>You don't roleplay at all


/tg/ here, roleplaying has never really been a core component of RPGs.

It's a very inaccurate name for the genre.


Not that roleplaying isn't fun.

role-playing is a poor dev's excuse for their pathetic audience to fill in story content that they lacked the capacity to write themselves.

I mean, it should have another name, I'd say GTA V is more of a RPG than dark souls or a great amount of final fantasies

Would you prefer ''Stat based game where you pick a class or a profession and get experience from doing things so you can improve your skills''

GTA V has a lot of capacity to roleplay, but it's definitely not much of an RPG.

What? You role play as much as you role play in dnd minus the lack of limitations that table tops have over vidya. You dont know what role playing is or youre just pretending to be retarded, either way this thread is pathetic

Levels andd magic and sheeit

But theres builds, so that kinda counts.

>let's change the name of something that's been a staple of a particular ruleset.

Yeah and let's just call everyone shim or schler

fuck off you fat retard, you're not even funny.

Hi real /tg/ here.

Fuck off rollplayer. You're killing the hobby.

jokes on you, i'm 6'1'' and 140 ibs.
you fatty

jesus. you're a fucking stick.

I could decide to make you my girlfriend and you physically would not be able to stop me.

That doesn't even make any sense. Do you only play diceless games or something? Or do you just freeform?

Because that just goes to show that roleplaying isn't a central feature of RPGs.

you can "role-play" in any game
RPG elements are easier to define

Why not just lift? Skeletons are better than fatties but still bad

He's one of them LARPers that don't believe in dicerolls or stats. Probably makes up rules for chess too.

I can see through your lies you autistic fat fuck, every day I wonder why people like you don't got find a rope and swing off it.
You can't do anything with your life so u come here and make sit threads so you can burry those feeling of hopelessness and ententes just so u can dell the inevitable

>6'1'' and 140 ibs.

user that's severely underweight. Like I could sneeze on you and your bones would break

Explain the "Nani?!" meme.

but it's one of the most immersive RPGs out therre

>not knowing the difference between roleplaying and rollplaying

Ever even been to /tg/?

>a game where you choose a back ground and your characher is based off of that plus your imagination, decisions, and how you progress your character
Literally the criteria of being an rpg and then some

There honestly need to be a better word for "you get experience points, level up, and upgrade/customize equipment." These are traditionally RPG elements but do not make a game an RPG.


Shlim. Lol though.

not true, rolling is a legit strategy in Dark Souls

Is it not roleplaying if it doesn't have dialogue choices or what? DaS let's you play basically any role you want.

Rollplaying doesn't have a meaning. It's a buzzword that you throw at somebody that's having a fun in a manner that you don't like.

There's character creation/customization and different ways to build characters and playstyles. It's just heavily focused on combat over other rpg aspects

nani means "what?" in moonspeak

that sounds kinda gay

Oh you

I'm 6'1 and 125 pounds. Come at me.

role playing is about the position you play in a team

it's weird to call "an action game with rpg elements" a straight rpg, because there is no team aspect to it
you might be able to fill different roles depending on how the character is built, and have advantage/disadvantages that you'd like covered by something built differently, but with just one avatar, it's not the best term

bro I can't, i'd miss

Who are you guys replying to? That ain't me. Have I been impersonated by a skeleton?

I know op is a fat autistic fuck

is this you?

What do you eat in a day? A sandwich bag of lettuce?

That's an interesting way of trying to make the term "role-playing game" actually semi-accurate, but that's still not really it.

It's just a bad name for the style of game. That's why people generally just use RPG these days.

that's retarded
there are solo modules for d&d so your definition doesn't hold up

Role-playing applies to the combat and other aspects of the game beyond story. You can choose your combat role and there's a lot of room for variation.

Have you considered suicide?

Console RPG/light RPG are the perfect ways to differentiate between games like Final Fantasy and Dark Souls or games like Witcher and non-Bethesda Fallout but nobody uses terms that actually make sense

>Console RPG/light RPG are the perfect ways to differentiate between games like Final Fantasy and Dark Souls
how about action and turn based rpg? its not that fuckign difficult man.