ITT: Games that killed its entire series

ITT: Games that killed its entire series

Best dead rising game.


I can't wait to see Capcom's annual report to tell if I should be sad because Dead Rising 4 flopped, killing Dead Rising. Or if I should be sad because Dead Rising 4 was a success, killing Dead Rising.

Rest in peace, sweet prince

it was great but it fucked the story to an unfixable state


Didn't release for ps4 yet.


Both good.

And it won't for another year.

Literally the worst fucking game I've ever played.

Anyone who likes this trash needs to kill themselves.

how would DR4 kill the franchise? Asking seriously.

t. underage that never played originals

because its not dead rising anymore

its zombie farming simulator no. 451

>because its not dead rising anymore
you talking about the time limit being removed? I personally fuckin' hated that crap and I verily rejoiced when I read it would disappear, but I can understand why "true" DR players could find that disappointing.
Any other things?

They already basically did that with DR3. DR4's claim to "improving" Dead Rising by focus group had them continue to remove challenge from the game. Having superweapons that are basically Mario powerups lying around. And for the character of the game; They fucking took out Psycopaths.

Retcons out the ass, established characters are completely redone, psychopaths are gone, only one ending that is DLC-bait, zombie killing is completely overdone, etc.

thats why DR2 had the sandbox mode, didnt you play them?

It's not just the mechanics, it's the story, they created Contradictions so hard that it makes MGSV looks like a masterpiece, and it is trying to make DR2 OTR canon ALONGSIDE Dead Rising 2, which is impossible cause they both Contradict each other.

Also Frank West is now Francis West so yeah that's really great.....

Ultima IX

Was 4 worse than 3? 4 just looks like 3 again except with a bastardization of Frank West as the protagonist.

It's worse.
Also you mean Francis*

It's a game in an established franchise made by none of the creatives who made the original. Everything that made the original great has been dumbed down and simplified to the point of being , to use an already overused word, generic. Very, very generic. Like, not even 90% of the video game buying consumer base who've never read anything gaming news related in their lives want to buy it generic.

Fans hate it.
The average consumer doesn't care about it.

RIP Dead Rising


Agreed. Though there are some salvageable things.

This was actually a big improvement from the first in terms of gameplay.

>>This was actually a big improvement from the first in terms of gameplay.
yeah it sure is fun being forced into combat and having freerun abilities locked behind a skilltree


I never mentioned the upgrade system.

Wow is the biggest mmorpg that has ever existed, even today it's the biggest mmorpg by a huge margin

the upgrade system is part of the gameplay though
your gameplay is locked behind it

An expansion nobody asked for.
So the pubs fired the devs and found some goons who would do it and the sequels.

It went downhill from here culminating in the catastrophe, that is III

Not exactly a great loss...

Aside from the incredibly shit story, DR4 was pretty fun tbqh.
Not big on Frank's new VA, but I did enjoy how they made him seem like an asshole to everyone, it's kind of funny.
t. someone who actually owns the game

oh okay this one's easy

unfortunately no one really cares considering everything removed as well as franks "hilarious dialog"
no one wants to take the chance on buying something that has an incredibly low chance on being worth it

I can understand why people don't want to buy it, but I personally wouldn't say it's a bad game. It's got it's flaws, but I really enjoyed the core gameplay and the location/art design. I just wish the story could've been longer/better, the whole super zombie thing was interesting. Also they could've utilized the mall alot better. It's about a 7/10.

>tripfag talking shit about one of the best Metroid games

gr8 b8 m8

>killed its series
>2 more prime games after it

Better to have loved than lost, at least it wasn't all bad.


MMOs are a child of the 00's, where gathering with other players to play adventures was the biggest charm back in the days.

Now they are published because of the huge cash grab potential.
WoW is the only leviathan from back then what survived. Anyone else has no excuse and should finally produce real games.

There will never be an MMO that has even the potential to top WoW, unless you are some genius bastard who is able to make interesting gameplay with deepest lore and interesting classes and faction, but why would want to revive the MMO hype again you evil wanker? We will lose another 15 years of ArenaNet and EA trying and failing to copy your success.

followed by zero proper metroid titles from 2004 to probably ever

that sure does sound healthy

other m is what killed it
considering it is technically canon and is the one that stopped the series
I assume you are going full AC fag though and just going to pretend that other m is good

no, people telling nintendo they'd accept some foreign reskinned shooter as a metroid game is what made nintendo create a crappy story-driven metroid game. if prime had been recognised as a blatant next-gen cash in then other m never would have been made and the series would be doing fine. instead, nintendo saw the flop of other m and didn't see people rejecting an experiment based on the legacy of metroid - the last one went so well, after all - they just figured people were tired of metroid.


More like EA's unrealistic sales expectations compared to the last two titles.

>then other m never would have been made
what is the logic behind this
I aint taking "its story driven" as an answer because prime isnt story driven at all really
it was metroid fusion that forced story in your face and is the game thats constantly being referenced in other m

You like the progress erasing bugs that they still haven't patched?

Haven't had any such problems my dude

You are the only one.

prime was a reskinned shooter that sold because it had licensed metroid IP in it

if it hadn't done well, nintendo wouldn't have said "okay let's try another wacky experiment with the metroid IP", they would have gone back to the classic formula. probably. all Prime did was encourage nintendo to put metroid trademarks where they don't belong, which led to other M, and when it flopped nintendo had no reason to assume it was because their experiment was a mistake, because the last one went so well.

Maybe, but I've not had those problems. Not defending them, but from personal experience nothing bad has happened to me,


>hey would have gone back to the classic formula. probably
so you are talking out your ass
that makes sense

Only DR1 was good, so how can 4 have killed it?

>Being a hipster faggot

DR2: Off the record was great and 3 was alright even tho its extremely easy but it was fun

4 removed everything that made the series unique

The leafs just keep fucking up harder then the last game, it's incredible. I thought they hit the bottom of the barrel with 3, but 4 makes three look golden.

I don't really understand the criticism of this when it comes to capcom zombie games.

The lore in the dead rising games is retarded, coming from someone who really enjoyed them from the first one. The characters are great, but who gives a shit about the overarching plot?

I would assume more people would complain about this exact issue in Resident Evil more than dead rising. Capcom made the Jill campaign and Chris campaigns from the first game simultaneously canon, with characters that outright die in one or the other surviving and appearing in later entries (Barry, Rebecca).

Capcom doesn't give a shit about consistent lore, and dead rising 4 has far more pertinent problems than complaining that Frank West was in fortune city.

>I don't like the lore so no one should

More like

More like
>The addition of a character to the 2nd game and the removal of 1 psychopath boss fight is a small drop in the bucket compared to the laundry list of other things these syrup eaters fucked up.

It really just seems to be the most autistic criticism tbqhwy


the story in the dead rising games may have not been that great, but they never quite stooped to Talking Zombie in a robot suit.

Until now.