Why games with Black protags are so rare nowadays?

Why games with Black protags are so rare nowadays?

Because there's no 20 million sales game with one.
As soon a game with a black protag sells a fuckton, every single company and their mothers will want to jump in and make a fuckton of games with black characters.

The lack of character variety in general is a symptom of a much bigger problem that is not related to social justice bullshit.

Gta sa sold 27 million +


Indeed indeed.
There was a black spike in that year?

What was the name of that popular zombie game. I don't like those type of story driven games but I heard it was super popular and the protag was black. There was also a young black girl too I think.


I'd be ok with a black protagonist as long as he wasn't american or british.
Actually I think games would be better if there weren't any americans in games at all.


>Black protags are hard to make likeable
>Also vidya is made by a majority of whites, who don't know how to make a black protag

The Walking Dead from Telltale.
Pretty good character. Him being black had no influence over the story or his character.

>most smartest

What can you expect? It was made by a dumb white person.

But how can they be a dumb white racist if they think a black woman is the most beautiful?


>you will never have angry hatesex with your worst enemy

If this is bait why are my jimmies so rustled?

Spiciest meme in the USA that will no doubt trigger many Sup Forumstards

ooga booga black people bad

whites unga

black bunga

fucking rockstop

>most smartest
>most richest

ay yo

Games are meant for escapism. You don't escape your miserable life to become an even more miserable lifeform

jesus talk about cherry picking
dwayne johnson is not the most athletisized man in the USA and kanye most CERTAINLY isn't the most talented

Because making black characters is becoming a social decision and not an artistic one.
So being a black guy becomes their whole identity instead of having an interesting character that just so happens to have a darker skin tone.

Das Rite we wuz kangz n shieet stay #woke

I guess blacks should make more games. How was this game anyway?

He was a hell of a guy, urban or not..

They've always been rare

>this is what children actually believe