>He doesn't pirate his games
What does it feel to be on the loser side?
>He doesn't pirate his games
What does it feel to be on the loser side?
>he's so poor that he has to download them illegally
Sorry, buddy, I make living wage.
>What does it feel to be on the wealthy side?
>What does it feel like to have money
That's adorable but I'm not 14 anymore.
Mah boi, the only reason you even have games to pirate is because wealthy, intelligent, generous, hard-working, productive and charismatic alphas of society like myself purchase them legally. You can thank me later when you grow up.
I don't know, you tell me.
Be careful to not make a sperg fit and post pepe ms paint comics when you do.
Sometimes I like to eyb ne owbux ND rgubj id tiue auaewe/
all of this
The time it takes you to find a good crack and/or finding a fix for said cracks could be time spent on actually playing the game if you had money. Unless the DRM literally breaks the game, there's no point in pirating, other than being too poor actually buy it.
I don't even pirate games, anymore.
Nothing worth playing.
nice, keep doing it.
While im at it ill keep fucking ur mum m8
necrophilia is a low-tier fetish
How does it feel to be impressed with the fact that you can download a torrent?
It's pretty baffling to me.
i'm impressed with the amount of sheer stupidity that takes to pay something that can be for free without any consequenses.
It's like, being proud of having low tier genes that make you spend money on things instead of making your life better and prioritizing things like fitting into society, getting a good job, learning skills, rather than paying for a mere videogame, the epytome of beta
Theoretically anything can be free without any consequences if you are a good enough thief
>Implying piracy doesn't save you money to spend on much more important shit.
Pirates live a more fulfilling life than you ludopaths. Enjoy your game addiction while it sucks your money away.
Hope you like not having video games being made anymore, retard.
>work as a slave for money
>blow it on things you could get for free
You'd think working for a living would make you appreciate money more, not less. Huh
but being a thief has moral consequences, unlike pirating
>he works as a slave
get a better job you turd
That's not how you spend money
As if videogames are even good. Most of the time i download shit i end up not playing because i know they're shit. Can you do the same, slave?
Where do you buy your illegal games, user?
There's only 1 place that's good enough for me to buy games there and it's not steam
>paying for anything
>when you can steal for free
So true user
I pirated since 95 and started buying games two years ago solely for the comfyness of cloud saves, having a library instead of leeching torrents or storing isos on external HD, achievements (gives incentive to play differently) and to brag with my 'gamer' profile.
While you can't afford 5 bucks on g2a and must play some games severely gimped.
Who's the actual loser?
I don't hate you for piracy, it's very reasonable course of action in a world of false advertisment, region pricing and other jewry and hell I still pirate games that come bundled with spyware like uPlay and pirated games to try them before refunds were a thing, but shitting on people who are ahead of you in life so they can afford various services related to gaming is same as being nolifer buyfag defending preorders and day one DLCs.
I can easily buy games for $7-$30 without a problem and no drm bugs. Games get cheap and there is no point to priate games unless your a dirty scum or too poor to afford anything. Tried to priate shit and it never worked out for me 96% of time.
I find stealing immoral
piracy is merely illegal to me
I thought Sup Forums was a white only board.
Oh, but being promiscuous is not immoral, right?
What else should we ask our overlords the jews for what is moral and what is not?
>Following the laws like a cuck to a country
>Not doing anything you want, being your own person
So can i, user, yet i pirate because is simply more efficient. Pirate shit doesn't work for you since you're too dumb to work it out.
In truth, i could buy a game whenever i want, i don't know what you dumbasses go on about not being able to buy games.
how can you even steal a game?
I mean stealing like a car, downloading a car?
>*being the person the jews want you to be
Fixed that for you.
>Oh noes, he's downloading a car! Someone stop him!
More efficient? Since when downloading torrents is faster than clicking on Install and then Play?
Since it doesn't take credit card payment or buying wallet credits, you fucking mongoloid.
>I have 60 bucks. I could either go out with my girlfriend and have a fancy dinner or buy the newest shit AAA game
>Guess i'll buy the shit AAA game instead of downloading it because mommy would scold me for pirating.
>video games
You got something that costs money without paying for it. Like it or not that is stealing, don't delude yourself like pedo that argues drawn child porn is fine since it isn't a real kid. The more excuses you make the more you reveal yourself to be a faggot
I pirate anything that isn't from arc system works
I suppor the games I like, if developers want my money they gotta accept i'm pirating the shit out of them first.
