I got this stupid shit game on last sale

i got this stupid shit game on last sale
can someone please explain to me why its so fucking retarded?
>always follow rules to the letter
>not a single citation or thing done wrong
>get 1k bonus from a token (?) i get and that i cannot refuse or throw away
>finally have money to pay for everything and move up from class 8 apartment to class 7
>the end of the day after
>keep playing anyway
>keep following the rules
>only detain people with weapons or contraband

what the flying fuck is wrong with this piece of shit game?
why does it punish me for following the rules?
the fuck?

Other urls found in this thread:


>following the rules

It gets way worse when you have to check 5 papers for 1 person! It gets annoying to play after a while.

Are you the same poster that's on the papers please subreddit?


fuck off.

welcome to dictatorship, comrade

Funny joke. I just thought the same question happening within a day of each other on two different sites was an interesting coincidence.

it's part of the social commentary

>It's almost like you were playing a video game set in a country run by a dictatorship


>dindu nuffin
You unironically supported a Communist regime.

>HURR DURR 2 people have the same opinion


get gassed autist.

That's fucking retarded. Why wouldn't a dictatorship want you to follow the rules?

Have you not heard of communism?

>take thousand dollar bribe from terrorist organisation
>neighbours notice today you have an impossible amount of money you hadn't had yesterday
>report you
>you get arrested for cooperating with a terrorist organisation
what the fuck is so hard to understand? not to mention there is literally a check box that says "click to burn the money you've received". are you retarded?


You literally said you took bribes.
You broke rules.
Don't be a dumbass
>life in a communist country sucks ass
Color me fucking surprised

they want you to follow the rules but they also don't want you to be successful

so basically EVERYTHING you do the game will end up punishing you anyway because HURR DURR COMMUNISM?

nice fucking shit game.
wish i could refund this garbage.
deleted local content and hidden.
fuck this trash.
something i really cannot fucking stand in any form are pseudo moral lessons and political shite forced into videogames.

It gives you the option to refuse bribes..

The game is good. Stop being a screeching autist.

>taking bribes
I bet you let Kolechians in too.

i didnt take fucking bribes, the old man the one with the passport he wrote himself in the end managed to get all the documents and as by the fucking rules i let him pass and he gave me a token.
i couldnt throw it away or discard it or refuse it.
i didnt take a fucking bribe, i let him pass only when he had all the documents in order.
fuck off retard.

i'm glad you don't play RoR, FTL or DOTE

>and that i cannot refuse or throw away
Nice shitpost, I give it a 2/10. I appreciate it when fans try to spark conversations about good games though, shame we have to do it this way on Sup Forums though.

The whole fucking point of the game is that autocratic regimes aren't infallible and the more bureaucratic something becomes it grows exponentially more inept and incompetent and that people's lives get fucked up by said institutions
It's supposed to give you a little insight into how so many could be killed under such regimes.
No one cares about you, the guard is just looking out for himself and his own, he's just following orders, nothing is really anyone's responsibility
Goddamn you are a dense motherfucker
Also, Jorji is my nigga

>literally advertised as a communism simulator with moral lessons
>somehow didn't pick up on any of this between seeing the game, purchasing the game, and whining about the game on Sup Forums
Those are some pretty big words for a child of your age.

no it doesnt fucking give me any choice.
when the fucking guard comes to tell you to detain people for extra money i dont get any option to turn him down or report him.
and the game only gives me the option to detain when its something really bad they are trying to do (smuggling or forged documents).

i dont fucking detain people who didnt do anything.

>He doesn't know about the flee the country endings
>He doesn't know about the side with the rebel endings
literally too dumb to live
what the communists would call a useful idiot

no, you can escape (to another communist dictatorship country) or stay in your lane and get commended by the Party (but you're still stuck in your shitty border guard job) or help the resistance to overthrow the Party (but it's meet the new boss, same as the old boss)

there aren't any "happy" endings, but escaping is generally seen as "winning"

Why so much patrician taste, user?

You had a fucking choice to get rid of the bribe. I know for a fact that you could burn the money because unlike you I actually played the damn game.
Fuck off you cunt

love this game. you're a good guy for bringing it up, regardless

i couldnt refuse the fucking token
i tried to throw it out the fucking booth back at him and it didnt want to go out.
the fuck am i fucking supposed to mother fucking do you stupid piece of dog shite?

the token doesn't get you arrested, it's an achievement item that has no impact on the rest of the story. the only time you get a gigantic bribe is from the ezic star, a terrorist organisation. any time you get smaller bribes like 5 or 10 dollars nothing happens.
are you retarded?

