What is the evangelion of vidya?

what is the evangelion of vidya?

Probably this



>overrated turd with writing by an autist
Yeah, that's about right


As far as being overrated bullshit autist like, I'd say the Fallout and Dark Souls series.


Name of the red haired girl?


Misato is best, yes.

Welcome newfriend


That can't be accurate, because the Vita is pretty good.

Sounds about right, although MGS2 gets alot more shit than eva does.
VNs aren't videogames user.

Metal Gear Solid.


metal gear

Mass Effect 3

>liking an alcoholic pedo

cool guy over here

4 out of the 5 endings ends with the main character/mankind dying.

> vidya being the most cucked hobby with sjw shit everywhere having anything close to evangelion

No way fag

>Rebuild 3 shows what could be Mari's mother
>Manga had her be friends with Yui during her college years at 16
>She hasn't aged since

This is a 50 year old

you forgot best girl

>this is a 50 year old

except no one actually thinks that game is good


I can't even remember the last time I saw a Ritsukofag.


>VNs aren't videogames user.
yes they are

I saw pic related yesterday expecting shit like everyone said what I saw was a really well directed amazingly animated film, why does everyone hate it?
Is it because it has change?

Yeah people wanted it to be the exact same as the fist series which would render it's existence pointless.
I like the (not) series. It's just a different take on the story.

Sin and Punishment

Devil Survivor 2 : Record Breaker

>ywn be molested by Misato

Not enough anons like best girl. Good for you.

It removes a lot of character development and plot nuance to make way for lowest common denominator garbage. A lot of the scenes don't carry the same emotional impact because they want to cater for more action. It gets even worse when the girls get involved more and their designs and personalities adjusted so that the modern otaku cam waifu them