Specially for Konami, fuck that cucks
Which is still faster than putting up magnet link into deluge
If you're buying fancy food in restaurant instead of cooking your own then you're literally buyfag through food analogy, not to mention being enough to try impress inferior human being, my mommy is also dead and I pirated since 95 when you didn't even existed you schmuck.
Hows DOOM 4 pirate fags?
>inb4 I-It's shit anyway!
Denuvo was removed from Doom
>Eating out is the same as cooking yourself
Get a load of this faggot. I won't even explain something so trivial to you.
>Which is still faster than putting up magnet link into deluge
Except it isn't
>Has to wait longer for downloads
>Can't play games online
>Can't play with friends without a weird workaround and a private server
>Have to work twice as hard to get the game to even play
>No bragging rights or stat tracking
yeah piracy sounds great
>food analogies
spot the retard
>Implying i can't buy DOOM4 with all the money i've saved from not paying for shit games
>Implying i even want to play it
I don't even bother with the shit i download, geez.
Yeah, try facebook, better suited to your trivial interests.
Where the hell does this come from?
How the hell does having loads of sex relate to piracy and theft?
Afterbirth+ when?
>He doesn't know.
Your jew-sponsored version of morality, of course.
>No bragging
How autistic can you possibly get?
That sure told him, amigo.
Its not efficient you idiot. You spend over $300-$500 on graphic cards yet you find it difficult to pay $10-$20 for video games.
Ugh no, she would need at least 100 bucks to taste me
I pirated games throughout my whole childhood, but after I turned 20 and finally got a job I started buying them and never looked back.
I don't really have a problem with it morally, I guess it feels nice to finally own real games, seems kinda like a privilege.
Piracy has an age limit?!
you're hilarious
keep it up
The only time i bought a graphic card was when my stupid mobo and graph card died from a power outage or something. I'm pretty sure i've "stolen" much more than that. It's actually not very different from buying a new console every 4 years like you do, and if you're buying for PC you still have to buy the parts in addition to the games. Buying hardware has nothing to do with piracy, dumbass.
Kek. No way in hell am I buying Sun or Moon.
I make a decent living.
But I pirate what ever I can.
Paying for something you can get for free is just plain stupid.
I can upgrade my pc or get better souund equipment etc.
Why not Pirate? Nintendo, Sony, and etc. shit on us all the time and think it's okay. We're not wealthy, we have far more to lose than them.
Only buy the Limited Editions so it's nice.
I don't waste my time with games I don't want to support financially.
I don't feel like a loser when I can show off pictures of my games though!!!
Reminder that thanks to buyfags inafune got away with Mighty Number 9.
Buyfags are literally retarded
Why not just not play their games then?
He has a PS4 user, he doesn't have any games to pirate.
> No bragging rights
Yeah thats autism
If you have any self respect it does
If you had self respect you would've never pirated in the first place.
B-b-but I was young--No excuses bitch!
>It's another "piratefag needs to justify his piracy" episode
>steam winter sale starts
>look through sales for 10 minutes
>most of the games are indie shit
>handful of decent games
>realize I can pirate almost all of these games in the time it takes to download and update one
>leave empty-handed
there's nothing to justify, they're getting it better and they got no "morals" holding them back, it's a win-win.
Oh but you faggots will make fun of me for smoking weed.
I don't know if I love shitposting on Sup Forums about pirating or about console warring, but either way I'm gonna miss it whenever I grow up (whenever the hell that is)
>Oh but you faggots will make fun of me for smoking weed.
Weed is gay.
look at the OP, not justifying anything, just plain mocking you
People who buy games are the biggest cucks on the planet. So long as they keep buying games people with a three digit IQ can keep pirating without any fear of repercussions. They literally enable us,as if piracy ever got big enough they would either crack down on it and start enforcing its illegality, make it much more of a hassle, or games would be at risk of not making enough money and wouldn't get made.
We don't have to worry about any of this thanks you you buyfags supporting us. Thanks buyfags! even knowing this you are all such cucks that you will just buy even more shit because you "don't want to sink to a pirates level" or some gay shit.
It came about 10 posts in
ITT: buyfags getting BTFO
Well, I pirated it last night and just complete the second level. Overall its good. Nothing too crazy. Glad I didn't drop 80 dolleridoos on it.
How are you enjoying it user?
>he fell for the morality meme