Is there a way for me to sell my brothers steam account or get it banned easily, without him being able to get it back...

is there a way for me to sell my brothers steam account or get it banned easily, without him being able to get it back? i dont even care about the money i just want to piss him off and make him lose all his shit.

i have all the passwords and shit obviously

>inb4 ''can i have the account pls''

Shitpost as much as you can, harass people and change his profile into a mess, if all else fails just give the account to a russian bot.

i don't want to make it obvious that it's me though so i would prefer the "hacked" angle of it.

any tips on "giving it to a russian bot"?

i would just give it out here on this thread but knowing how autistic the userbase here is, instead of taking the free account with thousands of $$$ worth of shit on it, they would just tell him i am posting this.

>any tips on "giving it to a russian bot"?

Visit ''trading'' sites that force you to log in with your steam account or look for profiles with shit worth thousands in their steam inventories despite having zero games and ask to trade with them as they are usually scammers.

Post the username and password OP or get banned.

-Sup Forums Admin


-ur brother

Are you the leader of the anonymous?

How about not being a complete piece of shit and destroying all your brother's video games. Whatever petty squabble you have with him, do you think you'll look back in five years and feel good about doing this?

>do you think you'll look back in five years and feel good about doing this?

yea actually since he is a retarded piece of shit fat kid that abuses the dog