Guys i fucked up. a few days ago i for some retarded reason accepted to gameshare ps4 games with my friend...

guys i fucked up. a few days ago i for some retarded reason accepted to gameshare ps4 games with my friend. apart from the fact he doesnt even buy games digitally while i do for all of mine, i hate the fact that my account cant be set to primary.

i used the deactivate all systems button and set my account as primary again, but its late and he is sleeping right now, so how do i tell him nicely that i did that when he wakes up?

>wake him up with a good ol' wet bj user
>"morning user ;3 "
>tell him what you did


shit user i live pretty far away from him

should i just tell him and then not answer my phone for 2-3 days to make sure he's gotten over it already?

If the problem was that your autism wanted your console to be primary, then tell him to gameshare again.

i think i understand what you mean user
also i actually am autistic,maybe i can use that as an excuse?

You need to be 18+ to post here.
Memes aside, just wait till he wakes up and explain your inconvenience to him. If he is a real friend he will understand.

user, that is actually a very good idea! thanks man!

just tell him what you did, if he's a good friend he will understand for sure.
then go suck his dick has a demonstration of friendship

yeah, you're right, if he for some reason gets mad then he wasn't a real friend anyways

thanks guys!

You realize you sound like a beta orbiter right now, right? You're probably a cuck, too.

LOL my friend just did this to his ex's brother. Why do you care about primary?

im sorry, im autistic... also, i havent had a girlfriend ever so i havent been cucked yet
i dont know, i just kind of feel more secure and "in control" that way.

>*notices bulge*

damn im laffin now.

wtf i love Sup Forums now

Why does it matter if your PS4 is primary you faggot?

to be completely honest it doesnt, having my account be primary or secondary is the same thing, but i dont know i just prefer it being set as primary because it feels better

OP confirmed for autist.

also i feel as my friend is kind of using me because i literally are giving him free playstation plus, and i am giving him all the games he currently plays...

but i am autistic so i dont know maybe i just am being a faggot?
actually i literally am on the spectrum... thats why im asking you guys, i dont really trust my decisions on these kind of situations


Just let your friend use the games you fucking faggot. As you saw you can deactivate all PS4's at any time and there isn't anything he can do. You aren't going to have fucking friends at this rate.

well i mean he is actually my only friend, so maybe you are right, but now i cant use that button for 6 months, so i dont think gamesharing again is a good idea

Why? What is he going to do? How is it remotely a problem? I gameshare with my friends and I can't do anything negatively to their shit. They even change the password after I log in once so I can't go on their accounts at all.

i dont know, i think its my autism acting up again im sorry

Don't try to understands him. It's just a certain feeling he wants to achieve. Primary feels better for him so he wants that. Plain and simple.

yes exactly
user are you an autism doctor or something? that is exactly what i feel

A close friend of mine is on the spectrum somewhere. He needs everything to be pratical and what not. Your feeling seemed the same.

oh, that explains it! thats awesome user!

Yes, but he has autism and the way you deal with autist isn't by giving into their autism because they need to adjust for a normal social life, so he has to get over his feelings.

If you are just a pushover and follow and justify their shit they get worse. Stop being a faggot OP.

im sorry ill try not to be one

You can give into it some of the time. Minor things like this don't really matter much. Otherwise i agree with you.

Say nothing and tell him it's probably a bug in PSN.

Just tell him you were getting mails about somebody trying to log in/hack your account and as a countermeasure you had to reset your password and reset console priorities.

these are also viable options, thanks guys!
i agree!

Why can't you just tell him in the morning? This isn't an urgent situation.

yeah, i guess you are right... i just didnt really know what to do so i asked yo guys since you are all very intelligent

>you are all very intelegent
Oh, user

Having your Ps4 set as your primary console let's you play digital games even if you're offline.

OP here, i did not know that!!! user thanks for telling me that, now i feel much less like a faggot. i think i wont have internet for a few days soon so that definitely makes me feel better!

Nothing weird qt all about doing what you dis. Theyre your fucking games so u have the right to be the fucking primary account if thats the way you want it. Your friend will kust have to deal with it and u can gUys can work arouns whatever the fuck u did. God damn op ur pissing me off.

>friend wakes up
"Awe damn why can i play my friends games that i dont even own"
>tell him you fucked with some shit because you clicked ob primary because u felt like it and it seemed cool whatever FUCK U
>set the shit up so he can play games again or tell him to buy his own shit
Fuck op ur beta af

damn, you're right im being a faggot man.
i'm going to tell him i wanted to be the primary account and then tell him he literally had all that shit for free, so if he's mad he can fuck off.

thanks user

stupid fucking sonyggers chimpanzees fuck off this board with your autistic problems

If it's been just a few days then just be reasonable and tell him tomorrow that you were not really at ease with the agreement and you wanted to go back to normal. Say you're sorry it did not work out. Just have a bit of tact and common sense and it will turn out ok, he will probably understand.

yeah, it has not been more than a week, so im sure hell understand. i gotta handle this like an adult. thanks!

Kill yourself

just tell him and if you want to make it up just buy him a copy of the game he played the most as a gesture of kindness

yeah, that could definitely work too user. ill see if he reacts badly and if he does maybe ill buy him the game he played the most (overwatch)