>update just puts in a shitty new map
>didn't update this overpowered hag
When the fuck will Blizzard do ANYTHING?
Update just puts in a shitty new map
the map is great tho
She does an insane amount of damage. Started playing her a little bit ago and one mag can kill a road hog if he doesnt heal.
Lower classes like phara and mercy stand 0 chance if they arent close to cover...
Why does a support do more damage than most tanks and DPS?
whats that?
because she's actually not as braindead to play as other heroes in ow, requires some kind of skill
Yeah but as someone who has about 10 hours of total play time shes super easy.
The only hard part is landing your sleepers from a distance. other than that its almost as braindead as mercy.
She used to be kind of shit. Did they bump her?
People figured out how to use her, its to stack tanks and Nanoboost them. Also counts Reaper so anti-tank doesn't work.
Amp your healing with nade, just output stupid amount of healing on people with high health pools. Sleep big targets or flankers, shit is broken.
Did the update fuck up anyone's performance? Two days ago I was playing fine (other than Overwatch being a huge fucking hog on CPU), but now the game microstutters and hitches every 10-15 seconds. Anyone else having the same problem?
No one's explaining,
I don't know either but some dude said it was like hitting something immediately (like a bullet) as opposed to waiting for a bullet to reach the target (like an arrow).
is that about right Sup Forums?
Counter Strike is the perfect example of hitscan. Guns are basically laser pointers, the bullets arrive at the same time as they are fired.
Non-hitscan would be a game like red orchestra or Battlefield where all bullets are projectiles with a travel time and drop.
>throw grenade
grats you won
>bullets hit immediately
>He thinks ActiBli$$ard cares about fixing their crap
If it prints money they don't care.
Still an easy target for Pharah though. I kill anas in droves.
>grenade your 3 tanks
>lucio heal boosts
lmao grats on your mini zenyatta ult every 5 seconds
I get it now.
Hitscan is bullshit.
>thought Ana was going to take skill since healing sniper who has to aim
>just shoot tanks with large hitboxes and win
Fuck this game
damn, thats like a better explaination...
I gotta get my shit together.
Is that even for real?
but even if it is, it's tough getting 3 tanks to stick together.
>tfw everyone wants to nerf ana
>i still think she needs an 8 second cooldown on her healing grenade because i always find myself 1 second off healing myself in 1v1's after using it to heal a teammate while I have 50hp
>tfw it'll just become worse and worse for ana
How do I become a better Bastion?
I want to nerf tanks more than her desu
>boost the rein who goes on to get a quint kill
>sleep the ulting s76 from the other side of the room in nepal's temple point
team up with a reinhardt
What I love about Ana is that you don't even need to use the scope since hip fire is 100% accurate. I wish Widowmaker was like that as well, instead she has the weak ass machine gun.
I always notice hard bastions tend to be in unexpected places.
or just places that are hard to flank and are protected by a torb's turret.
don't stay in turret mode in one place for too long. Bastion works best when he catches the enemy by surprise.
>Oasis is tailor-made for Mei
Based Blizzard
nerf dva when
>shield is invincible
>destroys explosives instead of detonating them
>shield blocks from any angle, even behind
>shield works on all projectile ults
>its actually wider than reinhardt's shield
>unlimited ammo, no heat or reload
>broken escape
She really just needs her sheild fixed, make it so you can damage it or something. Her and Ana are a must pick rn and it makes comp stupidly predictable since EVERY TEAM will have a Dva and Ana.
A healer is overpowered? I don't think i've ever heard that before.
Maybe Blizzard should update their playerbase instead.
>i die everytime for a [insert hero here] because i cant play counter him/her
>blizzard do something
oh god
its wrath of the lich king all over again
>druid healers are demi gods
>paladins are impossible to kill
what is it an blizzard just being shit at balancing healers?
That's because they're bad dude. Pharah is still a shit character
This. Being mobile is important. Good Bastion play follows sniper rules: change position frequently, be aware of enemy positions so you don't get flanked, and know where your escapes are for when the enemy team decides to focus you. Recon mode isn't as absurdly strong as sentry mode but it is still very good if you're landing headshots. Also, you make a distinct noise when entering sentry mode that the enemy can hear.
Try not to set up too close to the enemy, but if you coordinate with a Reinhardt or D.Va you can sentry up right on the front line with a shield protecting you.
Ana usually counters phara
Phara is too weak to be useful, she really needs ~250-300hp since she has no cover she just gets destroyed by any shooting character.
Ana can 2 or 3 shot phara right quick.
That last part is what bothers me, because hanzos tend to take advantage of that and just swoop in with a few arrows and BAM! dead bastion.
