It's out
It's shit
It's out
It's shit
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Reposting from last thread. New final boss + ending.
>mimic chests
holy fuck ed must really hate you guys
was anyone expecting otherwise?
I just finished my first Isaac run now (as in beating the mother) playing it on the 3DS, only to find that it is not over yet
But this is so fucking shit
Like, I have to rely that the RNG will give me good stuff to stand a chance, it's ass
Someone explain the steak meme to me.
Someone explain why people are still buying this Newgrounds tier flash game over and over and over again.
i like how this is the third "guys isaac is dead ending" just cause edmund finished the story two expansions ago and just feels obligated to add another cutscene after the new final boss.
That boss looks awfully animated despite just being reused forms of previous bosses, the main 'head' part of it doesn't even move or change expressions. How lazy is this?
stupid question? do you need afterbirth for afterbirth+
hence why it's called afterbirth+
holy shit im so glad i didnt buy this shit
antibirth is just so good i dont need edmunds shitty steak
I was expecting it to be mediocre.
This is offensive.
btw you can straight up extract everything from the game and see all the new items
How bad is it?
Is it a pile of shit?
Is it save my 7 maple leaves bad?
on the store page it only says requires rebirth
this is coming from a guy who when he first annouced it told everyone they needed to fuck off
The different forms don't even appear or have any spawning animations. They just Pop in while the previous form completely disappears. The location doesn't even matter and an inactive form seems to be able to still teleport to you and damage you, making it seem like you take damage from absolutely nothing.
If you get hit after a teleportation noise, that's the issue.
The boss is THAT bad.
>I'm happy with all of Edmund's silly changes out of spite, and I look forward to hearing people who constantly reset complain about half soul hearts
That's only what Edmund wants you to think!
get antibirth instead, don't give fat jews money
Should have taken a few notes from those Japanese developers.
i ment this @
I just killed Hush; do I just jump down despite having the Polaroid, or do I have to fight my way through the chest?
you sometimes get shit in item rooms and a trinket
sometimes batteries are dead so they dont charge your items
resetting too much turns soul hearts into half-soulhearts
final boss is a bossrush on steroids
hard greed mode is greed mode but with faster spawning enemies and less money
truly, only such virtuoso as edmund could cook such delicious steak
Best guess is ed wanted to show the player the capacities of lua modding but hyping it like a new design was totally uncalled for.
shame that the guys in charge of the mod have actual better boss fight design ideas that the lead developer, fucking hell
edmund pls go and stay go
you wont hear them for long
people are just gonna mod most of edmund's butthurt out
you're gonna have to eat the half soul hearts penalty if you want to unlock everything senpai
everyone is just gonna install antibirth lol
I only did 3 runs so far
I have 1200 hours in Rebirth
I'm considering a refund on AB+
>the new items are shit
>the new enemies are beyond annoying and not rewarding
>lazy copy-pasta designs with some added size-changes and filters
>the final boss is literally a boss-rush
Fuck Edmund
>void + forget me now works
I'd say this is disappointing, but hell. I was expecting this.
>aprils fool
>take damage, spawn coins
>coins give you HP
>grabbed Razor
>spam the fuck out of it for a bunch of shit
Easiest challenge of my life.
>final ending
>i still have no idea what the fuck happened
sticking to antibirth thank you very much
ive never refunded on steam, how do
>Someone explain why people are still buying this Newgrounds tier flash game over and over and over again.
This and Minecraft. I see people rebuying the same game for every available platform. What the fuck am I missing out on?
>Antibirth+ Is actually coming out soon
Well this steak might actually be worth something if you coat it in bleu cheese.
>Want to give the mod tools a spin after the immense disappointment from the regular content
>Try to make an item
>Lua Docs are useless, none of the tools seem to be of any help, the unpackaged resources give me no clues
>Room editor is broken
>Can't figure out how to structure or package the mods in the first place, there are no guides online
Am I trying to eat my steak too quickly?
>it's shit
>84% positive on Steam
Gotta let it sit for a few days there friendo :^)
Has anyone actually seen a half a soul heart drop?
