Other urls found in this thread:
I have no thoughts, I'm a mindless user.
Video games are shit
To be fair, neither of them resemble an experienced computer security expert in any way.
This things are equal to me cuz none of them are look like real "hacker girl"
lets be fair here, real world female hackers usually look like the tumblrina on the left
nothing wrong here
both are shit and both cater for different kinds of fat fucks.
left is better because it reminds me of my favorite anime, Shrek
real world female hackers are almost nonexistant user.
Nips know how to design attractive characters. I have nothing to like about a character design that caters to feminists and SJWs.
Both are shit, one is a fat ugly dyke while the other is cute kawaii gaymer gurrrl pandering to weebs.
If i had to pick i'd go with left because atleast its accurate.
>it's this thread again
left is an antagonist that purposefully portrayed as annoying and a piece of shit in general
right is a virgin's fantasy that doesnt resemble anyone "hacker" at all
Both are cancer, I fear Persona 4 killed P5.
This is a real hacker.
real world female computer science and engineering majors are a bunch of autistic asians
I personally, as a radical centrist, choose both or neither.
there are literally zero female software professionals who could be described as "hackers".
Any competent female in computing was born male.
this, except right is at least hot
ok user
Real life hacker girl
To be fair, the one on the left is a more accurate representation of what a female hacker would look like.
One panders to feminists, the other panders to virgins
this is what a female hacker looks like
>that else if
He's right, females don't have the brains for programming, they are wired for social interaction, that's all.
> Q_rsqrt()
great fucking name for a function, you mentally challenged retard
that piece of code singlehandedly allowed quake 3 to run as well as it did
it's floating point fuckery on the same level as witchcraft
nobody even knows who the author is nor where he got that floating point literal from
Why would I want to play something hideous, resembling reality when I can play something fantastic and perfect (because it comes from the idea world, not based on something from the real world).
I play videogames so I can experience fantastic things that surpass reality.
Kill all feminiggers. We are overdue for a war.
both are pandering, just to different audiences
fast inverse square root you dingus
Here you go, another japanese hacker girl.
Totally agreed, except the right one is objectively superior.
wow, japan truly are the masters of character design. they really get it!
That redhead version makes my heart go doki doki.
correct answer
guess which actually plays games?
Who is chick in top right? The tall one.
Right is attractive
Left is repulsive
I prefer attractive over repulsive
>females don't have the brains for programming,
not an argument
Kys whiteknighting cuck
Tell you what sweetheart. Throw em both in the garbage.
really makes you think.
>coming to this sub to defend whores
Fuck off to Plebbit, idiot.
Left is what right will grow up to be if lack of sunlight and NEET lifestyle are any indicators.
>people don't realize left is an antagonist, thus the annoying personality and ugly looks make sense
>implying hacker girls exist in the first place
Another retards shitposting thread just what Sup Forums needed
>Left is not only an antagonist, but only shows up in person a couple times and is literally never seen again after you take her bunker
>Math function
>using if statements
that has to be edited, what's the original?
Both games are shit.
the one on the left is the best open-world game to come out last year
>all women are whores
Literally incarnate
There is a reason you are and will always be a forever alone beta virgin.
How does that make it not shit?
the one on the right is the best rpg to come out last year