This won game of the year

this won game of the year

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I dont play overwatch, what the fuck is happening

I don't play OW so you're going to have to explain this.

its just a new map on overwatch, on the edge border of the map there are cars that can hit you. If you shield yourself as zarya, it maxes our your charge

is this on live?


The dyke russian bitch has a bubble that she applies to xirself, when it takes damage it gives xir a charge. That charge makes her shit out damage. Those cars are insta kills if hit by one I assume, so they much charge her up instantly.
Typical blizzard not testing their bullshit I reckon.

>character get's charge when getting hit while bubbled (ability)
>charge increases damage done
>get free charge from cars

When Zyra is at maximum power she does more damage. She can cast a shield on herself or an ally. She casted a shield on herself and walked into a car which got her 100 power instantly.

The character in the video has a shield that charges up from taking enemy damage and increases your damage output tenfold when it reaches 100%. On the new map Blizzard shat out you can go right outside of spawn, shield up, and let a car graze it to automatically charge you with no penalty giving you the ability to insta-melt any enemy you shoot.


>Test map on PTR
>fixed exploit
>custom game
Are people this fucking desperate? That shit was fixed a long time ago. And that map wasn't even base game. It was a test map on the PTR.

>Christmas Skins

the map came out today

What's the tumblr/dyke meme? She's literally Sup Forums incarnate, and also straight

How does that charge her to 100%? I thought at max it would just do 50%.

What are you talking about you nigger.
Her whole character design is based on how women can be just as strong as men, with a whacky pink hair style. It's pandering to tumblr at it's finest, not fucking Sup Forums incarnate just because she hates robots.

>game of the year

according to who? every shitty blog and magazine has one. you could get game of year from architectural digest if you paid them. goty is an utterly meaningless term and has been since the 2000s

Is Zarya supposed to be pro tier or something? I don't folow e-sports but every time I do a competitive match the other team always has a Zarya.

A little exploit like this isn't the end of the world.

What is the end of the world is that Overwatch is an horribly shallow game with an extremely low skill ceiling, like any other neoBlizzard game, once its meme status dies off the playerbase will plummet when they realize there's absolutely no room for self-improvement.

custom map with ability/ult charge rate doubled

look at her health too

Go play some video games or something.

just did it on normal settings in a custom game and it took only two shields while walking to the objective to get 100.

Yeah just tested it, this absolutely works, she can hit 80 charge before even interacting with the enemy team if anybody's wise to this

Fucking retarded company

What do people even mean when they say overwatch is a shallow game? Honestly interested.

Skill means little and you soon hit a brick wall, a player that spent thousands of hours playing it will be as good as someone who spent a few hundred.

She's the only young racist. You're dumb

So did a girl bully you in school or something?

But it's a shooter, the biggest indicator of skill is always going to be your aim. Someone who is playing for thousands of hours is absolutely going to devastate some Newby who just got into the game.

I regret spending 40 on this shit game honestly.

>a player that spent thousands of hours playing it will be as good as someone who spent a few hundred.

this is something that only happened recently due to balance changing the meta leaving dps out

when 2/2/2 was in play, skill was required as a single dps would frequently determine the outcome of the game, to say otherwise is ignorance

Buzzwords. Literally that is it.

There's very little aiming involved compared to any other big competitive shooter.
Hitboxes are enormous, characters are slow and the whole metagame encourages slowness.

Sure a veteran will be better than a newbie but the difference in power is much smaller compared to other shooters.

He didn't say otherwise you dipshit

that's cool though

1. Racist
2. Nationalist for mother russia, even goes to say SHE is mother russia incarnate.
3. Focuses on being fit and working out, makes fun of people's weakness and inability to be as strong as she is
4. Paints her nails because she wants to keep gender norms and wants to feel beautiful

wow thats really tumblr!
its not, i am being sarcastic. i feel i have to clarify this because you're fucking retarded

Nah, not really. She's the only female character in the game as strong as she is. Her character is based on her being an exceptionally strong and tall female. The game has other oddities too like a literal ghost and a talking gorilla, so a woman who can power lift 512kg isn't really that strange.

This is actually kinda dumb because with coordination, your Zarya can run into the first engagement with around 70 energy already

samefag also tumblr sage

>Blizzard made a half-assed map AGAIN

Wow shocker. I stopped caring about Blizzard games after Diablo 3 anyway.

You forgot that she's basically a power bottom fantasy. I bet zarya moans like a little girl in bed.

Hello newfriend

It's dying.

>run to first encounter with 0 energy but both cooldowns
>save your teammates, generate energy, block damage, generate energy, fuck up the enemy
>end encounter with 70 energy and the enemy team dead

>round starts
>you run off to the side and get a teammate to organize the charging
>the team cant go forward cause they're 2 down so they wait for you
>you use your cooldowns and charge 100 energy
>run into the enemy, who is now entrenched
>your cooldowns are used up, and your energy is plummeting, already at 70 and dropping without a chance of being recharged
b-broken! Plz fix!

>There's very little aiming involved compared to any other big competitive shooter.
>Hitboxes are enormous, characters are slow and the whole metagame encourages slowness.
I'm beginning to think that this is a comment that only comes from someone who actually good at fps because frankly, i see half the playerbase of overwatch who can't hit shit, myself included, and then we get stomped by people who can actually aim

OW if fun

Is this real? isn't it supposed to cap at 40% per shield?

I stopped playing OW months ago because of this. Queue is annoying, when it finally finds a game I lose terrible no matter what role I try to cover and people quit every time.

Worse fanbase than LoL and Dota2 combined

Just compare it to something like Quake
Even TF2 which is considered slow is much faster than OW.

And speed and aiming aren't even the only problems it has, the fact that each hero only has a single weapon and tightly constrained abilities also severely limits player expression and skill ceiling, you know exactly what each hero is capable of and there's nothing a skilled player can do to expand those capabilities other than having better aim.

It's a custom match with triple effects, look at the health. In normal circumstances it gives you 40%

it was posted on plebbit over a month ago when the map was still on ptr and blizzard still didn't change it.




I've never had this problem and I play atleast 5 games a day.

She's part of the current tank meta. I don't think as much as D.Va or Rein but she's up there.