Who /Cobrastan/ here?

burn the money?
what the shit fuck are you talking about?

fuck away off, Jorji

You should have detained him for breaking the law multiple times assfuck

>when he finally gets all the proper paperwork


Why are people humoring this retard again? This is relatively easy to get my man, please stop trying to enjoy anything beyond COD

>he bought a communist regime paperwork sim built around moral choices
>shocked when it's exactly what it was advertised as
you're saying a lot more about yourself than you are the game

Learn to play, kiddo. You can refuse the 1k bribe.

You're probably illegal.

i didnt let any of the EZIC retards pass.
i didnt take any fucking money apart from 5 and then 10 credits from the guard for the people i detained (which all fucking deserved it because oif contraband or forged documents)

what fucking bribe did i fucking take?

>Not having arrested him

I know the others but what's RoR?

We're talking about the $1000 bribe you took from EZIC.

Not the token.


how can i refuse a fucking bribe i didnt even relize i got?
all i fucking did in this stupid game is check documents and follow the written rules they give me every single goddamn time.
who even gave me the 1k bribe?

More like Pile of Shitistan
Get out of here, Jorji

the 1k bribe that you mentioned in your original post.
are you retarded? did you play the game or just watch a youtuber play it and decide to make a bait thread about it?

let him in

he's got the proper paperwork and he's not carrying contraband, ain't my job to stop people not doing anything wrong

>built arond moral choices

>moral shit in videogames

get brain cancer retarded autist.

The "You have been reported by your neighbours for being too rich" trigger only happens if you take the $1000 bribe from EZIC.

You could make a million dollars from processing people super fast and you'll never get reported.

>a bribe i didn't even realise i got
are you fucking blind? it shows you in plain text "a package was left for you. click to burn it"
just admit you didn't play the game

The 1k is NOT from the token that you get. If you actually bothered to read you'd know that the 1k is from ezic, the terrorist organization.

i played the fucking game for the last 2 days moron.
all the fucking EZIC retard did was come in give me stupid little pieces of paper and then fuck off and i coudldnt call the guards or detain or report him.
i didnt let any of his men pass.

now tell me moron, what fucking bribe did i even get?
he didnt give me any fucking money.

sorry the Highlights spot-the-differences game was too complex for you, user

Ok, ok
You no like passport, I understand.
I come back again with better one.

>and he's not carrying contraband
That's what YOU think.


Sounds like you weren't following the rules if you took bribes.

He still comes back when you detain him


you get a $1000 bribe after work on Day 11, then a $2000 bribe after work on Day 12 if you burned the first one.

accepting either will lead to your neighbors noticing and reporting you


You dense twat

the 1 thousand dollar bribe that you mentioned in your original post you fucking moron
>>why did i get a bribe i couldn't refuse and have the game end?
>you could refuse the bribe retard
>>wtf? i didn't get any bribe

>Telling the investigator you had EVER seen or heard anything about the secret society

Are you fucking retarded?

what im saying is that i didnt even fucking notice i got any kind of bribe.
all the EZIC guy did was come in, drop off papers, and fuck off.
as i said i couldnt detain him nor call the guards.
then the inspector fuck comes with a piece of paper with the EZIC symbol on it, i tried to give him the papers the EZIC guy gave me but the game didnt fucking let me.

what the actual fuck am i supposed to do?

how do you even 'burn' a bribe?

at the end of the day it shows you your cost of living, your daily paycheck, your food and heating, etc. when you get the 1k bribe it shows up as a separate section of revenue, and the game gives you the option to get rid of the money

it happens AFTER WORK. You receive a package and are given the option to accept it or burn it. I think it accepts automatically so you need to uncheck the selection.

There are two ways it can go if you accept it: you either get arrested and the game ends, or you let in an EZIC operative and you're cleared of charges and you continue the EZIC plotline

Never noticed that before. That's some funny shit.

what the fuck, the game didn't tell me I had to fight a three phase boss after I get to sector 8
I followed the rules completely and it just fucked me over with that
how am I supposed to know I have to fight a mothership?
what is wrong with this shit game?
so fucking retarded, I wasted like 3 hours of my life for nothing. the fuck?

I meant ">not having him arrested" rather

Do you just click through the end of day screens as fast as possible so you don't read any of the shit it tells you?
When you finish the day on the select days that the Ezic give you a bribe, on the black screen it effectively says "Someone has dropped off some money", and then gives you a check box to either accept, or burn it.

If you read the fucking shit it puts on screen, you wouldn't be in the position you're in. Blame your own incompetence, not the game.