>I had to wait 10 minutes for a game literal hours ago
>I'll just keep on posting the same image again and again
Blizzard have never been able to balance in ANY game. They just cycle between OP as fuck heroes/classes/factions
>bullet physics work differently from arrows
That's literally the meta in this game right now.
Is that how people want to balance out the tanks? Nerf the healers?
>it is still very good if you're landing headshots
This is very important. If you burst fire his smg, there's zero spread for the first three shots and it basically turns into Mccree m1 on steroids.
Bastion shits on 2/3rds of the cast 1v1 if you can aim because he has a faster firing, higher damaging Mccree m1 that kills people nigh instantly.
>Mfw Bastion still beats Widow in a sniper fight
which one is Splatoon? People usually end up killing eachother since the bullets have travel time, thats no hitscan?
it's nothing special
Healer. The tank meta only exists because Ana shits out so much healing she can sustain 4 tanks at once, especially if there's another healer.
if it's not hitscan, it's a projectile that you can see and dodge.
I haven't played Splatoon, but I assume it's most likely projectile based.
>tfw decide to play her
>I'm extremely fucking good at sleeping people.
>Tracer rewings as soon as she sees me turning to her
>4 genji ults
>4 sleeps on genji
nice nice this character is good
I'm tired of playing with these fucking shitters.
How well would I do if I chose Asia or Europe and just played Lucio?
I know my ping would be unplayable but you don't need it with Lucio.
You KNOW they're gonna cripple her. They won't just tone down her grenade, goddamn everything about her is gonna be padded. It's gonna be Mcree all over again. I can feel it.
Maybe they'll change the snipe so it's a three shot weapon until you have to reload. And reload becomes a full 1.5 seconds.
>tfw the only talent in balancing lies with Valve
hitscan sounds retarded, why do they have it?
Yeah, wow, a 62% uptime on an ability that can potentially both double healing received and completely disable it for the enemy team.
Please never make a video game.
Actually, the meta is 4 tanks 2 healers. No DPS at all.
And just like McCree, she'll be back in the meta in no time.
Never. Blizzard have been absolutely fucking useless with balancing anything for over a decade. I'm convinced that all the people who had any talent left Blizzard a long time ago, probably around 2005 sometime.
D.Va needs to be nerfed as well
I'm sick of every play of the game being a D.Va suicide diving into the enemy team and popping her ult with it's mile wide blast radius.
Maybe in low ranks, but those don't decide the meta.
there is a soldier everywhere
It's part of the equation. The other thing is half the tanks and supports straight up outgun the DPS characters.
Roadhog kills guys in a way that'd make any of the DPS envious.
Zarya when she's topped off will fucking melt people like no tomorrow.
Ana does more damage per shot than McCree and can either straight shot or snipe like Widow, and heal.
There's no reason to really pick DPS characters, when the tanks and healers do just as much damage but also can either tank or heal. A DPS character is either just a tank with 200 health, or a healer with no healing. They've got nothing on their own, there's no benefit to them.
>Maybe in low ranks, but those don't decide the meta.
Try the top pros.
Ana, Lucio, DVa, Roadhog, Reinhardt and Zarya are what most teams are going with. That's the meta right there.
. Back in the old days it was pretty much all there was, as performing physics equations for every bullet was just out of the question. Nowadays it's just quick and easy way to do things.
Oh you mean litear tournaments?
I don't watch those, just not seeing 4 tanks in comp
because when you are shooting guns at a laggy person, you can hit them even if they are warping all over the place because you just hitscan them.
If they are laggy and you have to compensate for projectile travel time as well as lag, it becomes a pain in the ass. Look at rust for the best example of this.
>I don't watch those, just not seeing 4 tanks in comp
Who cares what a bunch of gold and silvers are doing, half the people playing this game still think Bastion and Hanzo are unstoppable demigods.
Why are you repeating what i said earlier
Yeah after a major buff which made him fucking OP again
>they will never fix ana
>they will never fix tanks
>they will never fix mcree
>they will never fix sombra
>they will never fix map designs
>they will never fix matchmaking
>they will never fix defense classes
>they will never fix two capture point
>they will never fix imbalance between ults
Don't say anything. Just post your face when.
>Yeah after a major buff which made him fucking OP again
What buff is this?
McCree has been out of the top pro picks list for the better part of 5-6 months now.
>play Tornjorn
>get PotG by letting my turret do everything and staring at Widows ass the whole match
Overwatch is very fapper friendly. I can AFK to wins.
Because 76 got a buff. Before that people were complaining that Mcrees LMB was too op.