>steak with bleu cheese
jesus christ do people actually do this
dont worry, its just the blind hype. it'll be mixed in 1-2 days
>isaac eventually passes in his chest while the camera passes to a drawing of him being a demon and killing his parents that's the surprise ending except no wait he escaped as a demon
Isaac either got stuck in the chest or did on purpose and died there, after years someone finally opens the chest and finds his body, that shadow in the end is the lost. Also
>playing for plot
guys no you dont understand
the boss is supposed to represent isaac suffocating to death and remembering all the bosses he made up fighting. but because he's dying they're all distorted and blink in and out of existence haphazardly. that's why it's called delirium.
its not lazy guys it's totally symbolic i swear
give me money
How do I get to the void after killing Hush; I don't want to make the wrong move after fighting one bullet sponge.
So what is this about consuming trinkets? Do I use The Void on them?
Does that mean the trinkets only kick in on the rooms I activate The Void in?
At last there's always Antibirth and its updates
When's antibirth gonna work with this, I want the ultimate Isaac experience
That'll be $6.69 plus tip :^)
The mod devs are mentioning something coming out tomorrow.
Whether it's AB+ or an announcement of Antibirth+ is a mystery.
>Item rooms have a random chance of containing no items at all
>Holding R to reset too much will give you an achievement that replaces all spirit heart pickups with half spirit hearts
Do I need Afterbirth first?
I only have the base game.
Is forget-me-never real or am I being fucked with?
space hulk deathwing got exterminated for its inferiority, surely this garbage game will get exterminated as well
Does it really replace them or does it just add them to the item drop pool?
Sex, thank you, user. You're a good dude.
edmund compared datamining to "devouring a hundred dollar steak in one bite"
There's nothing I love more than salty game devs being butthurt over people "not playing the game right"
What are some more examples on devs being asshurt manbabies?
>Edmund and his steak
>Tiy and his no-fun Moonlord
>>Item rooms have a random chance of containing no items at all
>>Holding R to reset too much will give you an achievement that replaces all spirit heart pickups with half spirit hearts
Why is he trying to make his game even less fun?
How does it feel to know that Edmund took a win over you guys again? Half soul hearts? SUCK IT DOWN!
Just adds them to the pool
Its fake
is this true?
i wont even pirate this shit if that's the case
Hi guys
>that shadow in the end is the lost
Hes exaggerating
Demonstrably so.
>there were people who didn't think tiy was the bad guy
Why are indie devs such cock sockers
>new chapter
>It's just a mix of the usual chapters
>Only a single boss that's a boss rush
>Meanwhile antibirth has 4new chapters with several new bosse
>for free
I don't have a face for this
Yeah, item rooms have a random chance to only have a pile of shit and maybe a trinket in them.
>Excited to do the new floor
>It's literally a mixup of every other floor
Fucking embarassing. I'm not surprised the Antibirth team humiliated that talentless hack McMuffin.
convenient how you cut off the left wall
That complete lack of transition animation from form to form is so lazy and it looks terrible.
Literally all he'd have to have down is make two extra animations per form. One becoming an amorphous white mass and one being formed from an amorphous white mass.
...that's it?
The Void
Not to mention it has new mechanics and attacks that were never seen in any of the remakes before
Check the last thread. It's actually real
>Tiy and his no-fun Moonlord
>>Tiy and his no-fun Moonlord
What's this? I thought Tiyuri bailed way before Moonlord was added to Terraria.
I like your attempt at being an internet detective, but I've got no skeletons in my closet.
>Tyrone will be doing a post in a week or so that will go more into mod details and ill do what i can to link any fan made mod tutorials here.
Just wait a week, your steak should be ready by then :^)
That will do it
You're right, and also they weren't afraid to add actual fun broken items like the red key
If you bought afterbirth you deserve this.
>you know how fucky the map generation is?
>you know how fucking annoying it is clearing a floor when the boss is wayyyyyyyyy the fuck in the other direction?
>you know curse of the lost?
pic related
No, Blue bailed. IIRC Tiyuri is still working with Redigit.
>that complete lack of animation
>that complete lack of effort into floor design unless what said actually holds water and even then it's fucking dumb
>that complete lack of effort into the design in general
I could probably think of a better idea for a final floor if I actually knew what the fucking story in this game is, but the multiple highly vague endings are fucking annoying and serve no actual purpose.
more like devoid of effort
Since boss rush exists already they could have gone with
>boss takes up the forms of other isaacs/playable characters representing your adventures
>switches between them at random, each delirium!isaac has different attacks
>final boss is a true mirror of yourself referencing dark link since the game is zeldaish already
Hire me Edmund, I'm the perfect ideas guy
>fan made tutorials
>it's literally Boss Rush but the Bosses have Damage Scaling