>last few days, many terrorist attacks, job is dangerous
>doesn't matter, Glory to Arstotzka
>Ministry takes our passports and starts closing borders
>doesn't matter, Glory to Arstotzka
>no more Plaques
>doesn't matter, Glory to Arstotzka
>family is scared, wants to leave country
>doesn't matter, Glory to Arstotzka
>evaluation day
>Inspector says Arstotzka thanks me for service, they give us a good life, and country is kept supreme


Risk if rain. Very good game, really fun co-op but the netcode and framework around multi are kinda bad. Doesn't stop it being fun though.

You must be really dense if you didn't see the political commentary the moment you read the title in dystopia font.

Honestly user, I need to make sure that you're aware of how stupid you sound throwing a tantrum like this.

Whats your guys record for endless endurance? Mine is 85 for the hardest mode. I wanna give it another go, see how long I can go, but it doesn't save your progress if you want to take a break and I don't want to play for a solid 3 hours.

Confirmed for the same retard. How many other forums have your sharted your retardation on?

>or you let in an EZIC operative and you're cleared of charges and you continue the EZIC plotline

how do i tell who is an EZIC agent?
the EZIC guy in the hood gave me a piece of paper with a bunch of letters and numbers on it and another piece of paper with holes.

i tried to use them together but they dont align correctly

that's a decoder to tell you the agents' names I think. getting it to line up can be a little tricky as far as I remember

>how do i tell who is an ezic agent
hahaha holy shit

Did you read his papers? That nonsense postcard, when combined with the key, spells out the names of his agents. They generally have all their documents in order, and detaining them usually gets you a warning because they did nothing wrong, but if you let them in then it means you helped Ezic. You have to reject their passports.

how stupid can someone be

Literally the menu after the end of the level, it tells you you can "uncheck" the 1000 Dollars, in other words, burn it.

If you do that, he comes back and gives you 2000 the next day.

The papers don't align correctly unless you match up the cut out boxes of the key to the colored in squares on the top of the other paper. There are two boxes, and each alignment spells out different names.

cobrastan is not a real country

Unlike the other anons I'm going to defend you.
The idea of communism not being able to work aside. What sort of realistic justification is there in being punished for following the rules?

Stalin killed millions of people, but obviously most of there were people who showing even the slightest resentment towards the regime.

Why would you get punished for being the biggest regime cocksucker? It makes no sense.

Sometimes you can do everything right and still lose, user.

if you'd bothered to read the rest of the thread, you'd learn that OP is in fact an idiot and unknowingly broke the rules

and in the 10 million people Stalin slaughtered, odds are far greater that most of them were ordinary, law-abiding comrades. The whole point of the game is that there's no winning in a dictatorship.

Obviously, this.

The game isn't even that hard, bullshit included.

>No winning in a dictatorship
It's called appeasing your leader.

It's a "simulation" of what happen in those kind of countries like North Korea or URSS era europe.

You can follow the rules to the letter and you will maybe get a slighly better house at some point.
Or you can cheat the system and risk the life of your family.

The game has around 15 possible endings depending on your choices.

Stalin also arbitrarily killed loyal party members sometimes just because. Just being loyal and following the "rules" wasn't a guarantee especially when the rules change based on the opinion of those in power.

>Stalin killed millions of people, but obviously most of there were people who showing even the slightest resentment towards the regime
You clearly know nothing about history at all.

even that isn't a guarantee because more often than not a dictatorship will devolve into bureaucracy and witch hunting. Even if the leader is fine with your existence, someone else below him but higher than you on the food chain might not be. Or your neighbor might report you as a Jew/capitalist/dirty Kolechian and you get arrested and sent to the gulag anyway

Maybe if the game had an artstyle like Ace Attorney I would actually play it, but otherwise I don't see a point.

At one point Stalin had some presentation, and everybody applauded. And they kept applauding.
For 15 minutes straight.
Everybody was scared of stopping and being sent to the gulag.

At some point, some higher officer stopped and sat down and everybody else did the same.

The officer was executed the day after. North Korea is the same kind of regime still today.

>spending money you arent supposed to have
>expects not to get caught

What the fuck did you expect?

Not OP, but how the hell did your neighbors know about the $1000 bribe? Hiding it in your home and only using a tiny bit at a time would work I think, why burn it?

It implies that nothing can be kept secret from those in power. They find out somehow that you get a secret cache of money that wasn't given to you through legitimate work. They ignore all the money you make from your job and the extra you get from the guard if you detain people later on.