Why is she best girl?

why is she best girl?

also legend of heroes thread

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if she's so good why don't you tell what's so good about her

seems pretty one dimensional and boring character to me

Almost correct, but Laura is best girl.

She's not though.

Also, CS2 should've ended with the plot twist and faux end. Shit just dragged on afterward.

Even though you are as gifted in meme magic as Emma, you don't stand a chance.

Because she's the cutest and her voice makes me go doki doki

She's literally a chipmunk.

Hush lad. Besides Towa is perfect height for head pats.

I'm genuinely impressed that you get to bone your waifu in the second game. Did not expect that.

>bone your waifu in CSII
Wait what? You proba just mean hold hands, right?

>Arseid shitters


Here's the thing, I can't speak for the other characters, I assume if you "romance" Sara she probably gives you some b.s. in your final bonding event..

However, obviously I went with Emma, and when the time comes Rean asks her to stay with him for the night. No, they don't explicitly say you fugged, but even for a JRPG it's heavily implied in your later interactions with said waifu that you got it on.

I assume it's like that for the other girls, save for Sara, Claire, and Millium.

Even as a good-guy she'd just be a tsun bitch that deserves to get bullied.

Too generic/10

She's ok.

Fuck of Dubully.

Osborne's spy in Ouroboros will roofie the Steel Maiden and have her seduce Rean in order to gain the strongest grandchild!

You're a non-character like Gideon. Go away

What's his endgame

I wonder if Osbourne is where Rean gets his SS power or if it comes from his mom's side.

All the coldsteels are great.

Laura's still my favorite, though.

What else?


I have no idea what Osbourne is aiming for. Why take over the Phantasmal Blaze Whatever plan, what does he have against Ourobouros,just how the fuck did he survive getting shot up, what does it mean to be an Ironblood...

I hope CS3 answers some of this shit



Osbourne is an ancient vampire.

I could speak long on the matter, but let's condense it down.

I am here on Zemuria to raise hell for all those who would protect the status quo, the powers that would safeguard their monopoly on technology, the past and the future.

Come, let us write the story in blood with iron.

So Becky and Hugo fucked, right?

I found Laura so annoying when I first started Cold Steel, but by the end of the game I saw her more as Rean's bro more than anything else. Even more so than any of the guys.

I thought sword autism was going to piss me off after a while, but she doesn't take it as far as I thought she was going to.

haha I keked so here's your (You)

Osborne is not the Blood and Iron Dracula, thank you.


Heck, even Rean's power can be interpreted as Vampire's power. There are hints all over in the game. Don't tell me I didn't warn you, it's going to be too late when (((they))) take over

What kind of accent am I supposed to be reading Becky's voice in?

Is that Irish?

Cedric and Fie doujin when?


>Implying Hugo didn't negotiate a huge multinational contract for his family's company using Becky's virginity as leverage.

I can dig Laura.

Salt the witch!

Cute! CUTE!

Kevin please.


You shouldn't destroy the witch! The witch is good! You like the witch!

there is no why; she just is

also calvard when


And built for headpats.


When are we getting info on CS3 that's more than screenshots?

I'm mainly here for the Emmas.


Not soon enough, senpai.

Also, is it too much to ask for some merch? Like just one or two figmas or nendoroids. Literally there is nothing in the way of fan stuff for Cold Steel.

This year.

This year.

I just want them to confirm that Rean is in fact Punished Rean - A Chevalier Robbed Of His Field Trips

>emmafags actually exist
and i thought titafags were a rare breed

Stahlritter? more like Schwanzreiter!

this thread is filled with shit posting with all these awful girls.

Glasses and big fat witch tits.

I'm not surprised.

The problem with being a Titafag is that Agate already claimed her.

>yfw femLloyd swoops in and steals the Reanbowl from everyone else

guess we'll have to start posting the best best girl then

Good job, kohai, you got a rise out of me on that one.

Go figure.

>ywn get to see the full match between Demon McBurn and the Radiant Blademaster

all the Fiefags are just jealous

didnt even the Bonding Chest haha from the Lolis had a Text like "they want to buy implants but its just too early" ?

Implying Altina hasn't already stolen the Reanbowl before the game begins.

No, post in your own threads. TitS get their own threads, let us have our own goddammit.

Famitsu articles every now and then revealing more and more info until summer. During summer they might start releasing devblog snippets of the game and late summer they'll probably show some actual gameplay played live. In September there will be commercials (that probably spoil the game) and during TGS we'll probably see even more gameplay


>post more Towa
all you needed to say, user

You haven't seen the transformation where he transforms into the Fire Demon of myth

It's like Rean's final stage, when he grows a horn. He is not punished Rean, he is here to be a Punisher.

>When Fall comes around you will never be able to go into comfy Trails threads again because of Sen 3 spoilers.

Speaking of Towa, does anyone have all this guy's shit backed up?


I loved their art but he's gone from pixiv and I'm not sure how to find anything else. I tried googling his name and some of his stuff is on some booru's here and there but not all of it.

i think the Epilogue of Sen 2 made clear who will win the Reanbowl

Erebonian Slags cant even compete

>Fie and Millium staring intently at Emma's big tits; asking themselves how they can become big
>Alisa admiring Emma's tits
>Laura staring off into the distance

Sword autism strikes again

That's a shame. Sorry user. I didn't save much of his stuff. Here though.

Why Is there not more towa fanart

She is now working in order to gain enough mira to go to the Black Factory and exchange her loli body for an adult body that Rean will like more

>Altina gets to go on all of Rean's missions.

How pissed is Millium going to be in CS3?

Yea, I just never thought a pixiv would have gotten deleted for some reason. I don't use it all that much though.

I'm falling in love, lads.

Guess it's time to play the game.

Whoops, forgot the thing I did have.

When the game asks, you CANNOT allow her to have any alcohol. Otherwise you'll be left going WHAT THE FUCK

Be prepared. Each one is easily 50-60 hours worth of playtime. Honestly the 2nd one just dragged on and on, but the first is a gem.


I already played all 3 TitS, so I know what I'm getting into.

Worse then Schera after a night on the sauce?

Does the second game have an obnoxious cliffhanger like the first? I'd like a little bit more closure, even if it's just setting things up for the third game.

You're in good shape then. Haven't played TitS, but from what I gather they might be harder than Cold Steel, so there's that. I thought the first game was a nice challenge whereas the end game of the 2nd is laughably difficult and yes I realize that might sound extremely casual, but dude I found it absurd how hard some of the bosses were.

Well congratulations, you're going to find out with that attitude.

Frankly, there's a somewhat decent plot twist that they try to fake as the ending (the actually roll credits), but then afterwards the game keeps going for what feels like another 10 hours.

As far as closure with the actual ending, yes, you should be satisfied. Also bear in mind that the 3rd game apparently takes place a year and a half after the 2nd, if you didn't already know that.

No, but it leaves a lot of things unresolved.

if anything, there's TOO MUCH closure

we were supposed to go to Calvard, not get a CS3

Any Clairefags here?

i hope she can officially enter the Reanbowl in Sen 3



Emma then Claire for me.

Actually this. I felt like they were trying to mimic P4's ending too much. Just my opinion/observation.

Her VA died so she'll be pushed aside for CS3 and beyond


yeah TitS are harder but just b/c the ToCS have more and much op Quartz that allow you basically 1-shot SCraft Crit anything in the Game

>That dress wasn't available as a costume in CS2.


Nah the Claire route will be closed for good when they reveal she's Rean's sister

As if that stops Elise from wanting the Rean Bean.