Which fat bottomed sniper would you rather fug?

Which fat bottomed sniper would you rather fug?

Widow, because she's in a better game

Based on that pic, Quiet. But she's not that thicc in the actual game.

Widow because I'd do anything for a qt french woman on my face

Is that Slugbox on left and TheRealFunk on right?


now post the shadman version.


absolutely disgusting
only if she is covered in blood


whichever one went the longest without showering so they can cloak me in their smelly ass fumes

Widow because dat ass


Quiet is pure.

I recon the purple one because ive never fugged a purple butt

Left because blue, even tough ow is shit


It's not even a competition mate.

widow because no nigger lips

Quiet because she's cute.

Quiet because she would actually want to have sex. Widowmaker is one of those look but don't touch dominatrix I have no emotions because muh tragic past characters.


The Sniper

You must warm up her heart again and then ravish her vagina.

You know nothing of love user

Venom should be nervous given that he'll be in 2 shit games in a row

She belongs to us now white boi.

Widow I want to fug so bad.

>sword art online
>character is using a gun

Have fun with your toothjob

Quiet is in a shit game, Widowmaker is in a good game, so Widowmaker.

can someone do this but use the doll instead

Wanting his horrible anatomy. What's wrong with you user?

>sword art online 2
>everyone uses guns

but whatevs


>with a massive ass like that
no time for the succ

She uses guns offline as well.

Quiet has bigger canon tits