Best video games to play while baked?
Best video games to play while baked?
One without to much thinking or reaction time.
>inb4 dude
>inb4 weed
>inb4 lmao
I played Dark Souls baked once and I accidentally smacked Solaire with the dragon tooth. Drugs kill
Skyrim is good. I find myself just walking long distances and never accomplishing anything. It's fun though.
Skyrim. It's a slow game with little direction so you can just dick around while you're high and appreciate the landscapes.
any first person game that you can just walk around
Cool just like real life.
eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh
Heavy Rain in first person in VR
daily reminder that everything you enjoy while sober is simply better while high. you're not interesting or cool because you play trippy shit and only people who don't smoke think in this fashion
also STALKER. I love the anxiety I get when I play that game stoned.
lmao 420 dude, eh weed yeaaah lml
I say whatever you normally play. Weed is often in social settings, so smash has been a go to for me.
Until you get to the point where you barely even feel high from smoking. You can go deeper down the rabbit hole and try concentrates/dabs, but eventuall you'll just build up a resistance to that too.
Who the fuck would roll on a gameboy color? Youd spill ground bud all over.
just take a fucking t break
Then wait a week rather than smoking daily you fucking loser
What is the appeal of weed? I've never done drugs.
Let it Die is fucking awesome when you're high
Personally I'm a fan of audiosurf/super hexagon. Really, anything works. Except DayZ, every noise just made me too anxious.
Doesn't work for me. I can take a multi-month break and my tolerance is back in a day. I've just accepted I can't experience weed the way I first did and given up on it.
Makes people's shitty lives worth living for a few moments
I honestly like playing shooters when high
If you smoke near me don't be surprised when the cops show up
>I've never done drugs
Have you never had coffee, user? Or an alcoholic beverage?
>you share a board with drug additcs
Persona 3 FES
Metroid Prime
Digimon Cyber Sleuth