Why the fuck do people think Goldeneye is better than Perfect Dark?

Why the fuck do people think Goldeneye is better than Perfect Dark?

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because they never played perfect dark

it wouldn't be called "thinking" if they were right

Because they didn't play Perfect Dark.

Because "durr why are there aliens and scifi shit in my mature shootan gaem for mature gamers such as myself" faggets hate fun.

Because goldeneye came first, has the james bond name attached, and sold better. PD despite being better came at the end of the 64s short life, sold worse, and wasnt as well known. Its the same with the banjo kazooie-toie dynamic. The sequel is way better but sequels usually sell less and arent as recognized, as well as coming out near the end of 2000, even later than PDs may 2000 release

the xbox live port is phenomenal and must be played tho

I never played perfect dark and I was going to play the xbox live arcade version but I noticed they fucked up the graphics. Some of the HD textures look worse and the character models are off, joanna looks like shit.

What I did instead was play it on an overclocked emulator for 60 fps, then did a dual controller control scheme for modern dual analog controls.

Really good game. I love the gun sounds and how you can savor every kill because of the hundreds of death animations.

framerate in GE was less shit than PD

The graphics arent fucked up, they are cleaner across the bord. Some models are different yes but not off


tried playing on 360

no idea how i used to aim with a controller

It's really not that difficult to figure out.

They are cleaner because they are high res, but that doesn't mean it looks better. Comparing them side by side I often like the original textures better. But that's a case by case basis. I also have a problem with high res textures on low poly models, it looks mismatched. I don't know if people commonly feel that way though.

>Some models are different yes but not off

Yeah they are. And joanna's is the worst. She reminds me of that horrendous model used in half life 2 cinematic mod. Pic related.

it was better multiplayer

>someone puts on airbase X music for MP

But here's a perfect in game example

The buildings in the background look pretty, but the gloomy tone is totally lost. I wouldn't call them worse, but they are a poor translation of the original artwork.

But the model of this woman blows. Her silhouette, face, and hair is totally botched. I'd rather look at something good that's blurry as fuck than something bad that's crystal clear.

It's a shame they scrapped the ability to switch between the new and old graphics like in the cancelled Goldeneye port.


Its hard to say what rare would have really wanted

They wanted to do a lot of lighting effects in PD but had to cut it all out because the n64 was to weak. So maybe the dim and blurry background buildings are what they compromised with (even if the game was still 15-20fps) and you are confusing that with the original intention

The character model was fucked up, agree on that

Goldeneye had better atmosphere and familiar characters. Also, I hate alien themed shit.

I never got a gloomy tone from the original game.

The best thing the 360 version had going for it was the frame rate and being able to play as and shoot Peter Molyneux

>when counter-op is the best shit
It's the best shit. Just the best.

>They wanted to do a lot of lighting effects in PD but had to cut it all out because the n64 was to weak. So maybe the dim and blurry background buildings are what they compromised with (even if the game was still 15-20fps) and you are confusing that with the original intention

That's not about engine lighting effects. Those textures could just be painted brighter if that's what the artist wanted.

Also changing something, not keeping it the same, is taking the gamble on artist intention. I also think artist intention takes a backseat on remasters. The point is to revitalize something how people remember it, not change it.

The game in general wasn't gloomy, but a few of the levels were, particularly in Chicago and onboard the underwater alien ship.

They're both shit so I don't see why it matters.

t. buttmad skedar

Why the fuck do people think Goldeneye and Perfect Dark are better than Turok?

they fucked up her hair. would not play

aiming isn't really necessary in this game anyway.

Believe it or not the N64 controller is quite good for first person shooters.

>Believe it or not the N64 controller is quite good for first person shooters.
bullshit, you're forced to left stick aim otherwise your button options are D-pad + L and Z.

Only Rare used that shitty control scheme. Every other fps, like Turok, Quake, Duke, and whatnot used stick to aim and C-buttons to move.

What's wrong with aiming with the left stick?

yes dipshit, if you use the c-buttons to move that means you're aiming with your left thumb

I got used to doing it with Dreamcast games but it still blows

Yes and it worked wonderfully for a console controller.


>Tooie was better