New gameplay tomorrow. What are you hoping for?

New gameplay tomorrow. What are you hoping for?

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Hoping that I don't wake up tomorrow so I won't have to behold this piece of shit.

hoping that bioware will magically stop being shit.

Hoping it is fun so the people that enjoy the game, which does not include me, can have a good time, maybe it will brighten their day and remind them of what it feels like to be a kid again

Hoping for more shitty animations so I can laugh at them. I don't even play Bioware games

Damn, dude.


We'll bang, okay?

I hope an asteroid crashed into Bioware main studio.

Both of these.

I'm hoping they stopped putting man faces on their female characters

I want it to be good because I have faith in Mass Effect.

It's being made by a shitskin who hates white people in a country where bestiality is legal.

Hoping that it will actually be a demo that shows off the goddamn game.

me3 ending that makes sense

I'm gay as hell but I'm sick of that shit from Bioware. Also the animations.

Stream where?

I'm hoping it's the biggest fucking blunder since TORtanic. Fuck the empty SJW shell that Bioware has become.

guys let's be honest, this looks like Mass Effect: Inquisition. it's gonna be basically a shallow single player mmo experience like DA3. calling this now.

Someone post the webm

>I'm gay as hell

Best way to come out to a group of strangers.

Will this be the best bethesda game yet?

Bioware bankruptcy

There's no saving it

How did bioware fuck up so badly after dragon age origins?

more QUALITY animations

What this guy said.

They will definitely go the DA:I route, and it will be horrible.

Between EA taking over and everyone with any actual talent leaving around the time Mass Effect and Dragon Age Origins were released there was really no other path for them to go down.

Where did all of the good people go, though? I hear now all they have left are just a bunch of junior programmers who still don't know shit about making games

More hilarious animations.

>despite all of the shit talking virtually everyone on Sup Forums is going to buy or pirate it

And that's a bad thing how?..

>this game is going to be terrible!
>but I still want to play it
Why is Sup Forums so tsundere towards bioware?

I'm hoping for such atrociously bad animations that we'll have a collective cardiac arrest from laughter when the inevitable
>now that the dust has settled
threads come on day one

>forming your opinion based on trailers alone
listen, kiddo, back in my day there was those things called "demo versions" that allowed you to play the part of the game and decide if you want to buy it.

This may be the first game I ever pirate, and I might not even do that. What should I do?

The last good Mass Effect was the second one. I don't have much hope for this one.

>Sup Forums actually playing a game

Wait for the reviews like a sensible person.

>A story line that doesn't depict humans as being assholes in space.
>A new race of alien that doesn't closely resemble humans, After all it is in a new part of the universe.

all i have is the face


they're thirsty because there are no rpg's anymore, so if they want one they have no choice but to eat whatever bioware's cooking.

the reality is that traditional rpg's are obsolete, because their formula for success was to guide the player through an interactive novel while abstracting a lot of things away into dice rolls. this is why many of the mechanics from the tabletop were ported over to video game rpg's; it allowed them to focus on other things rather than waste resources trying to do things that they wouldnt be able to do well anyway. the loot and levelling up systems also triggered the pellet-hoarding instincts in the player's brain and made them want to keep playing, even though those mechanics were just busy work. now, however, normies expect fully interactive experiences with full player agency in combat and elsewhere, which diminishes the role of traditional rpg mechanics and makes the games more similar to other genres. eventually rpg's will become little more than story-heavy FPS's with more dialogue options than usual and some vestigial level/loot features

Sup Forums wont be able to pass up romancing waifus.

But I have no plans to buy it. I'm still seething fiive years later.

lack of decent space rpgs


Inventory system that is an improved version of ME1's (fuck them for just gutting it for 2)

Interesting exploration of planets

And they won't show it in gameplay, but I want an interesting fucking codex that updates when I meet a new race or go to a new place

Bioware has always had shit animations. I remember during one of the Tali romance scenes, the camera changes angle to a body shot and she moves her arms about like a fucking robot. Pissed myself laughing.

i cant stop laugthing


>still being butthurt about humanoid aliens
Way to miss the point, it's meant to be like Star Trek where it was like that.

