I'm a faggot that has no friends to play games with and I don't like having fun

>I'm a faggot that has no friends to play games with and I don't like having fun


pretty much, RE4 has always been the patrician's choice

Nice blog post OP

Jill is cute!


That's not autism! That's Jill!

Truth be told every person I've met that claimed to be a "Resident Evil Fan" was an awful person that I'm surprised had more than me and 2 others as friends.
They also all hated fun.


>i placed denuvo with restricted 5 limitation activation limit into my FREE DEMO because otherwise people will pirate my free demo

I already played all these, post something new

I don't believe you at all.

But Resident Evil Remake is fun with friends!

The best way to describe RE4 fans is

>Hey, look at me, I am someone who couldn't cut it with the real series so I am loving the watered down streamlined broken reboot of the originals, a game that gives all power to me and none to the enemies set to """"kill"""" me

Do you know how God of War sells 5 millions and Ninja Gaiden only 1? Look no further, that's the same exact reason.

If you want a "cutesy" character, Rebecca is your girl.

No, Tekken is fun with friends.

REmake Jill is pretty cutesy though

>wanting to be a helpless little bitch because you're too much of a retard to equip yourself with enough ammo to defend yourself while on a mission involving "cannibals"

You must enjoy being retarded.

Reminder that REmake fags never played the original games and think they're super serious horror games where you don't burn through everything in the latter half of the game with the grenade launcher or magnum.

>implying any enemy could kill you in the originals

Why was it removed? Fucking capcom ruins everything.

Put a 5 to 15 years old in RE1 right now, do the same in RE4, someone who has never ever played either game. All the ages will beat RE4 in one sitting, over half will die before getting to the snake in RE1.

>Play REmake for the first time
>Five minutes in, everything seems promising, pretty hyped
>They changed the Master of Unlocking line

The cheese is part of what made the originals fun. It's not the same without it

In both cases most of the players will die before long.

Difference is in RE4 they'll die because they suck and can't press R2 on heads fast enough.

In RE1 they'll die because they will start with the "sweet zombie killing :)" mindset and get wrecked when they face the third zombie and they have a knife only.

>Chris just laughs at Wesker when he reveals his tyrant
>S-stop it


Why can't people enjoy both old games and RE4?

Nice consolation prize.

>tfw all RE girls are best girls


I do enjoy both. But I hate RE5+. And RE4 is still a good game, just not a RE for me.

Autism. I'v had fun with all of the games.

I like this kind of sandwiches

RE5 seems like a good game for coop

>Not being able to enjoy quality games in multiple areas.

Sorry i like good single player games and things like fighting games arena shooters and games to fuck around on for MP like DaS/gimmick games like the new Friday the 13th.

Guess why I hate it

Each night I lie awake crying because I will never _be_ a cute RE girl.

>I can't enjoy RE4 one of the best games ever made for what is it because its not a traditional RE game

Sad its better then the rest of the series besides maybe REmake. Too bad you're too much of a faggot to realize you aren't playing that kind of game.

awww, poor RE4 baby just started REmake, forgot to save, died to a zombie and is now raging

Shut up and derail into NO WAY FAG

Just finished Code Veronica X for the first time, story was absolute bat shit crazy and the game felt slow and kinda linear, i don't know. What do you guys think of it?

RE5 Jill is best Jill

That's how the RE series was before NO WAY FAG.

Yea, that was really weird.

Whose hands are those?

Your taste is fucking trash.

I enjoy all the mainline RE titles.

except 6. fuck 6.

Because it reminds you that you have no friends?

What does that being true have to do with anything?

Mine, duh.

>RE6 doesn't have 90's tank controls, so it's a bad game

Regressive retard spotted.

Delet this

You're a loud minority and everyone hates you.

>mental illness


1. REmake
2. Resident Evil 4
3. Outbreak

Debate me faggots

>RE6 apologists thinks it's about the controls.

RE6 is cinematic set piece garbage. Not only does it fail as an RE game it fails as an Action Game aswell.

