Do motion controls make this game worth it?
Do motion controls make this game worth it?
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What? Nothing makes this game worth it, its fucking trash
I don't believe you until you upload and post a full let's play video.
Not really, I would have liked it more if there had been an option to play it with normal controls or like Twilight Princess. I had to buy a wii motion plus to play the game, and the thing would keep disconnecting every now and then despite being well attached to the controller, kind of ruined the game for me.
i actually really enjoy the motion controls, i have never had an issue with them because i dont live in a cave or a small basement
hurr le worf it? XD
mad fucking nigger detected. kill yourself. HURRR IS IT WORF IT GUISE XDDD????
how do the motion controls work anyways?
do they play off the sensor bar or is it all straight from the motion plus?
Everything is motion plus in skyward sword
I think the reason people had issues with SS aside form the game design itself is that they had to re-calibrate the wiimote very often. I had to play with a faulty nunchuck so the wiimote was the least of my worries and enjoyed the game very much. The game had a lot of cool ideas when it came to motion implementation but the backtrackng and IMPRISONED were its major shortcomings
Still more enjoyable overall to me than TP
I think so OP :^)
Not really. The motion controls are a big reason why it's such a slog to play.
I guess I don't really know how motion plus controls work then.
so are you telling me it doesn't use the sensor bar at all then?
the reason I ask is because my sesnor bar is real shitty and I would more than likely have to buy a new sesnor bar along with the motion control plus applicator if I were to play this game, that is if it uses the sensor bar
No, they make it even worse
I got the hang of the motion controls after the first dungeon and thought it was a blast, though back tracking through the overworld and the multiple chain chomplet boss battles were miserable.
Overall its a much better game than Twilight Princess was (though thats not saying much as its my least favorite 3D Zelda).
Also has the best character in any Zelda game.
it doesn't use Infrared at all
the motionplus is a much more accurate gyroscope that can notice how it's being manipulated in space. To aim in SS using the bow you have to simply move the controler and it willt rack the movement of the gyroscope to match the crosshair in the screen
even if your sensor bar is faulty it won´t cause any problem as all te technology is actually on the wiimote itself. Hell you could even lighyt a couple candles and they would work as a competent sensor bar replacement.
Give the game a try and have a fun time senpai
If the motion controls click for you it'll be extremely fun and tactile. If it doesn't you will feel like you're having a stroke. The level design is good but pretty samey, so depending on your tolerance it might overstay its welcome. Fi and the Sky are bland. They're pretty easy issues to ignore for me, but some people go apeshit over it. There's a reason why it's so divisive, but if you end up liking it you'll like it a lot.
>Also has the best character in any Zelda game.
I envy your lack of shitty video game experiences if you think Skyward Sword is trash.
I get you, user. I feel the same way about it. The game clicked for me, and it's my favorite in the series because of it. I could ignore the major complaints most people had, and I actually ended up liking Fi (and the sky, for what it was).
I've derived entertainment from bad games before.
Skyward Sword is fucking boring on top of its shittiness
>liking Fi
Only Zelda game on a Nintendo console that I didn't beat more than once. I despise motion controls and the game actually got boring 3/4 of the way through.
Did anyone ever implement real controls via dolphin?
How would that not be awkward as fuck