>tfw game manuals will never return
There was nothing better than getting a brand new game, putting it inside the console and reading the game manual as you listen to the title screen music

Wario manuals were the best

I think I still have some manuals from Gamecube games.





>games only you played

I feel like I'm the only one on Sup Forums how played this

>because i eat the bacteria that causes cavities

>tfw had a bunch of manuals for ps2 games that I stole from family video

Fuck you Oak

>Okay user, you have been good all week, made all good grades and done all your chores. You can rent one game and one movie for the weekend.

Pokemon Puzzle League and Good Burger

>not reading the manual on your way home

Made me think of pic related

what was the "OH it's a hit!" from the manual that came with r/b?

I didn't know they made Tiny Toons games pass the fourth gen consoles.

>the Ultima IV NES manual where you could write in the clues you found
>the FF1 NES manual with the nice bestiary included
>the Metal Gear NES map (screw that shitty manual)

they didn't

I played the one with Daffy duck but never got past the girl who hugged him too tight

What's your gaymen magazine?


>tfw no more Fruitopia and vidya game

Not only did I beg my mom to buy this magazine because of the exclusive GTA SA information but I loved it so much I subscribed to Game Informer. I still have this magazine today. It blew my 13 year old mind

>games will never be this shitlordly again
The real tragedy.

>pick up Contra 4
>start reading the manual


Man I remember owning that issue. Fucking good stuff.

>that smell of a new game manual when you open a new game

>yfw this battle for the first time

>game manuals will never exist ever again

I bought ANY Nickeledeon game as a kid because I was the biggest Nick fag on Earth

>good burger
Don't you mean Two Niggers? That garbage is not a movie and it isn't entertaining. I'll take even Honey, I Shrunk the Kids over that garbage. No, lemme rent Mighty Ducks.

That or Tips & Tricks.
Nintendo Power occasionally.

holy shit, this is great. is it real?

EGM. The relaunch being fucking terrible hurt me.

I remember that overlay but I didn't have OOT, I had Majora's Mask. I wish I still had it


I will never understand why they decided that Mad Dog and Scorpion needed to be separate characters from Bill and Lance. It's the equivalent of making a Mega Man game and adding a new character named Rock Man.

shitty """rpg's"""" with fake item progression bound to dungeon progress


dark souls is a better rpg than zelda

me too, but for me it was all downhill after they gave assassins creed like a 6 or 7 out of 10 and ubisoft shit their pants and threatened to pull advertising and they had to change their rating system to not offend AAA devs

I know Treasure made at least one Tiny Toons game for the GBA. This was years after Tiny Toons was taken off the air

user, if you're still here, please see a psychiatrist.

>GBA game
>by fucking TREASURE
What the flying fuck. I mean, I've known about it for years, even played it myself, yet it still doesn't make it any easier for me to believe.

For laughs.
Why make the Probotectors their own characters?




At least the Probotectors are actually different enough for the Contra guys to justify their inclusion.

But I'm more disappointed that they have four guys to choose from and they're all palette swaps.


>a good SOLID joystick and one "button"
What did he mean by this?
yfw Cranky predicted shitty mobile games


What the fuck is wrong with you


Same here user. I even tried to track down that Catdog PS1 game for months before finding out it was cancelled


Can you buy these delicious pizzas anywhere? I would kill to taste these again



>All the music, music videos and AMVs you wanted
>50% chance you would downloaded porn
>25% chance said born would be child porn
>Give your computer super duper aids in the process
Limewire was an amazing experience



Can you just imagine how many pedophiles we were chatting with on a daily basis

>tfw I was so retarded I would tell the chat my real age

I bet I got off so many old perverts without even knowing


>you will never make a thread that wins the weekend again
why even live?

I NEED IT AGAIN. I don't give a shit if it was diabetes in a bowl, this shit use to kick off my weekend



Apparently some things do change.

Game was utter shit but for some reason I always played it. I feel nostalgia for it for the wrong reasons

This was one of the first GB games I had. Played it before I even knew how to read. I still have the cartridge!

He refers to arcade games that were from a time when two buttons was a rarity.



This was my favorite game as a kid. I'd spend whole afternoons just running around the levels casually because I could never beat the last level. When I finally beat it years later it felt like a real accomplishment.

whats worse is that halfway through wiiu's life, they decided to stop making instruction booklets.

like not even a pamphlet anymore, just a piece of paper that says to consult in in-game manual. the same piece of paper in every game case.

because back then when you had a game it was a commitment, you weren't getting another one for months you forced yourself to like it. The Simpsons license only made the pill easier to swallow as you loved the show so of course you loved playing as Bart doing stuff he'd never do on the show.

>windows XP
Take me back, please. Fucking take me back.

I fucking loved the movie as a kid.
I went back recently to watch it and it was pretty garbage though. Still good nostalgia however.

Who else thought this was the tightest shit back then?

Got that shit for free in the box. Didn't you level up crunch berries or something?

Man, for the most part, Acclaim fucking sucked.
I was attempting to make a sex joke, you retards.

you can still use it
just be prepared that half the new games released today dont run on it

I didn't think it was great but that didn't stop me from playing it more than I should've. I only remember one of the games being a tamagotchi type thing.

Did your uncle rape you with a Good Burger VHS or something? Chill.

you are literally the only one who cares

Will Licensed games be as great as they were in the 90's?

>can only play what games parents buy
>parents also into video games, so will buy licensed games that suit their interests
>LJN's X-Men
>Fester's Quest
>Fester's Quest so bad that instead of returning it for something better, dad just buys a turbo controller

T-thanks dad.

>get good
Oh man

Seriously this twists my heart like losing a dog or breaking up. I just got done watching Harrypotter vs. DBZ on Newgrounds too. I might kill myself

that game fucking blows though

Sorry couldn't help posting this pic.

Anyway though my local Blockbuster turned into a Halloween store sadly.

Hardly, but I am one of the few who.

I used to fucking love strategy guides for some reason. I'd sometimes get them for games I'd already beaten, I just loved the feel of the paper and all the art.

You made yourself look like a retard and you made a bad joke.

They were basically the only alternative to an art book in my case.


>use masterball on fearow or tentacruel
>team rocket can steal your Pokémon
>zubat is a rare Pokémon
Someone at Nintendo was having a laff

>just now realize items highlighted in green are child only, items in red are adult only, and items in blue are both


Take me back