But yeah Tali's face being stock photo is retarded lazy shit

I've been playing mass effect 2 and enjoying it quite a bit. Is the first one worth playing too? I've heard the RPG elements are better in the first compared to 2, and then 3 is pretty much a third-person shooter with hardly any RPG elements outside of dialogue.

The new footage is from an Nvidia presentation or w/e so it will be some boring tech demo just like the ps4 one was

I hope for nothing. I fully expect this to be Mass Effect 3 with some new shaders or something.


im hoping for more big laughs like we got from the first two gameplay reveals. this game is an absolute joke and i cant wait to laugh at how hard it bombs.

It's Dragon Age with new shaders

It's a game made by leafs, nuff said

They pretty much said, and the gameplay we've seen has shown, that it is going to be a reskinned DAI.

what is wrong with your webm? It keeps freezing about .4 seconds in

DAI was alright, but it's definitely not the direction I want Mass Effect to go. Oh well, I had my experience with the trilogy, I don't need another one.

They call me the cook.

Nope not even once.

>soft, vapid, smug protagonist
>animations look like they're from a low-quality SFM production
>the crime-lord's hand trembling like a cerebral palsy sufferer due to inept mocap

They have millions of dollars how is this acceptable?

it sold well and they already have the formula for it down, so i dont see why they wouldnt make Andromeda a reskinned DAI



>thoser retweets and likes
literally and completely irrelevant

Why didn't you just say that then?

if you liked dragon age: inquisition you're gonna like andromeda, inquisition is pure garbage and you're a fucking retard if you liked it kys.

I'll get even by pirating his game

Not seeing anything wrong with this.

just where do you think you are

for this reason, i will pirate this game or buy it secondhand

Is this the Bioware QUALITY thread?

>Gameplay designer who has nothing to do with the story or general writing


Why would you EVER have faith in ME after the shitshow that was 2 and 3?


1 was the worst one, you are an idiot.

>1 was the worst one
Lemme guess, 2 is your favorite?

You are the worst one in this thread

Lemme guess, you don't have an argument to defend absolute rubbish gameplay, inventory, mako, copypaste planets, characters = codex entries, load times,etc.

he has a right to be a piece of shit and people have the right to not buy the game. if he was white he would be fired after the first racist tweet, but because he's not, he gets a pass.

>mfw tali was my waifu before this

1- its not rubbish at all.

2- Its nice having weapons and customization

3- mako was fun

4- planets were bearable, but limited by the times i will give you that

5- characters didnt have dialogue you are right, oh wait they did

6- what load times? I played on pc because i am not a retard

There. All points defended. Now that everyone knows what a retard you are, i expect you'll never show your face on Sup Forums again

You didn't refute or successfully defend a single point. You just said "I like shit"


Don't you know? Being racist against white people is fine.

3 is objectively the worst even though it has the best combat.
I personally can't decide between 1 and 2.

I still think they lost their chance for the most natural reveal back in ME2. When they probably didn't think her fanbase clamoring to see her face would explode the way it did.

All of Mass Effect sucks
Let this shitty Star Control ripoff die already



the weeks after the ME3 meltdown were a riot
what a time to be alive it was


wow i guess this is the audience mass effect has now.

1 was the best one, not because of mu guns uns explosions, the whole game lived around this fresh very detailed (in the codex, i know u had to read to enjoy it) universe, and great characters taht gasp werent all romantic waifu/husbandu material. And a great plot.

Mass effect 2 had less of this and 3 was just them giving up and running under the new writer dull unimaginative universe, by the way that new shit writer its basically the head of the game now

But unlike your attempt a point was actually made.

I don't think I've ever seen a reaction that explosive and widespread over game's ending.

I am hoping for a good passionate lesboromance