If a video game has no win condition then how can it be a video game?

If a video game has no win condition then how can it be a video game?

The win condition is to become the incest champion, user


you win by spreading your seed across europe

By having lose conditions.

It has a failure condition and a time limit, what more do you want?

The win condition is what you want it to be. And by that I mean restore the holy Roman empire because that is what everyone wants.

You set your own win condition. Also achievements give it its replayability.

My family members are never spread out over more than 2 kingdoms

then you're not winning, son

I've always really wanted to get into the 4X Paradox Games (CKII / HoI4); but I feel like the in-game tutorials and videos I find on Youtube do a weird job of explaining everything.

Like I just get overwhelmed with the mechanics and can't seem to enjoy myself or make a lot of progress. Am I missing something? Can anyone recommend a way to start?

A videogame isnt defined by winning, you just pretending to be retarded? And paradox gs games have a win condition, its called not loosing by the end of the game. Holy shit you must be pretending

I would say just start a game...take a easy country and just toy with the mechanics, trying to understand everything up front is too much and with this you will learn by seeing the mechanics in action, not some text saying "pops are x, production is y"

and don't play CK2 and HOI4, everyone will laugh at you and call you a casual


I`d say CK2 is one of the less casual Paradox games, Vicky 2 is more simple.
HOI3 is just a complicated mess.

i own this game and eu4, havent played either which should i get into first

eu4 is easier. trade only looks daunting it's basically just control the node that arrows move toward and then push trade toward that node, gg

I have never played a HoI game but as for Victoria 2, EU, and CK2, they all play themselves. You can let time go and mess around with the mechanics and usually nothing bad will happen unless you play a weak minor country. CK2 probably has the most "planning for the future" aspect of the games but you can still sit afk most of the time and you won't lose. Paradox games are more about seeing your country through the centuries than global domination that is typical of other strategy games.

>Vicky 2 is more simple

You need to marry all your relatives, give your male relatives holdings and mat marry your female relatives. Marrying kin is a-okay. You'll see your guys popping up fucking everywhere.

I`ve played vicky 2 for 1000 hours, it`s really pretty simple.

It is, though. Only retards think Vicky 2 is harder than CKII or EUIV. Vicky 2 is literally just "build Liquor factories" the game.

Not that guy but I think vic2 has more mechanical depth with the economy and such but CK2 has more gameplay depth.

>le epic liquor factory meme
t. EU4 babbies


t. liquorlord


All who are with me are my brothers and sisters. All who oppose me are my brothers and sisters.

post wine factories m80s

The win condition is complete CK2 to the end of the timeframe. You are scored on this by the in-game score.
The loss condition is: loss of all your lands and the death of all your namesakes

Glorious. I wonder how many people in your dynasty got cucked that you will never know about?


>That West Asian portrait pack son

means mixed race, user

Ck2 is all about crafting your own storyline. One time as the HRE, the Muslims called a great Jihad on my holdings in Jerusalem. I captured the Shia's two sons. I could have won on war score then, but that wasn't the Christian thing to do. I sent those two heathens to hell. For the rest of his life their father tried to enact revenge on me, and his focus on me lead his empire to crumble and weaken.

>playing a vikang
>raid and capture a bunch of africans
>my wife later gives birth to a black son
>not one person cares or thinks it's suspicious

Protip: Always give your uncle some land. He's a trustworthy guy.

>not giving land to your kinsmen

do people really do this?

All Paradox games front-load the complexity. Spend some time reading the wikis and watching Youtube videos, either dedicated tutorials or let's plays. The actual games aren't that difficult, which is why it's possible to take a minor country and turn them into an unstoppable juggernaut.

I was kinda sad they never added an "Adventurer" minigame or some way for an unlanded heir to press a strong claim instead of the game just ending.

Does anyone else get horny af when "humiliating" female prisoners since they added the option? Bonus points if they're Greek or Celtic women

Vicky 2 is one of the simplest after you get the hang of it, but dem pops are way more daunting to a newbie than anything in CK2 or EUIV.

I do, but to the point where I could manage it. If they have significant claims I'll put them under someone else so they wont bother me. One of my Islam games I was giving titles to everyone, but the decadence management got annoyingly out of control. That was like two expansions ago or something I lost track.

Celtic women and celtic men sideburns are pure sex.

The trick is to play a muslim, berber merchant republic

Muslim gives you the 4 wives and OP CBs

Merchant Republic because you don't actually have decadence, and you'll have a shitload of sons

Berber because fucking sea raiding

I hope the new portraits they're making for German and English are hot too.

Norse men look like fucking hobos, and the women like ogres

if a video game has no lose condition then how can it be a video game?

muslims are a whole different dynasty game honestly, keep it small under the main branch while you spam invasions and jihads all over the place.
its so easy to always pick the best son as well.

we wuz mooslem popes n sheeit

Really makes you think

we wuz mooslem popes n sheeit

What are you trying to say? People didn't suffer from stress and trauma before the 20th century?

should give craven as well then
seeing how that's usually what the "ptsd" events give

didn't they get rid of muslim republics because they were too OP?

It's just rare to see an event not glorifying war


I mean, if they cared about balance you wouldn't be able to play as anything but a christian

are you a viking muslim kang?

> own one kingdom
> elective succession
> own all the elector titles
> conquer second kingdom
> succession by primogenitor (sp?)
> own 0 elector titles

What do? I like picking the best successor, which often times is not my oldest son. Should I just give my new kingdom to some random family member?

destroy it

Started as Haestein of Nantes, launched a prepared invasion of Africa, now we here

I'm impressed that you still have norse portraits. My bloodline usually gets culturally enriched pretty quickly

I did have a few tan rulers

Actual Rome you fucking memelord