ITT: The best UIs in gaming

ITT: The best UIs in gaming.

Pic related is certainly the most memorable.

you call that best? It's trash. low inventory space, no hotbar or good way to switch between skills

path of exile improved on this

>I can't read entire posts

Good job

quality over quantity
i have no pants

You realize you sound like a beta orbiter right now, right? You're probably a cuck, too.

pol is that way my shit gobbling maggot ->

The amount of inventory space is a part of game design, not UI design.


>ITT: The best UIs in gaming.




I want more games with active huds like this.
Brb redownloading 1 & 2.


dont be rude

Dat some Diablo 1 for PS1?

the more pixelated, the better!
let my micropenis get its strength through dominating over 4k graphical faggots

read in an interview the size is actually a limitation on the aspect ratio of the game

That's ridiculous there are games with 640x480 resolutions that have much larger inventories.

>reading comprehension

why so buttmad?

Was about to post this
Best ui


yee. playing it on an emulator on my phone with ds4 controller attached. breddy gud

why would you put a healthbar on your back? the character can't see back there. Silly design.

I should go back to this game and finish it, I never joined a faction, but I think the last time I played the game I killed that one other Shaper in the island, no idea where the other guy might be.

>all those items on the ground
I know that feel.

Anyways, I kind of like the HUD/UI in Ys chronicles 1 & 2

Drag & Drop, mouse only, no keyboard hints UI is the best UI

What phone user? I kinda wanna get a phone for emulatan.
You should look into Diablo HD as well. Widescreen Diablo goodness with some QoL updates from D2.

the character doesn't need to see it because he is the one who is alive so he knows how he feels

That is a load of shit, and I can prove it. Modders have done this easily. This is the most extreme example.

>that stretched aspect ratio
>circles aren't circles, but stretched ovals
>text glyphs stretched horizontally


>d2 mods increase inventory space

so they designed his armor with a big indicator he can't see. Were they expecting a ghostly camera to be floating behind him? it doesn't make any sense within the fiction of the universe.

That because the interface was designed before 16:9 screen ratio popular

>path of exile improved on this
yeah 15 years later
ds2 was great faggot

It's a suit for engineers and miners. It's meant for people working with him to see what condition he's in at a glance, when comms are down, and vice versa.

Way to prove his point, cumchugger

it's an sd 801 soc. so it should run on any semi recent flagship.

i prefer vanilla to the mod. i wish the mod included an hd only unmodded gameplay option.

It was designed so other people could see if someone needed help.

>or good way to switch between skills
Did you ever play the game? Be honest now.

>Actually enjoyed inventory tetris, having to manage what you bring / pickup.
Shame that died many years ago.

>ITT dopes confuse inventory systems with UI

Human Revolution's is pretty good. I like how there are fast, suggestive animations for different pages of the interface, like when you open a text log it's a split-second book-opening animation.

I heard that The Division has diegetic interfaces where everything is supposed to be augmented reality visible to the characters.

I don't think the indicator on his back is canonically stated to be anything. In-universe you could just say it's a power store for his armor and that's how power cable technology works in that world, it glows when it's charged. i.e. it wasn't designed to be an indicator, that's just a "coincidence" that works for the player.

>Pic related is certainly the most memorable.

I can shitpost too, fagcock.

Realism is for faggots. It looks cool and isn't some gaudy jap shit, all you need.

What are some bad UI?

I certainly feel Diablo (1) was ahead of its time in terms of UI with its transparent map overlay. Did any game did it before Diablo?

On the other hand, the rest of the UI is somewhat cluttered compared to today's cleanliness standard.

Skyward Sword

>Pic related is certainly the most memorable.
It's only "memorable" to you because you wasted a lot of time on a shallow Skinner box.

Meanwhile, I never think about that UI at all because I've always dropped Diablo 2 within 30 minutes of starting it due to it being shit.

Might and Magic 4 and 5. They took the great system M&M 3 had and fucked it up in the dumbest ways possible. Xeen was a mistake.

>lass uns handeln

MMos are somewhat infamous for that.

Terrible design in terms of usability, but the most memorable for me.

Also all those inventory sounds that will forever be burned into my mind. fwup fwup when moving armors etc.

why people play this?

Daily fucking reminder that customizable UI means you gave up on your UI, which means your game is shit


but only if he happens to be facing away from them? Bit of a stretch there.

They are not vary intelligent

Battleborn, TES Skyrim, Nu Thief, Assassin's creed 3

console menu ui in a mouse driven game is truly the worst

I want to like this game so bad but the adventure game approach to quests is the worst.

Hotbar is for trash mmo, in diablo there is a fast way to change skills with the F keys, but you probably dind't know because you are a underage faggot.
Go play overwatch.

this one is the worst. I thought the interface change from morrowind to oblivion was bad (as it went from primarily mouse driven to controller driven), but skyrim is in a league of its own. It's bad with a controller and borderline unusable with a mouse and keyboard. And that clean modern font choice? Terrible for what's meant to be an immersive fantasy game like elder scrolls.

>ok button is E
>cancel button is Tab
>can't click on menu elements
>can only scroll using mouse wheel or navigation arrow
>wasted screen space
>fucking button prompts everywhere
Can't get any worse than this. Right?

Fucking Tera, literally the atrocious GUI is the main reason why i stopped playing.

kys faggot

The interface style is too clean or too simplistic for medieval game.

But Morrowind/SS2's UI is the shit.

The wasted screen space is what kills me about it. There are a handful of values important enough that the UI should show them for all items on-screen, but instead you have to highlight that specific item to see them. Oh but man, I get this really pretty model to look at while I'm there.

>see something
>punch it
>kick it
>lick it

What more do you need.

Grid or List? And why?


yeah I loathe it as well.

Can you even use SkyUI in Skyrim Remastered?

damn he actually replied with only half of the post
that's some fine shitposting user


I....I..m..eant fantasy.

lists in grid view

that's the best part kill yourself

But I don't like wandering around finding the right NPC to talk to.

Also one of the most accessible. I was easily able to understand the HUD in F1/2 when I went to play it shortly before F3's release.
Older isometric games still put me off mostly because of their complicated menus and HUDs.

>f keys to change skills are better than a hotbar
pls go and stay go

>Bad way to change skills
Newfag detected

God I hate this. I thought it was good when I first played it but it's just way too tryhard.

isn't that the same ui as limbo of the lost?

Because its an engineering suit for EVA walks and shit, where people can't openly talk to each other and are in hard vacuum you fucking contrarian fuck.

literally unplayable without skyui mod

>Unreal Tournament 3
>mouse wheel highlights up and down
>left click accepts
>right click backs out
That game makes me vomit

That helmet being placed in that 2x3 space instead of the 2x2 space right next to it is triggering me holy shit.

>15 yo
>Borrowed the Diablo's LoD DVD from a random dude at school
>No internet access
>Wasn't able to read a single word in english
>Couldn't make it past the 3rd act without cheats
>Remember spending entire sundays playing the game

Things are getting boring as you are getting old...

Yes but right now any part that would need the SKSE doesn't work

I guess it's nice overall, it's just that the simplification made the inventory extremely unwieldy. Also the weapon button is at first a bit confusing in what exactly it does and doesn't even indicate that you can right-click it.

Wow off by one Fuck you... What was it?