Why does Sup Forums hate this guy?
Jonathan Blow
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never heard of him
he blows
he hates video games despite making them for a living
His games are wanky and pretentious
they are jealous
I think his youtube talks and interviews are pretty good and he has some good opinions on game design
he's pretty up his own ass though
he's super pretentious and got lucky with a shitty mario clone
>he's pretty up his own ass though
Hit the nail on the head. He made a halfway decent platformer, then got away with charging an unprecedented amount for it, then started believing he was some kind of visionary.
He looks like a facemorph of Kevin Spacey and Chris Stuckmann.
He's a blowhard.
Never heard of him, but all e-celebs are cancer.
This. Braid was mechanically very interesting, but all the hamhanded "artsiness" (and you know exactly what I'm talking about) really dragged it down.
Admittedly, I have absolutely no interest in playing The Witness and probably never will.
I feel the same way about his opinions on programming as I do about his approach to art. He's a genuinely talented and capable person, but he takes otherwise good ideas and reaches to far with them, ultimately trying to create things he has no chance of pulling off instead of more usefully directing his ability.
Becuase he has sex on a daily basis and earns a lot of money from his passion while 75% of Sup Forums haven't lost their virginity yet and work dead end minimum wage jobs.
Because he has opinions. But I enjoy the games he makes so I don't really care. I look forward to whatever he comes up next.
Fuck you I started as a janitor and I'm already cooking burgers in the same place. I hope to become the manager in the next 5 years.
Enjoy your shitty indie dev games faggot.
Exhibits prose on the level of a wordy fortune cookie.
Projecting hard user?
I'm earning $200k a year at 21 by being a software engineer.
Ha! That's nothing, I earn 1 million a year trading stocks.
at least i dont have shitty taste in vidya
>Becuase he has sex on a daily basis
with the man with a wig and lipstick next to him? i'd rather die
Holy shit that is one ugly woman.
thanks for reminding me user
I make 500 million dollars a day by working at home! Click here to find out more!
Braid is alright
There's no link dude
pfffftttt hahahahahahaha
do you call that SEX?
Id rather fucking die in a pit of fire than being an indie dev no matter how rich i am. I am starting my plumbing business next year and id make 3 times the money that faggot makes plus i have a cute gf
Youre a fucking looser user
link doesn't work
these. Braid is unironically my favroite game, but Blow is a faggot
>liking 2deep4u shit
>software engineer
>21 y.o.
Not even you're believing that lie, man. This just doesn't add up.
how about you kill yourself?
Well Jonathan Blow does well.....blow.
>hating one of the best puzzle games because it has a 2deep4u story
kill your extended family
i come here to discuss vidya not for some fag to remind me of my shit life
please kill yourself
He's a damn good game designer who compares video games to literature in so much that it almost loops around and appears patronizing.
I liked Braid and I fucking loved The Witness, but I think games haven't matured/existed long enough as a medium to welcome the discussion he's trying to have.
His work transcends the medium. The Witness is GOTY by a mile and one of the best games ever made. If you don't agree you either don't love gaming or you're probably not very bright :/
I'll agree with this, with a caveat that I have these discussions all the time.