What are some videogames that let me play as Germany to win WW2?

What are some videogames that let me play as Germany to win WW2?

Darkest Hour

HoI 3

Red Orchestra 2

day of defeat source

not the whole war per se, but individual battles/maps.

People who want to play as the Nazis in WWII can not give me a single reason that didn't end badly for them of what good they brought to the world.

Not one.

WW2 never happened - don't be fooled by the lies of the Jew.


This show made me wish the Germany would have won. I know that they probably would have never had invaded America though

Dino D-day.

You also get to pay as nazi dinosaurs.

British had been using rockets for far longer bromigo.

but they were all shit

has anyone ever heard of a british rocket scientist?


They would have one if Japan didn't piss off America and they didn't start fighting with Russia.

hearts of iron 4

Panzer General

If you achieve major victories over the UK and Russia you can attack the United States.

>they would have won if they didn't do the things that made them lose

Hearts of Iron series
Europa universalis 4

Civilization probably has a WW2 scenario somewhere. Or you could manually instigate WW2.

I'm glad you agree.

amphetamines, anti-smoking campaigns, animal cruelty laws.

Russia was getting ready to invade Germany. If anything it would have gone worse if they hadn't because Russia wasn't ready for a defensive war.

New Wolfenstein nails it. You can see society living peacefully together with their german overlords, huge, sad cities, glorious reich moon base, everything you need

I thought it was cool that in this show apparently the Germans drained the entire Mediterranean Sea. Shame you see so little of anything outside America in the show.

Not surprising, but they did introduce many new technology and tactics to warfare. Besides, military, police states are much more interesting settings in fiction than that of the alternative.

Nigga>anti-smoking campaigns
This is somehow a Benefit to society How?

>animal cruelty laws
Id love to see the source on this one.

They should have held a defensive line, and not done a literal Napoleonic repeat

Found the smoker

Uhh. Anti smoking reduces the risk of health problems? Duh.

>Russia was getting ready to invade Germany
There's literally zero historical evidence to back this up (outside far-right neo-Nazis). The USSR at that time was in a bureaucratic phase and were only concerned about internal stability.

>but they did introduce many new technology

Everybody always says this but, the only thing i can think of would be the Volkswagen.
Could you provide some more sources?
And no, the Atom Bomb wasn't a Nazi invention it was German. Huge difference.

No, they did the right thing by entering the Eastern theater after the Western theater was all but done. The issue is that they didn't have the industrial capacity to fight against the Soviets, who also possessed advanced industrial infrastructure. Daily reminder that Germany did not enter a full wartime economy until 1944.

>I-it took all of you to beat o-one of me!
Loving every laugh

>Entering a war without a full wartime supporting industry

The absolute madmen.

Well yeah but, in all honesty its kind of a who cares deal now since people can pick and choose if they want to or not. Just saying

Because you're asking for someones subjective reason that obviously doesn't align with your own subjective viewpoint.

That's like asking someone to give you a good reason why they like X when you get to arbitrarily determine what's good and what isn't.

Blitkrieg, mechanized infantry, assault rifles, jet fighters, etc.

Also they were at the forefront of nuclear research, but due to the rise of Nazism many physicists, particularly those of Jewish decent, emigrated to the US and joined the Manhattan project and similar, earlier research teams.

That's not it though
>spend 5 years fighting a world war without going full war economy.