So how come Foamy never got a video game?
What was the name of his big assed slutty goth owner again?
So how come Foamy never got a video game?
What was the name of his big assed slutty goth owner again?
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There's no reason to make a game for shit flash characters, sorry kiddo.
Sorry what? I couldn't hear you over the sound of my sequels and spinoffs.
Because Jhonen Vasquez wouldn't allow it.
what does a nobody have to do with Foamy
That's a flash game son, on a technical level slightly below what a mobile can manage nowadays.
This guy is still going actually. I don't know what the fuck is happening anymore.
but... did you really think I was expecting a AAA Foamy game? I expected a game that would fit right in on Newgrounds.
lewds where
Well, there was the massive amount of support that Homestar Runner got, but that was pretty different.
>tfw no game with thicc Goth girl protagonist
>another off-topic thread on Sup Forums that is allowed to stay because there is "videogame" in OP
I don't believe you.
>another faggot upset that people aren't discussing his favorite 2d trap-crush
right according to plan
Jesus fuck, foamy is still a thing?
apparently, I'm surprised too, been like over 10 years since I watched him last.
If it wasn't for Invader Zim/ JtHM then Mathers would have no one to ape his style and get popular.
>tfw remember fapping to this bitch
>bottom row