Has nothing to do with controls, which I think are a step up from 4/5, its just a bad game.

>super linear "survival horror" with unlimited ammo, no puzzles, 0 difficulty and cutscenes every two seconds

Nah, RE1, 2 and 3 are leagues better

Wasn't Denuvo for avoiding datamining?

If you don't like RE6, you're a retard.


>tfw I'm a faggot that has no friends to play games with

No because you are just wanting to argue about idiotic shit.

You may be retarded if you can't understand why fans of a long running series are upset that the 4th title made a near complete departure from the gameplay/tone they enjoyed and shifted the series hardcore in that direction for the worse.

>Walk into room
>Hunter leaps across room and 1-hits you.

we got re6 apologists and people who prefer tps garbage like RE4 over REmake

what happened to Sup Forums

those days are over pleb. deal with it.


>Steam reviews

I guess Goat Simulator is fantastic as well then.


>being a scrub and not being ready to do a 180ยบ + leave every time you walk into a room

You want me to tell you how I know you are 18 or less

We realized that games are supposed to be fun. If video games are the only place in your life that you can find a challenge in, you're a worthless NEET.

You can literally do anything you want in a game, but you choose to be a little bitch.

The Leon campaign was fun when I ran through it with a buddy. We dropped it hard when we started the Chris one because it turned into Gears of War's retarded inbred cousin.

I'm pretty sure that there was no quickturn button in the original RE1.

Literally the same game,

It is time to put down the phone and kill yourself, worthless normal scum.

>We realized that games are supposed to be fun.

If only RE6 had done so as well.

then move your fucking analog scrub

There was no analog either and I'm pretty sure hunters don't allow you enough time to rotate 180 degrees.

>kung-fu-ing zombies to death
>not fun
Woah there! You're supposed to get back on the short bus.

I don't get it, what's not fun about REmake? I thought it was a joy to complete the puzzles and explore the mansion

Then walk in and automatically aim your shotgun

It's mostly baiting I'm sure.

Nothing wrong with Remake. Fags just want to argue because they have nothing to play.
Nothing wrong with RE 4 as well, if only they accepted it is a good game BUT NOT A RE, then we could move on.

>wanting to play errand bitch simulator

im actually 27 and i enjoy both original and current re games. it would be nice if they were multi perspective with this series. releasing titles in isometric 3rdperson and fps every now and then. they might bring back isometrics with remake 2, just maybe.

>tfw you have become older than the characters you played as a kid

I don't think RE had quickturn into RE3.
The enemies and level design are completely different. It goes from an, albeit actiony, throwback to RE 2/3 with zombies and atmosphere, to a chink killing corridor TPS.

How did I do for the first playthrough?

it is RE

I like all the old style and the new style RE games but I like the later ones more because I prefer action games

Also I am a huge weenie when it comes to survival horror for the first few hours but eventually the fear entirely goes away, but action games are always actiony

>not RE
It literally is a RE game. It says it in the title. You irrational faggots are the worst.

If you had the intelligence of an 8 year old, you would determine that RE4 is a Resident Evil game, but it's not a horror game. As if the originals were even scary to begin with.


>I don't think RE had quickturn into RE3.
If I'm not mistaken RE2 has it, either that or the dualshock edition.

>>tfw you have become older than the characters you played as a kid

No you haven't. These characters have birthdays.
Jill is like 44 years old.

Enjoy not having the infinite ammo pistol.

>28 ribbons

The only "resident evil" in the game is the residents being evil and the characters.
If you remove this, the game would be forgotten and ignored otherwise.

>Knife run in REmake is actually easier than guns because you dont fucking make crimson heads

you forgot-
>Forced walking
>Dumb exposition
>Shitty vehicle section
>Mandatory jumpscare
>Shitty chase sequence
>Shitty vehicle section
>Mandatory jumpscare
>Shitty turret section

You're an idiot because the game's original name is "Biohazard".

Depends on the difficulty but i'd say pretty average.
>you would determine that RE4 is a Resident Evil game, but it's not a horror game.
But Resident Evil games are horror games.