senpai
So I want to start playing The Witcher. Should I start with the first game or is picking up at number 3 okay?
Even mountains fall faggit
MC from yellow version
So (((he'd))) have his whole team at his disposal
Space jesus Revan will be fine.
I bet you still watch capeshit and Netflix originals, too.
nobody cares about your weeb shit
Michael from GTA V
He wins because he can slow time.
Well then doesn't that mean that he can just wear the armor anyway because there is nothing that says he can't?
You are gonna die.
Try to start with 2 if you can