What I don't understand is why Ana's primary attack is designed to be a DoT, but it happens so fast that it might as well just be an instant spike. Aside from doing less damage to armor is there any real situation where her damage being a DoT instead of instant makes any real difference?
I remember some games (cs:source?) making it so that the enemy hitbox drags a bit behind them so that it basically simulated the bullet travel time while also having hitscan.
Nope, the entriety of ana is retarded and alien to this games balance
They need to upgrade mcree...
I was thinking,is Ana really the problem? isnt the fact that tanks are just too good in this game because of how this game works? wouldnt nerf ana just move on to another healer while keeping the tank meta
Widowmaker/Junkrat are often shitted upon but it doesnt really feel like its their fault,its just how this game works,you need to be durable and be on the objective all the time,but if the game had some sort of deathmatch mode,maybe it would be different for them
What im trying to say is,this game is faded to be unbalanced and have this meta forever,its best to not care about competitive in a game like this
Why not make it so you can only have 2 heroes from each class?
>Because 76 got a buff.
Nah, McCree was getting pushed out by the tank meta well before 76 got his buff, and when the Beyblade meta was a thing.
McCree has been C tier or lower for some time now.
>wouldnt nerf ana just move on to another healer while keeping the tank meta
No? Are you fucking stupid? Ana is the only healer in the game with remotely that fast healing. Even Mercy is slower, and her healing is single target.
Assuming they nerf her into oblivion,people will have to use something else
It wouldn't solve the problem. It would further centralize the meta.
>D.va and Reinhardt
>Ana and Lucio/Zenyatta (depends on map)
>Soldier 76
Every single team would be made up of those 5, one less tank in favor of an irrelevant 6th. Those 5 will always be on a team no matter what if you force 2 of each possible.
Also, no one would ever pick the defense classes at all, maybe Torb as the 6th but that's it.
It would be EVEN MORE boring.
Yes, and that new person won't be able to support the Tank Meta, because it's Ana's Ridiculous healing that causes it.
>Blizzard STILL haven't fixed this shit
Sorry but it's boring as fuck and highly dependent on how good your Ana is. I'm not playing until they change this shit
>join asia servers
>0 fucking clue what they're saying in chat but I'm playing Lucio, there's nothing to it
>wait until we won to speak english on my mic
>they all start acting all cute and saying "hihi~"
this is much more comfy than loud ass americans
On low sr.
Get any decent rank and it's 40%+ botters and people abusing leaver bug every game.
Yeah, but you forget that most tanks are able to outgun most DPS characters. Like, DPS characters as a whole need buffs because as it stands, none of them are as viable as just having tanks, even if you remove Ana, you'd just have Lucio + Zen or something and it'd be just as bad.
>leaver bug
they should have left his rmb damange alone...guy could kill tanks no problem
Mercy buff when?
No you cancer apprentice, it allows you to leave the game during the first minute for no penalty.
Meaning they leave after losing the first figh.
asian servers got so bad they que on america with high ping now
>Ana usually counters phara
I don't agree. This is only the case if the pharah is bad since pharah is essentially immune to ana's most dangerous tools and takes more shots to be killed than ana does of pharahs rockets. Ana has no mobility so it is extremely easy to get the drop on her from one of pharah's many approach routes and even easier to secure a kill when you can easily avoid her dart. If you are buzzing around in the middle of a team fight and not abusing cover then yes it is easy for ana to kill her
Nigger I just wanted to know what it was, not how to do it.
this game fucking sucks dick retard
Yeah i know, just asking for i friend i wager
Pretty much.
It's mainly used in many shooters because it's really really cheap to use compared to projectiles which require the game to check every frames its new positions, which mean it doesn't suffer lag (the only lag comes from the mouse input itself) and can be used a lot without creating major slow down.
CS:Source does drag the hitbox behind, but it's mostly an easy fix to allow player with slower connection to connect the hit.
It's not without issue, as game like Left 4 Dead also use this, making firing at zombies a lot easier but also make special infected (who are mostly using projectiles and melee) difficult to use due to missing constantly targets.
Why did it take so long for people to realize how borked ana's grenade was?
Because real bullets move extremely fast and most games operate in increments of 1/60th of a second and take place over small maps where the difference is minimal. For example, the Mosin-Nagant's bullet travels about 50 feet, or 14 metres, in the space of a single frame. For close-quarters games like Call of Duty or Counter-Strike, hitscan is an acceptable approximation. Ditto for games like Team Fortress 2 where it really doesn't matter if your shotgun pellets travel instantly or just 'really fast'.