Is this shit worth a playthrough if i slap a 100 mods on it?

Is this shit worth a playthrough if i slap a 100 mods on it?

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i've never modded it and i've had fun
so i'd say yes

My favorite one and I didn't mod it, yes

No, just install TTW for FNV and play that instead.
Also this might be better asked at /fog/ instead.

I wouldnt recommend overdosing in mods, there are bunch of mods that dont mix together well and having too much mods can cause you to have missing textures, having saves corrupt, all text in game being jumbled together and other sorts of memery.

I'd still recommend playing with mods, there are some mods that add alot of things to the base game and arent pure shit.

Its good game, dont listen to buttmad Sup Forumseddit hipsters

I really enjoyed fallout 3 "for what it was", the story and a lot of the dialogue makes me cringe but I'm addicted to roaming and looting. All those old factories with the sun bleeding in through the shattered window is great.

Try A World of Pain, it adds locations and unique weapons and shit. It's very easy to break the game with mods though so be careful

>there are some mods that add alot of things to the base game and arent pure shit.

Such as? I looked into F3 Nexus out of curiosity an it's all shitty companion mods with deviantart-tier voiceactors.

No amount of modding is going to fix the nonsensical and stupid story. If you don't care about that then go ahead.

If you want a good game AND story I'd recommend modding New Vegas instead.

It's worse than 4 so maybe. I played it without mods.

Been forever since ive played, i used to have a text file with all the mods incase i uninstalled the game but ive lost it, here are few i'd recommend though.

They are all bit content heavy so i wouldnt recommend them if you want the vanilla ice cream experience.

I've played NV so many times that i remember literally every quest by heart, so i'm actually consdiering suffering through F3's shitty writing just because i enjoy the gameplay.

Gameplay in Fo3 is literally the exact same as FNV.

There was mods for it? I pirated it back in 2010 and still one of my top games ever.

I wonder who could be behind these posts...

>it's a obshitian fanboy shill tries to be relevant epidose

Shouldn't you be playing isometric kickstarter meme games?

No shit user maybe that's why he said he's doing to play through 3

It's alright.
I'd argue it's better than 3 at least.
Don't overdo it with mods though, at least make sure the ones you get play nice together.

are you angry

Just remember to make lots of new saves in case you get irreversibly stuck in the geometry or a loading screen.

Yes and No. For a second i was expecting to have a decent FO3 thread without autistic nostalgia shitters who miss their low budget, unplayable isometric fallouts so much they can't appreciate anything made by other devs, but then i rememeber where i was, the place where actual individual taste comes to die and gets replaced by hivemind company fanboyism.

No, it's only worth it if you play it with Tales of Two Wastelands

It's just straight up worth a play through my dude

The final boss is the ghost of your dead dad and you have to team up with a giant robot to fight him.

It's only unenjoyable if you're a fallout fanboy with an autistic obsession with the lore.


Spoiler that shit user, even if the game is decade old you cant be spoiling the ending like that.

After you kill your dad again you wake up in the vault and turns out it was all just a dream

If you think fallout 1 and 2 are unplayable that's just plain sad.

what am i looking at

A LITERAL polished turd.

Play Fallout 4! And don't forget all the DLC you can purchase for even more fun!

don't forget to blow up Megaton!

Yeah it's worth playing. There are some genuinely fun, memorable parts of the game even if it suffers from a lot of the typical Bethesda problems and it isn't as good as New Vegas.

It's not soulless like Fallout 4 is. You can tell they actually gave a shit about it at least. Megaton, Tenpenny Tower, Downtown D.C., a lot of pretty cool moments and areas and it's fun to just explore the wasteland if it's your first time.

The main quest really is pretty fucking triggering though, you're better off just avoiding it.

Get the Realtime Settler mod and play Fallout 3. It's like you're really playing Fallout 4!



You can see yourself out now, Todd.

>saying Fallout 3 isnt a complete piece of shit = todd shilling
i hate this board

Jee, I wonder whose behind that post

>not ignoring it
It's just people that has no argument as to why the games is so incredibly bad.

>no argument

Here's several.

kek, people have been over this shit so many times there's no point in bothering
if you still think fallout 3 is a good game you just have plain shit taste

not the cycles of guilt

Just play Fallout New Vegas

I liked fallout 4. I liked the cabot house quest . Sorry guys ;)

They're all fucking enjoyable. Even 4 with it's flaws kept me entertained for hours on end, that's hard to do noways.